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Division 20 Uniform Information

Uniform Division regulations and information on wearing the Auxiliary uniform.

 CG Exchange purchase uniform items like ODUs, tropical blue, etc.

 CGAUX Association Store purchase uniform accessories, insignia, hats etc.

The Division 20 Uniform Exchange are updated lists of new & used uniform items for members to buy, sell, or donate to other Division 20 members. There's also a list of uniform items wanted to buy!

This Exchange is similar to newspaper ads placed by the readers. The parties contact each other and work out the transaction and deliver the uniform item--there's no "middle-man" or storeroom of inventory.

How The Division 20 Uniform Exchange Works:

Members fill out the required information (Sell/Donate) and email it to [email protected]

A Division 20 staff member posts item(s) on Uniform Exchange.

Reader contacts the seller.

Seller and buyer work out the final price (if any) and delivery.

Seller emails [email protected] that the item(s) are no longer available asap, and the ad is removed.

Seller receives payment and delivers the uniform item(s)!If you have questions, please email  [email protected].

Division 20 Uniform Exchange Listing