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Flotilla 24-1 Member Training


This is just a reminder that Training Tuesday (19 MAR) this will will be the Instructor Workshop at 1900 Eastern

19 MAR TRAINING TUESDAY - Instructor Workshop @ 1900 via TEAMS at this login.

21 - 24 MAR - District Nine Central Training Conference will be virtual.

8 APR - Bay City Flotilla Meeting at 1930 at Coast Guard Station Saginaw River and online at this TEAMS login.  Member Training will be on the Chain of Leadership and Managment.

9 APR TRAINING TUESDAY - Vessel Exam Workshop @ 1900 via TEAMS at this login.


16 and 18 APR - Risk Management/TCT online using TEAMS at this location from 1900 to 2100.  You must attend both nights for course credit.  Please register in advance by an email to [email protected].


20 APR - Division 24 Meeting at Coast Guard Station Saginaw River at 1000.  Member Training will be how a Flotilla (or a Division) should function.


23 APR - Training Tuesday - New Member Orientation via TEAMS at this login.

Training Tuesday will be taking a couple of weeks off and resume with the Vessel Examiner workshop on 9 April.

Semper Paratus

Garrison L. Bromwell

Saginaw Bay Area Division Member Training Officer
Branch Chief - Culinary Assistance - Atlantic East
Branch Chief - Instruction - Response Department
