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Newsletter & Web Site Article Submissions

Wed, 07 Feb 24   Posted by: Walter Baranger

Share your experiences and future plans with your shipmates. You are invited to submit articles for OC North newsletter and this web site.

Article Submissions: Please send articles to: [email protected]

The guidelines are simple:

  • If the story will be longer that 500 words drop me a note before starting to write.
  • Discuss your story idea with the relevant FSO/SO/DSO to ensure that they know you will be writing a story. Then let me know.
  • If you provide photos, also send caption information including the names and ranks/offices of anyone appearing in the photos, along with the time and place where the photo was taken.
  • Many articles can be brightened by the use of direct quotations, names of participants, and specific details. Feel free to ask me for pointers.
  • When writing, keep in mind that OC North newsletter and this web site are publicly accessible. and may be seen by potential Auxiliary recruits.

Newsletter & Web Site Photo/Video Submissions

Posted by: Walter Baranger

Your photos and videos are always welcome.

Photos and videos go a long way toward making this web site and the flotilla newsletter both entertaining and informative.

Please send newsletter and web site photo submissions: to [email protected]

Photos should be full resolution and not edited, cropped or Photoshopped. Cropping can limit how we use photos, and I cannot use photos that have been modified in Photoshop.

Auxiliary members must be properly uniformed, unless depicted in civilian wear. The Coast Guard does not allow Auxiliary web sites and publications to use photos of members incorrectly wearing a uniform. If you think you have a photo that merits an exception, it must be cleared through DirAux.

Some email programs ask senders to specify the size of the photos to be sent. Choose "Full" or "Original" to ensure that the highest possible quality is used.

Rule of thumb: If the photo file size is less than 100kB or if the picture is embedded in a Microsoft Word document, it's probably too small to use.

If you are sending many photos or are sending a video, the best way is often with a link from a Google Drive or DropBox folder; some email systems limit the sizes of attachments, so a link is the best alternative.

Preferred Image File Formats

Photos: RAW*, DNG*, TIFF*, JPEG/JPG (Always use the highest resolution allowed by your camera.)

Videos: MPG*, MOV*, MP4*, WEBM (In all cases, setting the video camera to 4K or 1080p at 30 or 60 frames per second is best. Use 720p if 4K or 1080p are not available.)

*The best choice for quality images. iPhones and most digital cameras have a RAW option.