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FC – 091-26-02 Charlevoix
FC Report Summary:
PE -Eric Kesseler, FSO-PE has gotten rolling with setting up 3 area middle schools for the Boats and Kids program. This is always a fun program that really is well received at the schools.
We also have a date set for a presentation at the Charlevoix Library again –inviting the public to learn more about the USCG and the Auxiliary.
We have 2 new instructors ready for the practical part of qualifying.
PV – Bob Leddy, FSO-PV is getting traction on the PV program and his responsibility. With Bob’s extensive travel around the State of Michigan, he intends to really expand coverage of our division in this.MT – By the time of this division meeting we hope to have active members current with core/annual courses.
PA - The Charlevoix Public Library event will fall between PA and PE. Other area events we typically support have not been set up yet.
AuxPad – Kateri Janavicius has stepped down from the District level responsibilities but will remain active in the program and help others to get operational qualified.
OPS – Back down to 4 members with CRW/CX qualifications – but to get 4 working on the CRW qualification PQS.
The intent is to be ready by Boat School 2024. Boat School 2024 is our next big event June 7, 8, 9 – should be another great event.
Fellowship and Membership
– Currently on the Winter Dinner meeting schedule – great attendance and fellowship.
One new transfer into the flotilla Gregg Peabody from 20-12. Welcome Gregg!
Report submitted by:Glen Stolt, SO-OP
Matt Mousseau
26-04 Alpena FC
We are expecting to do our first Meeting in March.
091-26-10 Report
The flotilla is actively working with Coast Guard Station Charlevoix and Air Station Traverse on Ice Recon missions throughout our AOR.
Traverse City has an active group of members working toward CA-1 certifications. Our second class with be onFebruary 28 at the Air Station in Traverse City and will include members from Charlevoix. Lynda Stolt will be finishing her qualifications as a CA Instructor.
It was great to see that over 90% of our flotilla has completed their Core Training requirements and all but 3 total are current through 2025 and beyond.
We have added 2 new boats for Surface operation starting this spring and now have 5 active Surface facilities in our Flotilla.The flotilla will start promoting our RBS classes beginning the first of March. We had record class sizes in 2023.
Dick LavantureFC
During the past couple of years our Flotilla has been going through a rebuilding process. We have had three retirements and have added five new members. The Applications of three more potential members are being processed.
Our Operation members were busy throughout the summer and into the fall assisting with the training of Active Duty members on the water.
Three of our members are in watchstanding training, which they hope to complete this year.
One of our members, Kyle Button, is now serving as the Branch Chief for Cybersecurity Infrastructure Management for the Auxiliary.
We are incorporating a training session into the agenda of each of our meetings following the formal agenda. In January the focus was on essential knot tying, and in our February meeting the focus will be on uniform requirements.
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Marsden, FC
January 2024 Division Report
• Our Culinary Assistance Program remains in a state of “Hurry up and Wait”. Recruiting is slow. I’ve been told we have a new SOP manual coming out with updates. And update to updates. Getting myself fully trained for this position has been challenging.
• Traverse City has three potential trainees. I am waiting for contact from them in order to complete the first step of their training which is an interview with the SO-CA.
• District 91 has 29 CA1s and Division 26 still only has 4 CA1s
• Jim Frick and Dick Lavanture received their CA-IT Qualification in order to expedite the processes for training.• Traverse City plans to train enough CA1s to allow the Auxiliary to prepare 1 meal a day, 5 days a week for Air Station Traverse City.
• TC will be getting a new CS2 and CS3 this summer.
• Glen and Lynda Stolt have been actively supporting Station St. Ignace, the Biscayne Bay and Station Charlevoix.
• Station Charlevoix’s CS2 is leaving and being replaced with a CS1 as the Station now has a CS1 classification.
• We hope to train a couple of CA1s during the 2024 Charlevoix Annual Auxiliary Boat School.
Respectfully submitted,Lynda A. Stolt, SO-CA
James Munger, SO-CS
·Website will be updated by end of month.
·Need everyone to send me their events
Karen Munger, SO-DV
·Everyone is reminded that Diversity is much more than race or gender
·Monthly Diversity training sessions being offered on-line
·Monthly Diversity Moment – one page on an aspect of diversity to encourage discussion from Nat Henderson, DSO-DV. Emailed to all FC, VFC and FSO-DV
Randy Lawton
SO-MSFlotillas 26-02 and 26-10 are the only flotillas with marine safety staff officers. I have reached out to the other flotilla commanders encouraging them to appoint a FSO-MS.
Several members from several flotillas continue to be involved as responders to potential pollution responses throughout the division. There have been no reported incidents since this team was stood up, but we continue to be ready.
The Sector has a continuing need to UPV inspectors. We had a couple of members express interest last summer, bug graining opportunities were problematic. I have queried the flotillas to see if there is renewed interest. If so, I will work with the marine safety personnel at Sector to see about providing the PQS training.
Accomplished: Delivered an
introductory informational session on ATON Verification at the Fall D-Train
with CWO2 Palmer from Sector Northern Great Lakes.
Approved 2 new ATON Verifiers in 9CR
Scheduled to provide a class in ATON Verification with classroom sign-offs at Spring D-Train, again with CWO2 Palmer.
Sending information about Spring D-train to solicit interested individuals.
No FSO-NS or SO-NS Staff Officers had anything to report in this quarter.
James Frick, SO-NS
Operations Staff Officer Report
SO Report Summary:
TVC and CHX flotilla are back doing ice reports. Aux Air from TVC is the primary method each week and TVC and CVX surface vehicles are back up if Aux Air cannot fly due to weather.
Charlevoix will be hosting a boat school again this year – June 7-9 – Mark Calendars – make VBRO or hotel reservations! Plans are to use our Traverse City Flotilla’s Comms Trailer for comms and comms qualifications again, Aux Air for SAR practice, Classroom presentations, Surface operation practice and of course Surface Qualification Check rides. If you send a crew member with PQS complete – they should go home qualified and with great experience.
Another Patrol Boat for Manistique! – same set up as the CVX flotilla Steigercraft 25 . The second donation from Jack Manley will be picked up in the spring. Dustin Denkins will be taking the boat in for cleaning, rebedding, replacing components adding some safety gear but hopefully it will be ready for patrols in the late spring/summer.
Dustin is very excited about this opportunity and will be looking for help to get this facility ready.
I will also be making a visit to Chicago to go through a storage container full of spare tow boat and response gear. I will pick through what we may be able to use and share with the division. If anyone has needs for their facility: cleats, hand holds, propellers, lines, fenders, etc. Let me know specifics.
Conclusion/Closing comments: Lets restore the Operations performance in 2024!
James Munger, SO-PA
Coastie is reserved for Engineering Days at Salut
St. Marie June 28, 2024 . Karen Munger
and I will be the operators.
·Anyone interested in becoming a Coastie operator, contact me directly
We had a successful first year with our In-Vision 26 Division Newsletter. We published 4 newsletters and a couple of our articles were developed for publication in our Districts publication of the “Mainstream”.
2024 will bring new and exciting events to report. It will take all of us to make it a success again.
Our next publication will be March, 2024. I have requested noteworth news and information from our members.
Respectfully submitted
Lynda A. Stolt, SO-PB 091-26
James Munger, SO-PE
· Need flotillas to send me information on any classes that they will presenting.
VE report
All VE's will have to take a class this year. Check with the Division for times of on line classes.
Stanley Sionkowski