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Flotilla 6-6 Member Training

Brian N. Tankersley is Flotilla 66’s Member Training officer, and can be reached at [email protected].

For Applicants & Newer members

Membership training is a crucial part of member activities. In fact, it is hard to think of any Auxiliary activity which does not have training available to define program mission requirements and assure a competent, superior performance in all that we do. The Auxiliary training sites listed below will give you access to most of the training offered by the Auxiliary, Coast Guard, and FEMA.

New members must take the New Members Course.

Other courses will require a Member Zone password that is also used for AuxOfficer/AuxDirectory, NTC, Webforms, and other Auxiliary systems. If you are a member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, and you have not already activated your Member Zone password, you can activate or reactivate it at any time by going to: Member Zone Password, and follow the instructions under Obtain or Change Password.

Minimum requirements to obtain a password are:

  • A valid, current email address in the AuxOfficer/AuxDirectory system, to which you have current access, at the computer at which you are working when you follow the procedure.
  • Ability to immediately receive email at the above address, for confirmation purposes. You must confirm via the email within 15 minutes.
  • Your seven-digit Auxiliary Member ID.
  • A password for your account.

Mandatory Training

The Auxiliary Basic Qualification Course II (BQC II) is required. Access this course at BQC II

All Auxiliary members must complete mandatory courses. Go to the Mandated Training Site to complete the courses on line. Once you have finished all the courses, download a copy of the Mandated Self Training Attestation Form, print a copy, and fill it out.

Another option is to go to the Auxiliary Learning Management System (AUXLMS) to learn about which mandatory courses must be completed, and how to take these courses online.

The last two Mandatory Classes are IS-100.b Introduction to Incident Command System and IS-700.a National Incident Management System (NIMS).

Staff Officer Training and Resources

For training assistance, new Auxiliary members should immediately contact Brian N. Tankersley, the member training officer (FSO-MT) for Flotilla 66, at [email protected]. If you are assigned a Flotilla Staff Officer position (e.g. FSO-CS), go to the Flotilla Procedure Guide, which will define your duties.

This Qualification Table shows each Auxiliary qualification, the responsible Directorate, and (where available) the program within the Directorate. Use this table to find information on qualifications of interest.

National Training Directorate Web Site

Training Directorate (T-DIR) is where to find all Auxiliary training information.

T-DIR has the National Member Training Compendium in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Its purpose is to provide a single source for ALL Member Training information. The Compendium has active links for: Manuals, Exams, PQS’s, and Power Points. It includes links to On-Line courses as well.

Additional information includes pre-requisites, AUXOP credits, and instructions to access some of the password-protected training websites e.g. AUXLMS, NTC. Information on how to use the Compendium is found HERE. The direct link to the compendium is found here: COMPENDIUM.