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Division 7 Member Training

Members of Division 7 can find online support using the following links

U.S. Coast Guard Uniform Distribution Center 

Ribbon and Award Placement Checker

New Member Deck 


The ICS 210 class and the Vessel Examiner classes are on line now at AUXLAMS website.


These courses do not need a proctor. Some other courses on the site are:

500997 IS-700: NIMS, An Introduction.                
IS-100.b Introduction to Incident Command System, ICS-100
502290 Influenza Training
502306 Ethics 1- Personal Gifts
502310 Civil Rights Awareness
Building resilience and preventing Suicide in the Coast Guard
810000 Sexual Harassment Prevention/Response
810015  Privacy at DHS: Protecting Personal Information

Our Communication Officer will be teaching a technician ham technician license class, and a general radio license class again this year.