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Flotilla 8-5 Uniform Information

 The National Uniforms, Insignia & Ribbons page provides information about;
  • Flotilla, Division, District and National level shoulder boards, collar devices and flags 
  • Uniforms and Uniform Care
  • Ribbons, Medals, Awards, Insignias and Badges
  • Customs and Courtesy

   The Uniform Procurement Guide is designed to give Auxiliarists the latest in-depth Official policy and information covering uniform garments, source of supply, ordering procedures, helpful size charts prices, and whom to contact when purchasing garments

The Uniform Presentation 12-15 - PPT gives basic uniform information for new members and a good refresher for all.

The Ribbon Checker - Ribbons Precedence for the Coast Guard Forces

The USCG Uniform Distribution Center site for size and order number for ordering uniforms can be reached here.