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Flotilla 3-10 Member Training

Proficiency and Excellence through Training


                           Member Training Compendium

The National Training Directorate has implemented the National Member Training Compendium in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. Its purpose is to provide a single source for ALL Member Training information. The Compendium has active links for: Manuals, Exams, PQS’s, and Power Points. It includes links to On-Line courses as well. Additional information includes: prerequisites,  AUXOP credits, and instructions to access some of the password protected training websites e.g. AUXLMS, National Testing Center.

Click on Compendium to take advantage of this comprehensive resource.

 Or contact our Member Training Officer for assistance - Joe Riley at 804-472-4521


OPs Training Slide Shows

  Here is an excellent link to many documents and slide shows about Operations.

                                           OPs Training Resources



SAR Plotting training

search and rescue plotting exercise
navigation training