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The Woods Hole Flotilla doesn't currently have members who are involved in Auxiliary Air missions. However, the Auxiliary does have an active air (AUXAIR) program that is available to members interested in becoming qualified as a Pilot, an Observer or an Air Crew.

AUXAIR aviators volunteer their aircraft for use as facilities, just as surface operators volunteer their boats. All Auxiliary aircraft meet strict U.S. Coast Guard and Federal Aviation Administration requirements. There aircraft are inspected annually per the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard instruction.

AUXAIR participates in many Coast Guard missions including:

Search and Rescue
Ports,  Waterways and Coastal Security
Marine Safety
Pollution Response
Aids to Navigation
Ice Reconnaissance

It also conducts Logistic Transport Missions. AUXAIR is an integral part of the Coast Guard search and rescue team and its homeland security forces.

You can learn more about this by visiting the Auxiliary Air Division of the National Response Directorate of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. 

Below are pictures of Auxiliary Air Crews