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Prohibition Against Employee ID Number
Wed, 05 Dec 12
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Sensitive Systems Policy, DHS MD 4300A (series) C. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Handbook for Safeguarding Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (SPII) D. U.S.
Coast Guard Security and Information Assurance Manual, COMDTINST 5500.13
(series) E. Privacy Incident Response, Notification and Reporting Procedures for PII, COMDTINST 5260.5 (series)
1. Reference (A) is cancelled.
2. Reference (B) defines Personally Identifiable Information (PII) as any information that can be used to trace the identity of an individual.
3. In accordance with Reference (C), SPII is the aggregation of PII that includes the names of military members or government employees. Lost, compromised, or disclosed SPII could result in substantial harm to an individual.
4. Employee Identification Numbers (EMPLIDs) are identifiers directly linked to an individual military member or government employee. EMPLID, when combined with the name of a military member or government employee, is considered SPII.
5. Effective immediately, EMPLIDs, when used in conjunction with an employees name, are no longer authorized for internet release.
6. Webmasters should remove previously posted messages containing names and EMPLIDs from the internet.
7. EMPLIDs shall only be shared with persons, including the general public, having a legal or legitimate need to know in connection with official government business.
8. Any unit requiring the release of EMPLIDs in conjunction with an employees name to active, reserve, or civilian personnel may do so using the CGPortals restricted communities.
9. USCG Auxiliary EMPLIDS are member ID numbers used as discriminators for individual activity reporting and tracking. They are activity centric and are not linked to in formation that if lost, compromised, or disclosed could result in substantial harm to the Auxiliarist. Therefore, Auxiliary EMPLIDS are not considered Sensitive PII and are exempt from this policy.
10. Refer to Reference (D) for policy on sending emails containing SPII/PII.
11. Policy changes described within this ALCOAST will be added to the next revision of Reference (E).
12. COMDT (CG-6) POC for Information Assurance is LCDR Donald Shaffer, Donald.E.Shaffer(at), 202-475-3578. COMDT (CG-6) POC for Privacy is CWO Dennis Wilson, Dennis.J.Wilson(at), 202-475-3688.
13 Released by RADM R. E. Day, Assistant Commandant for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Information Technology.
New email address for the DIRAUX office
The DIRAUX Office has a new joint email address that each one of us can access. This email address will be used to receive any newsletter, unit meeting minutes, qualifications, Short-Term Training Requests, Offers for Use, etc. In short, any action items. This will ensure 1) they get put on the tracker and assigned to the correct staff, 2) that emails will be sent to one address thus eliminating the large volume of duplicate work we end up with when more than one of us is emailed with the same item, and finally, ensures items are not held up in someone's email box while they are on leave or in a travel status.
Please begin using our new email address immediately:
PERSONAL ADDRESS AS WELL. We are really striving to reduce the redundancy
in this office.
If you have any questions, email the new address and one of us will respond to you.