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AUXAIR is an Auxiliary operational program, but organized on a district level rather than on a flotilla and division basis. AUXAIR aviators have varied aviation backgrounds and many have prior military experience. AUXAIR aviators volunteer their aircraft for use as facilities, just as surface operators volunteer their boats.
As with surface operators, air facility operators are issued patrol orders. Orders are issued based on the needs of the Coast Guard and the availability of crews and facilities. Coast Guard Air Stations are the Order Issuing Authority for AUXAIR. This alignment of Auxiliary aviation assets in a district with an Air Station is known as the “squadron concept”, because aviation orders and direction flow directly between the Air Station and the district aviation staff.
AUXAIR participates in many Coast Guard missions including:
- Search and Rescue
- Ports, Waterways and Coastal Security
- Marine Safety
- Pollution Response
- Aids to Navigation
- Ice Reconnaissance
- Logistic Transport
Resource Links
AUXAIR participates in many Coast Guard missions including:
- Search and Rescue
- Ports, Waterways and Coastal Security
- Marine Safety
- Pollution Response
- Aids to Navigation
- Ice Reconnaissance
- Logistic Transport
Resource Links