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Division 1 What's New!

12 September 2018: Division 1 Color Guard members prepare to present the colors on the USS Midway for the Volunteer Recognition Event. (L-R) Angie Ginn, Robert Johnson, Randy Houk, Skip Thompson and Vern Torres. USS Midway photo

2018 Division 1 Color Guard members 

25 March 2018: Division 1 Color Guard members prepare to present the colors at the awards ceremony. (L-R) Randy Houk, Steve Mayers, Skip Thompson and Vern Torres. Connie Houk photo

Division 1 Color Guard 

6 January 2018: Division 1 members accept award for CG Meritorious Team Commendation for Life Jacket Wear Observation Study 2015/16. (L-R) Skip Sorenson, Randy Wesson, Robert Yslas, Brian Constantino, Gary Peterson, James Scoffin and Admiral Todd Sokalzuk.

DTrain award 

6 January 2018: Division 1 Color Guard members prepare to present the colors at the opening ceremony at DTrain. (L-R) CDR Will Tisch, Randy Houk, Ron Lyons and Steve Mayers.

Division 1 Color Guard