Flotilla 6-9 Member Training
Sector Miami-Train
Sector Miami-Train is scheduled for the weekend of February 22 and 23. The training will be held at 100 MacArthur Causeway, Miami Beach. The event will begin with a small breakfast at 0800 and end at approximately 1700 on both Saturday and Sunday. More details will be sent as we get closer to the event.
Some of the classes that will be taught are:
- Navigation Systems (ATON / PATON Verifier) ***Please see below for additional information
- Emergency Management
- Culinary Assistance
- Recreational Boating Safety
- AUXPAD Program Overview
- Instructor Training
- Telecommunications
- AUXSCOUT Program
- Leadership Academy
- Overview of the UPV Program (Uninspected Passenger Vessel)
A description of the classes and what will be covered will be sent out in the next few weeks, along with a registration link.
***If you are interested in attending the Navigation Systems class at Sector Train with Chief McGuigan (from ANT Fort Lauderdale) and get hands-on training aboard the ANT boats on February 22nd and 23rd, you must first attend the upcoming NS zoom workshop which begins on Wednesday evening, January 22nd, and will be held every Wednesday night thereafter until February 19. Please see the attachment with more details on the class and how to register. This is one of the mission areas that the Coast Guard greatly needs our help in.