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C-School 2017

The latest update, as of 5 Jan 17, to the 2017 C-School courses are listed here as a PDF.  This changes as the attendance does.  We will keep this up to date as per the National Directorate. If you would like to attend any of these courses, you'll will need a 7059 form.  Everything you need to know about registering, getting orders, reimbursement and more, are on the C-School FAQ page.

Mandatory Training

Auxiliary Learning Management System (AUXLMS) - The mandatory courses for all Auxiliary members are available online; click here to login.

The below courses are required every five years.

  • DHS Together - Resilience Training - course code 502379
  • Security Education and Training Awareness (SETA) - course code 810030
  • Privacy at DHS / Protecting Personal Information - course code 810015
  • Sexual Harassment Prevention - course code 810000
  • Sexual Assault Prevention and Response - course code 810045
  • Civil Rights Awareness - course code 502319;

These below listed courses are required;only once (new members shall complete them during their first year of enrollment):

The New Basic Qualification Course II   This is the new Basic Qualification course required of all new Auxiliarists.  Based on the Auxiliary Manual (AUXMAN), Auxiliary Members who are familiar with the customs, traditions and history of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, understand our Missions and Programs, the organizational structure, the policies and regulations that guide us, and understand the protocols and proper uniform wear, will be far better prepared to serve the Coast Guard than less knowledgeable Members.  Use your Member ID and password to log in.

National Training Page  All Things Training


Login's and passwords can get little confusing, at first.  With regards to MOST things Auxiliary, i.e. AuxDirectory, the CG Auxiliary websites, the NTC, the 7029, etc,, your login will be your Member (EMPLID) ID and whatever password you have set up in the Member Zone.  If you need to set up or change your Member Zone password, go here and follow the instructions below.

Logging on the AUXLMS is a little different for security reasons. To set up your password for the first time, as well as changing your password,  you will follow these steps:

Access to AUXLMS is through the following site:

           (1)  Click on the "I forgot my password" link under the Login button.

           (2)  Fill in the Username field with your e-mail address that you have in AUXDATA.  If you do don have an email address in AUXDATA, contact the FSO-IS.  He will get one in the system for you.  The email address in AUXDATA is the same email address you have listed in the AuxDirectory and it will be your username for AUXLMS. Click on the Submit button.

           (3)  An e-mail will be sent to that e-mail address and it will contain your login and temporary password.

          (4)  Return to and use the credentials provided in the e-mail to log in.

           (5)  Once logged in, you will then be asked to change your password.

Other Links

7029 - Time Sheet.  And don't forget to "Submit" at the End of Each Month.

7030 - Mission Time for Boat Shows, Patrols and basically everything but RBS and VE's.

7038 - Recreational Vessel Examination.  Submit after VE's

7046- RBS Visitation

All other E-Forms - Fully online forms., No printing required

National Testing Center

Online Classroom

Flotilla Procedure Manual

Fingerprint Technician Study Guide.  Test on the NTC