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Flotilla 2-3 Member Training

Crew Training May 2024

Posted by: Ronald Scarazzo

Boat Crew Training was performed both 'Shoreside' and 'In the Water' this summer 2024 

   ** Thus far, Congrats to our newest QE graduate, Joe Stubblefield **

Current Boatcrew Certfied are;

      Robin Pope, Bob Poindexter (Coxswain) and Joe Stubblefield 

 Continuing trainees are pending QE Exam:

      Michael Kurzum and Ron Scarazzo

Robert Poindexter is teaching the course "Small Boat Seamanship" from the text book entitled the same, a U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary certified course this August in Blairsville, Ga

REMINDER:   Students in the course need to complete the TCT/RM course by the QE Exam