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26 Jan 2022
ALAUX 004/22

Subj: Auxiliary Currency Maintenance Changes for CY 2021

  1. The Coast Guard continues to recognize the unprecedented challenges imposed on its Auxiliarists since the outset of the COVID-19 global pandemic, and greatly appreciates the understanding and responsibility demonstrated by all Auxiliarists in preserving their health and well-being as well as that of our Nation’s maritime public.
  2. Significant constraints were again levied upon Auxiliarists’ ability to perform authorized activities in Calendar Year (CY) 2021 by the COVID-19 virus. These constraints significantly and detrimentally impacted the ability of many Auxiliarists to apply their competencies, perform their authorized activities, and maintain their currencies. Consequently, the following changes to CY 2021 currency maintenance requirements apply for CY 2022:
    1. General Qualification and Currency Maintenance Requirements.
      • All annual currency maintenance requirements for CY 2021 (e.g., the five vessel safety checks required to maintain currency as a vessel examiner) and other-than-annual requirements that were due in CY 2021 (e.g., the 3-year check ride required to maintain currency as a coxswain if due in 2021) are again waived except the tests and workshops that were able to be completed online through the Auxiliary Learning Management System (AUXLMS) or Auxiliary National Classroom.
      • These waived currency maintenance requirements must now be completed by 31 December 2022 (e.g., the five vessel safety checks that were originally required by 31 December 2021 in order to maintain currency as a Vessel Examiner must now be completed by 31 December 2022). Currency maintenance requirements that were applicable for CY 2021 are cancelled (e.g., a Vessel Examiner will only have to perform five vessel safety checks in CY 2022 in order to maintain currency).
      • CY 2021 completion of the Team Coordination Training (TCT) Refresher and the Crew Resource Management (CRM) Refresher is not waived because these refreshers were available through webinars.
      • If an Auxiliarist started CY 2020 in REYR status in a competency and was unable to fulfill the requirements to regain certification during CY 2020 and CY 2021, then the Auxiliarist will remain in REYR status in that competency and will have until 31 December 2022 to complete those same requirements in order to regain certification.
      • All requirements for initial qualification/certification remain in effect and will not be waived.
    2. Auxiliary Aviation Specifics: The currency task requirements listed below are waived for CY 2021 and must be completed by the dates specified:
      • The semi-annual Air Mission Currency task (3 missions totaling at least 6 hours) with a currency expiration date of 30 June 2021 and/or 31 December 2021 must be completed by 30 June 2022.
      • Annual and greater-than-annual cycle (2-year/5-year) currency tasks with a currency expiration date no later than 31 December 2021 must be completed by 31 December 2022 (e.g., a biennial check ride that was originally required by 31 December 2021 in order to maintain currency as a pilot must now be completed by 31 December 2022).
      Task Name Frequency Affected Competencies
      Air Mission Currency Semi-annual First Pilots,
      Aircraft Commanders,
      Instructor Pilots / Flight Examiners
      Emergency Egress Training Annual All AUXAIR Competencies
      Swim Test Annual All AUXAIR Competencies
      Annual Aviation Workshop Annual All Pilots and Air Crew
      Instructional Flights (3) Annual Instructor Pilots / Flight Examiners
      Auxiliary Flight Check Biennial First Pilots,
      Aircraft Commanders,
      Instructor Pilots / Flight Examiners
      Flight Crew Medical Screening* Biennial-Sliding Air Crew and Air Observers
      AUX-17 Crew Resource Mgmt. 5-Year All AUXAIR Competencies
      AUX-18 Spatial Disorientation 5-Year All Pilots
      * Must be completed as soon as possible and no later than 31 December 2022. If certified Air Crew/Air Observers have experienced any significant medical change since their last Flight Crew Medical Screening that would affect mission performance and/or would preclude medical clearance by a medical authority, then they must notify the District Director of Auxiliary prior to engaging in flight operations.
    3. In addition, all Auxiliary aviation pilots will then be required to:
      • Maintain all FAA license and flight requirements including biennial check flights and holding a minimum of a valid Third Class FAA Medical Certificate.
      • Maintain Passenger Currency requirements(for pilots carrying passengers or crew).
      • Fly and log a minimum of 12 hours Pilot-In-Command (PIC) time each semi-annual period (may be General Aviation or Auxiliary flight).
      • Complete the CRM Refresher.
  3. These waivers of CY 2021 currency maintenance requirements represent a second consecutive year of doing so. A third consecutive year of such is not envisioned regardless of COVID-19-induced circumstances and should not be expected. Questions should be directed to the servicing District Director of Auxiliary (DIRAUX) and Operations Training Officer (OTO).
  4. Internet release is authorized.
US Coast Guard Auxiliary Bar

***For many reasons including the value of keeping communication lines clear and open as well as facilitating access to training and educational tools, all Auxiliarists are urged to have their own email address and to keep it updated in AUXDATA.***

US Coast Guard Auxiliary Bar

*All ALAUX's are posted on the Chief Director of Auxiliary web site located at: CHDIRAUX ALAUX

If you have a question regarding this ALAUX, please seek resolution within your Chain of Leadership and Management (COLM) including up to your servicing District Director of Auxiliary (DIRAUX). If your question still cannot be resolved after that, then please email