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Flotilla 6-5 Member Training

National Vessel Examiner and Instructor Workshops

The Vessel Examiner (VE) Workshops is required for 2024. The Instructor (IT) Workshop is strongly encouraged. These workshops are intended to be viewed by members and completion logged via a self-attestation form as described below. 

2024 Vessel Examiner Workshop 

The VE workshop is required for all certified Vessel Examiners, and those currently training to become Vessel Examiners, including members in REYR status who intend to regain their certification.

The VE workshop presentation can be found here 2024 Vessel Examiners Workshop.

2024 Instructor Workshop

The IT workshop is strongly encouraged for all certified Instructors and those currently training to become Instructors, including members in Required Yearly Not Met (REYR) status who intend to regain their certification.

The IT workshop presentation can be found here 2024 Instructor Workshop.

In addition, members can go to Workshops ( and find the 2021, 2022, and 2023 IT Workshops in archive. 

Workshop Attestation Form

Members who individually view the VE or IT workshops in their entirety must submit a Workshop Attestation Form to the FSO-IS for entry into AUXDATA II. 

For the Vessel Examiner and Information Technology Workshop Attestation Form, click here. Yes, this form is used for both workshops.



AUXDATA II is now in place for members to enter activities, mission hours and obtain patrol orders.

Go to AUXDATA II on the Information technology Directorate website to find out what's new, information on Getting Started, FAQs and Account Activation and Two-Factor Authentication. 

There are videos and PowerPoint presentations that provide "how to".

All members should contact Rose DeGabriele, FSO-IS at to receive their initial training after activating their accounts. You can not begin to enter activity unless you have been trained by Rose.