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USCGAUX Flotilla 42 - 2023 Meeting Dates
All meetings start 2000 - (8:00 PM)
January 17 & 24
February 21 & 28
March 21 & 28
April 18 & 25
May 16 & 23
June 20 & 27
July 18 & 25
August 15 (subject to cancellation)
September 20 & 27
October 17 & 24
November 21 & 28
December TBD
Business Meeting Minutes: 17 January 2023
Meeting Held at DeHart Center Senior Citizens Center and ZOOM.Meeting called to order at 2000 by FC, A. Iannacone
In person attendance: P. Blank, M. Carmel, P. Fiumara, A. Iannacone, S. Krok, V Krok, P. MacWalters
On Line attendance: J.W. Alexandre, K. Bosland, A. Lane, V. Ramsberger
Flotilla Commanders report: Please ensure 7501 forms are up to date. Finance reports are due to the Division Commander by 20 January. VE workshop is required for all VEs. New form 7000 will be available for meeting minutes. Minutes need to be retained for 10 years. Division membership down to 95 members. COW has been postponed. More discussion to come.
Staff Officer Reports:
Communications: Year end total AuxNet mission 49
Comm Svcs: Website up to date.
Diversity: N/R
Finance: Report submitted electronically. Financial data redacted.
IS: Rpt submitted electronically. Highlights include
Materials: Need to purchase books for upcoming ABS class. Also need to purchase stamps and envelopes.
Marine Safety: N/R
Member Training: New Boat crew manaual handbook now online. Night patrol required.
Nav. Systems: N/R
Operations: N/R
Public Affairs: N/R
Publications: N/R
Public Education: ABS course at Motorcycle mall to be scheduled. Will look at dates for Feb or March.
Program Visitor: N/R
Secretary/Records: N/R
Vessel Examiner: N/R
Old Business: None
New Business: 1. P.C. Fiumara raised requirements of completing Form 7101 (Covid compliance) to the meeting. 2. All members were reminded to complete and submit this form. 3. Members were reminded to volunteer for the upcoming NY Boat Show at Javits Center. 4. Members were reminded to take available training for Vice Commander and Commander positions. 5. Discussion was shared regarding obtaining postage through the USCGA. 6. Members were reminded to communicate "Report-No Report" if applicable.
Good and Welfare: Happy New Year to all.
Meeting adjourned at 2103
Flotilla training meeting to take place virtually on 24 January via zoom.
February Flotilla meeting schedule for 21 February
Business Meeting Minutes, 15 November 2022
Meeting Held at DeHart Center Senior Citizens Center and ZOOM.Meeting called to order at 2000 by FC, P. Blank
Pledge of Allegiance led by: Steve Krok
Attendance Live: Iannacone, V.Krok, S.Krok, Hille, Parks, Lane, Alexandre, Fiumara, Blank, Munir, Burns, MacWaltersAttendance Virtual: Carmel, Ramsberger, Miceili, Balaban, Bosland
Guests: Division 4 Commander Tom Botsolas
Election of Flotilla Commander Al Iannacone and Election of Flotilla Vice Commander Pat Fiumara.
(Observed and certified by DCR Botsolas)
A deployment report from Andrew Lane On the Southern Border
Flotilla Commanders notes from Division Meeting and General notes.
After just watching All Quiet on the Western Front I would like to commerate Veterans Day on the 11th Of November and ask that the veterans please rise and state their name and service and any other comments at this time. (I believe we have Al Iannacone, Steve Krok, Ken Bosland, Pat Mac Walters and Peter Blank . Generic reminders about future Change of Watch, preparing annual inventory and form 7007 Annual Unit Officer Report. Flotilla 4-4 will be involved in the Edison Boat Show again this year. There is a new category of VE that is being promoted by the AUX for passenger boat inspectors. It involves anyone charging a fee to take an individual on a boat. Any VE qualified can investigate the new program. The biggest change in the Auxiliary is a new and improved update in the qualification for Coxswain and Boat Crew. I have sent information to all involved where to find and download the new qualification handbook. Huge changes involve new nighttime qualifications and vague references to vision, hearing and physical fitness. Members who have begun signoffs on the old qualifications have until December 31, 2023 to become qualified under the old book. I suggest a conference between Samantha, Pat Fiumara and the three crew trainees on making a decision on how to proceed in training and signoffs. No training meeting this month. Fellowship Dinner on December 6th. Next Meeting in JanuaryBefore moving on to staff reports I move that the posted minutes from October meeting be accepted by unanimous consent without objection. Objections. None. Minutes accepted.
Staff Officer Reports:CS: Website reviewed and updated. Meeting minutes posted
PE: Still trying to coordinate a schedule to present the ABS course to Motorcycle Mall employees. Currently on hold
CM: 4 Auxnet missions completed during the month. 44 year to date
OP: C=Season complete. Pat sent a report on lead boat for the USCGC Eagle score from Ambrose Channel to Statue of Liberty. Will need cooperation to complete quals in 2023.
PB: Anyone with Marathon and parade pics, please provide to B. Hille for posting.
FN: Report submitted electronically. Financial data redacted for web posting
IS: Report submitted electronically. Highlights include total hours 238.68. 10 of 30 members contributing hours (33.3%)
MT: October training class topic was night patrol. Next training will be scheduled for January, 2023.
Old Biz: No old business
New Biz: No new business
Good and Welfare: Happy Thanksgiving to all
Meeting adjourned 2120
Business Meeting Minutes, 18 October 2022
Meeting Held at DeHart Center Senior Citizens Center and ZOOM.
Meeting called to order at 20:07 by FC Peter BlankPledge of Allegiance led by V. Krock.
Attendance Live: Blank, Iannacone, Fiumara, Mac Walters, V. Krok, G.ParksAttendance Virtual: SJ Burns, JW Alexandre
Guests: n/a
Flotilla Commanders Comments: The Division meeting was moved up to 27October, if there is any important information to be transmitted I will send a note to all members. FSO’s please take this chance to send your reports to you Division Counterparts, please send “no report” is there is no report. Division
Division Elections will be on 27October. Dean Ferrao was reelected DCAPT.I have forwarded to members two requests for volunteers for the New York City Marathon and Veterans Day parade. If interested in participating please respond to the proper authorities.
In a few minutes we will be having nominations for FC and FVC, if you are nominated you must submit credentials to the nomination committee led by Marc Miceli. Elections will be held at our next meeting on November 15, 2022.
Our member Andy Lane is actively serving the Auxiliary being deployed to the Southern Border of the United States.
Our next training meeting will be ALL virtual next Tuesday night at 8PM. I will begin with the history of the sinking and burning of “The General Slocum” in New York City. The General Slocum disaster was the worst disaster in terms of loss of life until the September attacks on 9/11/2001. Please try to read a little ahead before the class, Just google, “General Slocum disaster.” After a short discussion Samantha Burns, training officer will give a brief class on night operations.
Before moving on to Staff officers’ reports we will vote on Minutes from our last meeting that have been posted on the Flotilla web side. I move they be accepted by unanimous consent without objection. ? Passed.STAFF OFFICER REPORTS:
CS: Meeting minutes posted. Website reviewed for content
PA: No Report
SR: No Report
PE: $950 check received for 8/28 class at motorcycle mall. MM requested a class for their employees. Pat will propose a two day course, 4 hours per day. Craig Parks from 4-2 also needs this course. Any family or friends of the flotilla should advise if interested.
DV: No Report
MS: No Report
VE: No Report
CM: 40 Auxnet missions completed year to date
OP: Operations complete for the year
NS: No Report
HR: No Report
PB: No Report
MA: No Report
PV: 163 visits completed year to date
FN: Report submitted electronically. Financial information is classified and redacted here.
IS: Report submitted electronically. Highlights include, total of 147.53 hours submitted. Contributing members of the flotilla 12/30 (40%)
Old Business: Confirming Fellowship dinner at Los Altos Restaurant, Roselle Park, NJ on 6December at 7PM
New Business:Floor is open for nominations for Flotilla Commander: Iannacone, by Parks, 2nd by MacWalters
Floor is open for nominations for Vice Flotilla Commander: Fiumara, by Mac Walters, 2nd by Parks
Good and Welfare: Steve Krok is coming along with his rehab.Adjourned at 20:46
Virtual and Live at Dehart Center, Maplewood NJ.
Pledge of Allegiance led by A. Iannacone.
Attendance In Person: Iannacone, Alexandre, Fiumara, Carmel, MacWalters, Parks, Krok V., Burns
Attendance Virtual: Blank, Bosland
Guests: NoneMeeting minutes from July have been posted. July Minutes accepted unanimously.
FC Notes from Division Meeting:
D-Train 2022 was cancelled. District Elections were held on September 17th.
Division Elections will be held October 13th. Jim Dry is running for Division Commander and Greg Chapman and Joanne Moore running for Division vice Commander.
Awards normally given at COW will be awarded at a future Division meeting. FYI there is three new Directorates. G,) Chaplains Corp: O,) Investigations and W,) Archive Administration of minutes and Documents.
Flotilla Notes: On September first I was proud to announce two new flotilla staff officers, Jean- Wilner Alexandre as FSO/VE and Andrew Lane as FSO/SR.I believe we had 19 new students for our last Safe Boat Class. I would like to thank Al Iannacone, Pat Fiumara, Valerie and Steve Krok, Ken Bosland, Pat Mac Walters, Marc Miceli, Jean-Wilner Alexandre and Samantha Burns, for helping with this year’s classes. Pat and Ken may have their comments later in reports.
Our next training meeting a week from tonight will take place both live and virtual at the senior center just across the parking lot. Samantha will present a class on our Boat Crew Training.
Pat Fiumara, Ken Bosland and Peter Blank have been requalified for the next three years.Please get your dues checks for $47.00 to Val Krok as soon as possible. Again, FSO’s even if you do have not a report please send in a report to your Division counterpart every month even if your report is “no report”.
Reminder nominations for Flotilla Commander and Vice Commander are on the October agenda and Flotilla elections are in November.
A flyer was sent last week asking for volunteers for the NYC marathon. The info was sent to you Monday September 12, 2022 via Email.
Samantha has suggested a restaurant and date of December 6th for our fellowship dinner.”Los Altos,” 147Westfied Ave West. Roselle Park, NJ 908-300-5666 starting at 7PM.
Staff Reports:CS: July Minutes posted. Website Reviewed
PA: No Report
SR: No Report
PE: Successful ABS course administered this year. All certificates through July course have been mailed. August certificates will be mailed upon receipt from the NJ State Police. August course, 19 students and 2 retakes yielded 100% passing.
DV: No Report
MS: No Report
VE: No Report
CM: Steve Krok completed 9 Auxnet missions. Year to date 36 complete
OP: Flotilla has one boat. One operation this month. Operated in NY Harbor. Picked up Coastie. During Fleet Week, picked up the USCGC Eagle at Abrose Channed. Lead moat from Sandy Hook to Statue of Liberty
NS: No Report
HR: One interested person invited to meeting. Reached out to another interested party via email with no reply.
PB: No Report
MA: Purchased envelopes and stamps for ABS course. Will look to purchase more books and materials early 2023 for next years ABS course.
PV: No Report
FN: Report submitted electronically.
IS: Report submitted electronically. Highlights include
•Continue to receive and review all communications related to AUXDATA II
•Timely, monthly submissions continue to be strongly encouraged.
•Hours submitted to date since 9 August as compiled from AuxDATA are total of 205.65
contributing members 11 of 36 (37%)
MT: D-Train cancelled. 3 members completed immersion training (Matt, Jean, Andy)
Will continue shore side training. Need to get Andy shore side training signed off) Need to assign a VE mentor to Jean-Wilmer
Old business: None
New Business: None
Good and Welfare: None
Motion to adjourn P. MacWalters. Second S. Burns
Meeting adjourned at 2100.
Meeting held at DeHart Center and on ZOOM
Virtual and Live at Dehart Center, Maplewood NJ.
Meeting called to order by FC Peter Blank at 2000.Pledge of Allegiance led by: New Member Craig Parks
Attendance Live: Blank, Iannacone, Carmel, Alexandre, Fiumara, MacwaltersVirtual: Bosland, Lane,Parks,Ramsberger
Guests: None
Meeting minutes have been posted; I move we accept the minutes without objection. Passed
FC Report from Division and Flotilla:Because of many complications the Division Commander has cancelled the 2022 Change of Watch ceremony Luncheon/Dinner.
As mentioned in an email to all members, the Division has formed a screening committee for the positions of Division Commander and Vice Commander. If interested in either position please contact me for details.
Division Vice Commander Ken Stanley has a new civilian job with will limit his Auxiliary activities for the near future. Please contact me for assistance.Division 4 has only 3 facilities in operation at this time.
There is going to be a change in the recording of Flotilla and Division minutes, the recording of meeting minutes will follow ANSC 7017 form and instructions. I am asking for any qualified member who would like to take the position of FSO-SR to please let me know. The new system is easier than the system in place now and will take much less time to carry out your responsibilities.We will have our Safe Boating class this Saturday at MotorCycle Mall. The crew for this is event is myself, Pat MacWalters, Marc Miceli, Jean Wilner Alexandre, Al Iannacone, and Ken Bosland. Uniform is Trops or ODU.
Members Joe Forish and Marvin Leben are in the process of securing positions in other flotillas due to business reasons. Asked HR officer to investigate if we have to do anything about members possibly looking to transfer.REMEMBER STAFF REPORTS TO DIVISION.
We have submitted the NACO 3 Star application for Diversity again this year.From Marine Safety there is a new Auxiliary Prevention Outreach Specialist position; Marc will have information for those interested
It has been traditional that we do not have a Flotilla Business meeting in August so our next Business meeting will be September 20th. The current FC will not be present and VFC Iannacone will lead the meeting.
Looking ahead to the September meeting and beyond, the elections of new FC and VFC will be held in November. That means anyone who wants to run for either position must inform the nomination committee by the October meeting.
Hopefully we will have candidates for both positions. Marc Miceli will lead the Nomination committee with members Ken Bosland and Pat MacWalters who have served in the past.
We will not have our regular training meetings this month or in August BUT will have training for boat crew and those who interested in boat crew topics at Sea Mist in Highlands, New Jersey at convenient times and dates.
Samantha should be able to schedule time to get wet suit sign offs done in the next few weeks.
I have received the following note from Steve Krok…“Good Evening, Thank you to Flotilla 04-02 Bridge and Members for the gift Card and get well card, I really appreciate all the get well cards, emails, telephone calls and visits to our house and South Mountain Rehab to see how I am doing. I am doing OK on my recovery, with more doctors’ visits and physical therapy to go. With many, many thanks, Steve Krok.
We look forward to seeing you and Valery back at our meetings.
Staff Reports:
CS - Website up to date. Minutes postedPA - n/r
SR - n/r
PE - ABS scheduled for Sat at Motorcycle Mall. Expect 21 students. Probably mid 20s. Coverage seems adequate. Will miss Steve and Val. Advise Val Ramsberger if not entering self hours.
DV - NACO submitted for this year. Every flotilla that meets the criteria will receive the certificate
MS - n/r
VE - Jean working on quails.
CM - 5 Auxnet missions 27 ytd
OP - one patrol today (7/19). George was coxswain. Very few opportunities this year. Crew will need to scramble.
NS - Saw something interesting. Buoy on Shrewsberry River was loose, menace to navigation.
HR - new member Craig Parks. Look forward to seeing in person.
PB - n/r
MA - n/r
PV - n/r
FN - rule on finances as to use PE money. Need to know when the date of effect was. Question on whether Venmo accounts can be created.
IS - members should send hours to Val if unable to submit self. 110 hours submitted. 13 members contributed. Training was down this month.
MT - n/r
Need someone to keep track of exact times when class lessons start and finishes. Update syllabus
Old Business: None
New Business: NoneAdjourn at 2058
Next meeting. 20 Sept.----------------------------------------------
Meeting held at DeHart Center and on ZOOM
Meeting called to order at 2009 by FC Peter BlankPledge of Allegiance led by Samantha Burns
Attendance Live: Blank, MacWalters, Fiumara, Burns, HilleAttendance Virtual: Miceli, Lane, Bosland, Alexandre, Ramsberger
Guests: Pending New Member, Craig Parks
Division Meeting Notes from FC Blank:New Covid policy is you must return new 7101 via electronic means to participate in any Auxiliary function. Non vaccinated members may participate if masked and tested.
TCO deadline for workshop is 30 June 2022. Course will be given by Val Ramsberger on 28June22 via zoom.
COW probably a Sunday in July, still waiting on final word.
Next division meeting July 14th, Pat Fiumara will cover for the Flotilla.
Flotilla Notes:
Awards and ribbons distributed for DHS Outstanding Unit Award.Next Tuesdays’ training meeting will be Virtual and will be a TCO refresher. This telecommunications refresher is required for certain members but I encourage everyone to tune in.
For planning purposes the July business meeting will be normal but held in the Senior Center across the parking lot and the July training meeting will be announced later. In past history we do not meet in August for either training or business. FOR THOSE OF YOU IN BOAT CREW TRAINING THIS SHOULD BE YOUR BUSIEST PERIODS. SAMANTHA AND I WILL DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO HELP WITH SIGN OFFS AND GETTING YOUR HOURS IN. (AND OF COURSE THE “SEA MIST” LOOKS FORWARD TO FULL PARTCIPATION)
Andy Lane is official CA. Matt Carmel is teaching a summer course at the USNA in Annapolis.
Next safe boat class is 23 Jul 2022
Next is approval of last month’s minutes. I move they be accepted without objection. No objections, minutes accepted.
Uniform Inspections, All passed.
Staff Officer Reports:
Comms Serv: Flotilla website up to dateComms: Participated in 2 auxnet 20 B missions. 5/24/22 and 6/14/22 YTD total 22.
Diversity: Working on 3 star award. Suggests all read ADM Fagan Diversity Letter.
Finance: Report submitted. Financial information redacted.
Info Systems: Val going to Aux C school. Please submit all hours in timely fashion.
Marine Safety: n/r
Materials: Ordering materials for Safe Boating.
Member Training: 3 Crew finished on land TNG with Mike Rebeck. SJB Attending Ken Miller Development Course on 26 July22
Nav Systems: n/r
Operations: Preparing for this season.
Public Affairs: n/r
Publications: Working with Nancy Brown on Historical reports of members meeting on Omaha Beach in June 1944. Future article about Matt Carmel teaching at USNA.
Public Education: 36 of 37 Students passed at last Safe Boat class in June.
Human resources: n/r
Program Visitor: n/r
Secretary records: n/r
VE: n/r
Old Business: none
New Business: Sending gift card to Steve Krok recovering from fall.Good and Welfare: Steve Krok is home recovering from his accident and doing very well.
Adjourn at 2045------------------------------------------------------------------
Flotilla Meeting 014-04-02 17 May 2022Meeting called to Order at 2013 hours by FC Peter Blank at DeHart Center in Maplewood New Jersey.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Matt CarmelAttendance live: Matt Carmel, Steve Krok, Val Krok, Pat Mac Walters, Al Iannacone, and FC Peter Blank
Attendance Virtual: Bosland, Lane, Ramsberger and FiumaraGuests: Craig Parks
Inspection of Uniform of Day: An informal look that all members in uniform are conforming to uniform regulations.
Talk about fleet week and Military Courtesy. Hats on a ship. No hat anywhere except on the bridge. No hats on mess tables. I believe ok on seat. Look to hang. Procedure to go on board a military ship. Stop on top “brow” at Attention, left face (or right) to Ensign and Salute, then right face to OD or straight across deck and salute again. If a human at “brow” say, “request permission to come aboard?” Answer will be “permission granted, welcome aboard.” Leaving the ship, at top of gangway, face across deck, come to attention, Salute in the direction of human or tent, then left face and Salute Ensign and left face and walk down the “brow”. If you are saluted return the salute and verbally acknowledge with a “good day” or “good morning”. If you are walking with an active duty officer the officer is to your right. You are always to the left of a senior officer. The historic reason is that the person to your right can protect him or herself with their strong right arm.Approval of March and April Minutes posted on internet. I move by unanimous consent we accept March Minutes, Without exception, minutes passed. I move we accept April minutes, without objection. Objections, None, Passed
Division Notes from Commander. Division meeting was held virtually on 12May2022.Effective immediately all Flotilla Meetings will be preceded by a brief uniform inspection to insure compliance with proper wearing of uniforms.
Fleet Week is coming on us quickly 25 to 30May 2022. There will be extraordinary emphasis on proper uniform wear, please pay special attention to caps in tropical uniforms and proper attachment of insignia.
A reminder that everyone has received information about the District award luncheon.
New Financial procedures must be followed and I will work with our FSO Finance to insure proper procedures are followed
A reminder that Safe Boating week is coming up. May 21 to May 27, 2022. A reminder that drowning was the cause of death in 4 out of five of every recreational boating fatalities and that 86 percent of those who drowned were NOT wearing life jackets.A reminder that all publications must be approved by Gary Chapman the DSO, publications.
A reminder that required workshops must be done by 30June2022. That includes Operations, Communications, Instructor and VE workshops. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE COMPLETED WHAT IS REQUIRED. If you are not sure if you need a workshop please contact Val Ramsberger, Samantha Burns or the Flotilla Commander.
Culinary is and will be very busy during Fleet week. Congratulations to Andy Lane who is very close to getting his CA. Regarding Fleet week Division 4 has only one facility going out for the Parade of Ships and that boat is full.Again a reminder to all FSO to send a report to your division counterpart monthly. A “no report” is a report.
If you take any photos during Fleet Week that you want published anywhere please identify all people in the photo and get a signed release from each individual (no children) and send the photos to Gary Chapman for approval before publishing photos anywhere. Gary is looking for “Auxiliary in Action” type photos. Again, with perfect uniform standards met by all Auxiliarists. NO CHILDREN IN PHOTOS.
Flotilla 4-8 will have a PE/PV/PE event at Raritan Yacht Club on May22.Division Change of Watch update. Still in a state of flux/ Possible date is around Columbus Day or a virtual COW.
MOVING ONTO STAFF REPORTSCS: Minutes posted. Website up to date
PE: Saturday 5/11 ABS course at Motorcycle Mall. 30 students plus 2 retakes from April
Of the 30, 25 passed. Of the 2 retakes, one passed.
Next class scheduled for 6/11
CM: Steve Krok participated in 4 Auxnet missions. YTD total of 20.
OP: No active operations yet.
HR: New candidate is in attendance
PV: 88 year to date program visits
FN: Submitted electronically
IS: Submitted electronically. Highlights include Activity April hours submitted, 149.25
NEW BUSINESS “ motion for donation…passedMotion to reimburse insignia tailoring: tabled pending legal approval
G AND W From Division that John Eberhardt is recovering well from eye surgery
Adjourn at 2105PM
Dehart Center, Maplewood New Jersey, Virtual on Zoom.
Meeting called to Order by FC Peter Blank at 2000
Attending In Person: Blank,Lane, Mac Walters, Iannacone, S.Krok, V.Krok,Carmel, Burns, Alexandre, Fiumara
Attending Virtual: Bosland, RamsbergerGuests: Craig Parks, Diane Majeski
Pledge of Allegiance Led by: M. CarmelTonight we will deviate slightly from our normal Agenda to commemorate the Life of Flotilla Member Marty Freeman. Steve Krok will offer an opening prayer.
I am honored to ask past Flotilla Commander Pat Fiumara to speak in Memory of Marty.Starting tonight I am moving the Awards Section of our meeting to the head of the meeting because I believe that it should be a highlight of our meeting rather than an afterthought as we adjourn.
Tonight I have three. Shafiq Munir, Marvin Leben and Andrew Lane.
Flotilla Commanders report from Division.A quiet meeting with just a few notes. I followed up on some inquiries from our members and found for Marvin Leben that the links for Leadership courses are updated and posted weekly on the District web sight. Andy Lane should have been contacted by this time by Gary Chapman re: CA school and lastly I conferred with the Division Commander to help escalate the training for Pat Mac Walters as a watch stander. Please keep me in the loop if there has been no movement in these areas.
The Division Change of Watch date is now penciled in for Sunday afternoon June 12, 2022.
The COW details and costs and time will be announced in the May meeting or via email as soon as I have the final details.No updates have been heard about fleet week. BUT I imagine because it is only 6 weeks away we will be hearing pretty soon. It is a fun week to work; usually the uniform of the day is Trops. You may ask to be either be in Manhattan at the Intrepid area or at Staten Island or both
Again, my huge thank you to all or Flotilla Staff officers for the timely reporting to your Division counterparts. A “no report” report counts just as much as a 10 page saga. Again thanks for making us look good.Moving on to Staff Officer Reports:
FSO-CS: Website up to dateFSO-PA: N/R
FSO-PE: First ABS class of season on 4/30. New books, new test currently 10 registered. Volunteers needed
FSO-CM: 5 Auxnet missions complete, 16 year to date
FSO-OP: no operations yet.
FSO-HR: Looking for new members. Have received 3 applications
FSO-MA: 150 ABS course books have been acquired
FSO-PV: 40 program visits completed year to date.
FSO-FN: Report submitted electronically.
FSO-MT: Boat class on until 6/10
FSO-IS: Report submitted electronically.
Uniforms: Trops started April 1, 2022
Committee reports: The Safe Boating committee will stay here for a short meeting after we finish the regular business meeting.Old Business: Tabled motion by Bosland is withdrawn.
Flotilla by laws updated and reported to DivisionNew Business: none
Next week training virtual.Good and Welfare/ Adjourned at 2119
Flotilla Meeting 014-04-02 15 March 2022
Meeting called to order at DeHart Senior Center at 8:09__PM by FC Peter BlankPledge of Allegiance led by Pat MacWalters.
Attending In Person. P. Blank, A Iannacone, V. Krok, K.Bosland, S. Krok, JW Alexandre, P.Fiumara, R. Hille, P. MacWlaters, S. BurnsAttending via Zoom: M. Carmel, M. Miceli, J. Forish, V. Ramsberger
Guests: none
Division Notes and Flotilla Notes: Inventory review is underway. Flotilla Commander has Assignment to Duty Forms and is available if needed by any Flotilla Staff Officer.
Operations workshops are being planned within the Division. Flotilla 4-2 will lead a virtual class on 26 April at 8PM led by Val Ramsberger. Valerie Krok will report on finance changes affecting our flotilla. Citizen verifier process is being reviewed. The new “Outstanding Unit Award “ ribbon from Homeland Security qualifications appears to being handled by National, I will keep all informed as to the progress of distribution. A reminder that proper wearing uniforms is a very high priority and I suggest everyone is a “uniform inspector” if you see something out of order please mention the discrepancy to your fellow member.
A thank you and a reminder that all FSO’s send a monthly report to your parallel Division Staff Officer. The report may be as long as you like and short as a report saying ,”no report”. Samantha will remind those of you that core training is due. If you are in REYER you may not be elected or appointed to any Auxiliary office, may not have an ID card and my not attend any c-schools c.The final Division TCT course will be on 7 April 22 and has reached its virtual capacity. Samantha Burns will discuss the 10 week “Boat Crew” class given by 4-4.
Hopefully, all attestations for required workshops have been sent to Val Ramsberger.It is not too late to sign up for the St. Patrick’s Day parade in NYC, Fleet week is May 25 to May 31, 2022. 4-4 will be giving an Ops Workshop at a date TBA. DTrain was rescheduled from 8 to 11 September 2022, I made an error in saying D-train is free, and there is a registration fee to take courses.
Pat Fiumara will be giving us all the confirmed newest dates for our Safe Boating classes during the Staff Officer reports. I do want to say that we need help at all safe boating classes. There has been a very small cadre of members who have devoted a great deal of time to help Pat Fiumara conduct these courses. This is how we make our money pay for many Flotilla needs. Every member should plan on participating on at least one or two of our four classes. We need your participation to succeed.
Minutes of last meeting. Meeting minutes for the February meeting were posted on the Flotilla website; I move they be accepted by unanimous consent, without exceptions? Minutes accepted.I want to recapitulate that we are all uniform inspectors.
Staff Officer Reports:
FSO-CS: Website up todateFSO-PA: N/R
FSO-PE: 5 ABS courses schedule for Motorcycle Mall; 4/30, 5/14, 6/11, 7/23, 8/20 Need volunteers to assist
FSO-DV: Attended National Town Hall via zoom. New NATO 3start award. Will submit application by 6/30
FSO-CM: 4 Auxnet missions completed. 11 year to date
FSO-OP: Nothing to report yet. Everyone needs OPS mandatory workshop.
FSO-HR: Nothing new since last monht. One person seems in "striking distance". FSO-HR recognized at Division meeting for doing a good job.
FSO-PB: Navigator has been distributed
FSO-MA: Nothing peruchased yet. will move to purchase 150 books and 100 stamps
FSO-PV: 16 program visits completed.
FSO-FN: Finance report submitted electronically
FSO-MT: TCT members participated at Sewaren. Boat crew classes scheduled for 4/8 by Flotilla 4-4. Info can be printed from online crew manuals. Some members are in need of core training.
FSO-IS: Report submitted electronically. To date, members have contributed 195.1 hours by 17 members.
Old Business:
Ken Bosland moves to reimburse Pat Fiumara for loss of equipment on a patrol. Motion seconded and then Motion Tabled pending more information.
New Business: NoneSamantha Burns Motion for funds to purchase books. Seconded by B. Hille. Motion passed unanimously.
V. Krok moves to update Standing Flotilla Rules appendix by noting change of place of meetings (Appendix 2.2) to “The place of the meetings shall be Dehart Community Center, 120 Burnett Ave, Maplewood New Jersey.” Or as otherwise directed buy the Flotilla Commander.”Seconded by B. Hille Passed Unanimous
S. Burns Motion to amend Standing Flotilla Rules Appendix (3.Dues 3.1) amount to “The flotilla dues are now levied at Forty-Seven (47) dollars per year.” (One sentence only amended.)
Seconded by B. Hille passed by unanimous voteNo Good and Welfare
Call for adjournment at 2112
Flotilla 014-04-02 Meeting 15 February 2022
Pledge led by A. Iannacone
Minutes posted. No objections. Accepted
Acceptance of Minutes from January 18, 2022 minutes. By unanimous consent, without objection.
FC Notes from Division meeting.Again a recapitulation that only members that have been vaccinated may attend any live Auxiliary function. An assignment to duty form for 2022 is available from me if you need one. (CGAUXD7-1(7-11)
D Train has been moved to September of 2022.
The Edison boat show is this weekend.
I believe that is all the notes from the division meeting. I will clarify one note for last. All of us that took the TCT/Ops workshop on 22January22 on line will take it again, live, in Sewaren. You will receive an invitation for your session from Mike Rebeck. (There will be 17 members per class.) The explanation of the class not being accepted was a technical violation of virtual and other rules by the highest Auxiliary authority. Another email that was sent to all members by me reported that members who were active between August 25, 2017 to November 30, 2020 will receive a DHS OUA Ribbon. Our flotilla has a committee of Al Iannacone and Val Ramsberger who will submit a list to the FC who will send the list up the chain for processing.
I will ask Val or Samantha if anyone needs 5 year cycle courses this year.Next Tuesday for our VIRTUAL training meeting Val Ramsberger will lead a mandatory Surface Operations Workshop, mandatory for Coxswains, Crew, personal watercraft operators and paddle craft operators and ANYONE CURRENTLY TRAINING FOR ANY OF THESE COMPETENCIES INCLUDING MEMBERS IN REYR WHO PLAN TO REGAIN THEIR CERTIFICATION. Everyone should attend, as this course covers all areas of the Auxiliary.
You all must have received many memos from me regarding mandatory workshops. Operations, Telecommunications, VE and Instructors. If you have any questions, please ask them now.
Unless you hear differently we are planning the rest of the year to be live meetings in Maplewood. Our March live meeting will be a regular business meeting and I will also be inspecting all PPE gear at the end and before our regular meeting. I will plan on starting inspections at 7PM. Al Iannacone will be leading our March 22 training meeting in Maplewood on the topic of all things the Coast Guard may want and need from our members.We have several Flotilla staff Officer Positions open. VE, Secretary
Moving on to Staff Officer Reports.Staff Reports:
FSO-CS. Website up to date. Minutes added.
FSO-PA: No report
FSO-PE: Motorcycle mall, trying to get dates. April, May, June, July, still trying to get dates into their schedule. Still waiting on cards from last June. May cards have been received and distributed. Glenn Mason no longer permitted to talk to NJSP. Need to go through Joe Antonaccio. Needs to be corrected.
FSO-DV: Award application being updated. Some emails last week.
FSO-MS: No Report
FSO-VE: No Report
FSO-CM: S. Krok, 7 missions. One as net control. 7 ytd.
FSO-OP: nothing happening yet. Ops workshop is required. 27 people need to retake due to admin error. In three groups.
FSO-NS: No Report
FSO-HR: couple in the “mill” Jean’s cousin. A S. Orange resident. Library restricted. Andrew can assist with a venue for private meetings.
FSO-PB: no report
FSO-MA: nothing to report. If materials necessary for PE class, need to advise. We need to start acquiring books. Need stamps to send certs.
FSO-PV: no report.
FSO-FN: submitted elctronically
FSO-MT: still have 4 members in AP status, Jean and Jason have completed core training. Need BQ courses. Jason does not need to take BQ2 course. He should have been advanced to IQ. Jason needs the boating safety course. Peter is asssisting. Rosenberg and Walker need to complete the core training. Who wants to pursue Boat crew program. Need to advise Samantha. Members need to do core training or they’ll go into REYL. D Train rescheduled to 8/9 September. Mandatory training for surface ops next Tuesday. Matthew waiting for his Aux member id number.
FSO-IS: Hours for meetings are being updated in Aux II. Anyone who has provided hours have been updated. 15 members 96 hours in January. Members need to be acquainted with Aux Data. Possibly will have another class on Aux II.
Old Business: Ken Bosland repeated his desire to move for reimbursement of lost facility equipment. He was advised to seek legal advice and the exact value of loss. He was advised of proper procedure for a motion.
New Business. None
Good and Welfare: None
Adjourn at 2100
Flotilla 014-04-02 Meeting 18 January 2022
Virtual Meeting via ZOOMCall to order by FC Peter Blank @2001
Pledge of Allegiance led by P. Blank
ZOOM attendance P. Blank, P. MacWalters, K. Bosland, M. Freeman, S. Krok, V. Krok, V. Ramsberger, JW Alexandre, M. Leben, P. Fiumara, M. Miceli, S. Burns, A. Lane
Guest: Matt Carmel
Approval of November 2021 Minutes: by unanimous consent, without objection.Commanders notes from Division meeting on 13 Jan 22.
There was a memo from the Commander of the First District outlining COVID 19 Awareness and Guidance. Please review this memo to all Auxiliarists.
Note: all auxiliary meetings, operations and activities are authorized for member ONLY if they are fully vaccinated for COVID 19. Also, “in addition….face coverings ARE required for any mission or activity that involves interacting with other people.”
Please note that there is a new log in procedure for Aux classroom starting January 19th of this year. The system should take you to the new procedures.All Auxiliarists entering any federal building must attest to their vaccination status.” You must be fully vaccinated to apply for any “C” schools. ONLY fully vaccinated Auxiliarists are allowed with live contact.
D TRAIN is scheduled for 3-6 March in Stamford Connecticut, hotel reservations may be made but courses and course reservations are not yet open. You may attend D-Train at NO COST for activities but food, hotel and travel are the member’s responsibility. Again, only vaccinated members may attend.
Our Flotilla is in the process of completing form 7025 and will be submitted on time. Form 7025 is our annual inventory and financial audit for the year.
Gary Chapman is the new DSO Publications; he hopes to begin periodic publication for the Division and would appreciate input from all Flotillas.
Joe Antonaccio is the new state LNO to the NJ State Police.
The 2022 LDA at the USCG Academy has been postponed. Dates TBAN Train has been postponed.
Division Change of Watch lunch has been postponed until spring. If anyone has feelings about the COW the Division Commander and I would like to hear any comments. Looking at early May or June. How many of you would attend?
DSO MT would like MT reports 1st Monday preceding Division meeting. I suggest ALL FSO’s create contact with the DSO for what they require from each FSO. Our MT and FN officers have been exemplary in our Division, thanks to Valery and Valery.Most ops people that are to take RM/TCT refresher on Saturday 22 January at 6pm for two hours have rsvps to me and Mike Rebeck. So far I have not heard from Pat Fiumara, Joe Forish, Frank Stodolak and Steve Krok. Have you responded to Mike?
There was as District meeting this past Saturday, I stuck my head in for a few minutes but I would like to hear from anyone who did attend. I did hear about the training on the Eagle and sent to all members. A great opportunity to serve as a CS. (Culinary Specialists)Are any comments or questions before I get to our Flotilla notes?
Please remember to keep 7101 updated. Although there is no space about third shots! So far on the RM/TCT course this weekend for two hours Pat F, Joe Forish, Frank Stodolak and Steve Krok have to let me know if they are attending, and /or if they have responded to DSO Rebeck.Pat MacWalters, Samantha Burns and Ken Bosland Have you registered your new PLB’s and canceled your old PLB?
The Division Vice Commander reminds all FSO’s to submit monthly reports. It is important for all FSO’s to let their leadership know what we are doing.
D Train in March is open for hotel reservations but no classes posted get. Hotels and travel and meals are not reimbursable.
Staff Reports
FSO-CS. Website up to date. Minutes added.FSO-PA: No report
FSO-PE: No report, P. Fiumara, reluctant to setup classes. Set classes up in April. unaware of any restrictions from state police or Coast Guard. Kenn to touch base with D. Tenbroke. New form out for new test. form has a new section if you failed the test.
FSO-DV: received email for impromdue meeting. changin the form for NACO three star award, 7064. looks like categories will not change. will participate in upcoming training.
MS: no report.
VE: do not have a staff officer. 2 active. need people to study for the VE classes. self attestation test. interested parties contact Peter
CM: last year, 48 Auxnet Missions by S. Krok,
OP: nothing ongoing. anyone planning on ops, PLB up to date. Trainees need all classroom requirements prior to boarding. need all crew book courses prior to all on water training. anything not an on water task needs signoff.
NS: No Report
HR: new members asking for information. Matt Carmel ready to submit paperwork.
PB: not present.
MA: no training courses. nothing to purchase.
PV: no report
FN: report submitted, financial information redacted. Flotilla 100% dues paid.
MT: Val has handed over position. Starting to get new members qualified. about 6 new members who need experience. find out what they want to do in the flotilla. putting together a plan. looking to get members to BQ status.
FSO-IS: Receiving/reviewing all communications related to AUXDATA II. Participated in ZOOM call with DSO_IS. Timely, monthly submissions continue to be strongly encouraged. All but one member continues to request FSO-IS to enter data. One additional member has expressed interest in entering his own data. All
hours submitted to date have been entered. According to AUXDATA report provided by D. TenBroeck the Mission Activity Hours for the year 2021 are as follows: 23 members contributed 1,679 total activity hours.
Matt Carmel introduced himself.
Old Business: Raritan Boat show scheduled for 17-20 February
New Business:
Awards: Richard Eberle, 30 year award.
Good and Welfare AdjournmentP. MacWalters motion to adjourn. M. Freeman second. 2115
Tuesday 16 November 2021
Approval of October minutes. I move we accept by unanimous consent, without objection, minutes accepted. Minutes approved
ELECTIONS: We will slightly change the order of this meeting to allow for two uncontested positions to be voted on. Peter Blank seeks reelection as FC and Al Iannacone as VFC. Division Commander Tom Botsolas is observing via zoom.Peter Blank and Al Iannacone elected FC and VFC respectively.
Division meeting notes: FC’s will verbally give flotilla reports. You may change your own email address in auxdata. There is a ? mark and it will tell you what to do. (Go to profile, settings and email) There was an email to all auxiliary about the new auxiliary work uniforms, please review.Change of Watch is still in planning stages. Looking at brunch possible 20Feb22.
Flotilla Notes: Congratulations to Andrew Lane and Marvin Leben for their work at the Marathon. Thank you to Shaf for marching in the Veterans Day Parade. Please let Val Ramsberger know your hours, travel and participation for those events.
You have all received information about the Holiday fellowship dinner I have some copies of the invitation on 14 December.
If you need to change your own email information on auxdata please contact me and I will walk you through the process via phone.
I urge our new members to continue to work with Val Ramsberger on advancing from AP to BQ status, Val has demonstrated her willingness to spend time and help everyone advance to the next step. Please take advantage of her experience in helping you achieving the BQ status. New ID’s will be issued when you complete the updated core courses. I am sure Val will have more to say in the Staff Officer Reports.
Valery Krok reports all members have paid their annual dues with the exception of two new members who were just billed on 8Nov21.
There will NOT be a training meeting this month or in December unless anyone has objections or an idea for training that can be discussed.
On this Saturday 11/20 Flotilla 4-4 will be conducting a safe boasting class Charles Reul is the contact.
Please review the ALCOAST email about the new aux work uniforms.Pat Fiumara is going to be the mentor for Samantha Burns in her quest for coxswain status.
David Walker has an ID number; he is no longer a guest!
VFC Al Iannacone has passed the instructor development course and he is waiting for PQS certification.
My emphasis has morphed from this seasons on water activates to plan more boat crew training for new members and again getting ready for those that need to requalify for crew in the upcoming season.Andrew Lane has donated a large U.S. flag to the Dehart Center.
Peter Blank verbally informed Dehart center that our next meeting will be in January, thereby excusing the flotilla from our November training meeting and December regular and training.Staff Officer Reports:
Comms Services: Website up to date, last months minutes postedPublic Affairs: No Report
Secretary/Records: No Report
Public Education: No Report
Diversity: No Report
Marine Safety: No Report
Vessel Examinations: No activity
Communciations: 4 Auxnet missions complete. New Communications Class scheduled for 12/1 @ 2000
Operations: Season complete
Navigation Systems: No Report
Human Resources: No Report
Publications: No Report
Materials: No Report
Program Visitor: No Activity
Finance: Report submitted via email.
Info Systems: Report submitted via email attachment Timely, monthly submissions continue to be strongly encouraged. All but one member continues to request FSO-IS to enter data. One additional member has expressed interest in entering his own data. All hours submitted to date have been entered. According to AUXDATA, for the period 7 November to 5 December 2021 the following hours are reflected: 16members contributed 125.66 total activity hours:
Member Training:
Working with 7 new members on completing their basic requirements.
Two are now done with ALL requirements. Two have completed all Core Courses and are working on their BQII course.
A third completed updating his Core Courses.
Emails have again been sent to the remaining new members offering assistance for getting started. All MT correspondence is reviewed and shared.
November training meeting was deferred.
There is no December training planned at this time. Happy Holidays!
Old Business: No old business
New Business: No new business
Awards: No awards
Good and Welfare: Happy Holidays to all
Next meeting is fellowship scheduled for .Tuesday, 14 December.
Tuesday 19 October 2021
Meeting live and zoom at Dehart Center
Called to order by FC Peter Blank @8:10PMPledge of Allegiance led d by Andrew Lane
Attendance Live: Iannacone, Lane, Fiumara, S. Krok, V. Krok, Alexandre, Blank, Burns
Attending by Zoom: Freeman, Bosland, Leben, Ramsberger, Rosenberg, Munir
Introduction of Guests: David Walker
At Division meeting Pat Fiumara was honored by receiving his 40th year of membership certificate. Apologies were given that the Commodore had come down with Covid and was in quarantined and unable to present the award. Tom Botsolas the Division Commander presented Pat with his award.
11 Flotilla members were present for the occasion. Other awards were given by the Division Commander to Val Ramsberger received her certificate for Past District Captain as well as Al Iannacone receiving his certificate for being a past Flotilla Commander. I was honored to present Pat his anniversary cake. Val Krok kindly picked out the decorations, ordered the cake and picked up and delivered the beautiful well decorated cake for the occasion Since the commodore was not there I ate his piece of cake.
The NJ State Police rule that if you failed your instructor test for safe boating you would not be allowed to retake the test. Fortunately the powers that be recognized that the punishment for a failed exam was unfair and they have changed the rules and retests with conditions will prevail in the future.
Division Elections were held and Tom Botolas was reelected Division Commander and Ken Stanly was reelected Division vice Commander..Members were requested to volunteer for the New York City Marathon.
A Safe Boating course will be given by 4-8 run by Jim Dry on November 13th from 8AM to 4 PM.
You may contact Jim or me for more information.
There will be no more on water patrols authorized for our Division this boating season.Mike Rebeck reports as Division Training officer that there is PDF on the Division website with updated training information.
There was a request from the interpreter directorate seeking new help. We were able to provide two names to the national directorate from our Flotilla, Jean-Wilner Alexandre and Shaf Munir.
COW, still ongoing discussion dinner v. luncheon. Still no dates
Other flotilla notes. S. Burns will procure some elementary insignia for new members’ uniforms.
Annual fellowship dinner will be held at 7pm on 14December21.I move we accept by unanimous consent last month’s minutes without objection. Any objections, none, minutes accepted.
Staff Officer Reports:
Comms Services: Website up to date. Minutes to be posted
Public Affairs: No Report
Public Education: No Classes to next year. State Police to allow full class size. Motorcycle Mall to be contacted to setup classes in 2022.Diversity: No Report
Marine Safety: No Report
Vessel Examinations: No Report
Communciations: 2 Auxnet missions completed for 6 year to date total of 39.Operations: Operations completed for the year.
Navigation Systems: No ReportHuman Resources: No Report
Secretary/Records: No ReportPublications: No Reporet
Program Visitor: No Report
Finance: Report received. Financial data witheld.
Member Training: Receiving/reviewing all communications related to AUXDATA II. Timely, monthly submissions will be strongly encouraged. All but one member continue to request FSO-IS to enter data. One additional member has expressed interest in entering his own data. All hours submitted to date have been entered. According to today’s AUXDATA since last report for period 11 October to 7 November 2021. 16 members contributed 125.66 total activity hours:
Next week tng virtual only.
New Biz: none
Meeting Adjourn 2120
Division 4 – Flotilla 2 Raritan, District 1SR
General Meeting to start at 2000 Hrs.
UNIFORM OF THE DAY: Trops or casual
Call to Order: 20:03, FC
J. Alxandro
S. Burns, P. Blank, A. Iannacone, J. Forish, MacWalters, S. Krok, V. Krok, P. Fiumara, M. Lane, V. Ramsberger, M. Leben, M. Freeman
• Notes from District pre-meeting
o All Flotillas should have their Members review their addresses & contacts in AUXDATA II for Everbridge issues, email addresses must be updated by P. Blank
o Staff Officer College for Auxiliary Flotilla Leadership is starting on 26 September at SUNY Maritime Academy
o Close out your Patrol Orders bye 30 September
o Only mission essential orders will be processed moving forward for
o Membership Dues are being posted
o Division Elections will be held in December
o The State of New Jersey is slow in issuing the Certificates for the Boating Safety class
o Auxiliary may be tasked with helping at the Starting Line of the New York City Marathon
o The Flotilla has Full Compliance with mandatory training
o September Training is on Zoom for a Medical Refresher
o October Training is Navigating the USCG and USCGAUX websites
o New Bloodborne Pathogens class is now online in the National Training Site, this is required for operational duties and orders including new members
o The New Members Boat Crew program may provide opportunities for training patrols, clarification is pending, Patrols would take place on weekends in October
o Flotilla Elections will be held in November, please notify M. Miceli if you are interested in serving as Flotilla Commander or Flotilla Vice Commander,
o 21 December is scheduled to be our Fellowship meeting
oMentoring Program will become more active as we return to in-person meeting
o 4 Boat Crew Members and 1 Coxswain have completed their minimum hours requirement, 4 Boat Crew Members may be in RYERS, 1 Boat Crew member has requalified
o 14 October Division Meeting UOD is Trop’s and P. Fiumara will receive a Service Award
Minutes Acceptance
Approval of July 2021 MinutesDistributedMotion to accept the minutes by P. Blank, no objects 20:36
FSO-CM, P. FIumara, P, participated in 8 AUXNET 20 B missions for a new YTD total of 36.
FSO-CS, A. Iannacone, P, website reviewed and updated
FSO-DV, M. Miceli, NP
FSO-FN, V. Krok - P, Report submitted, financial data redacted
FSO-HR, P. MacWalters, P, 2 new members are present at the meeting, 1 application pending
FSO-IS, V. Ramsberger, P, SE, all hours have been entered and approved except the latest requests, DSO-IS meeting was conducted regarding resolution of issues, all members are encouraged to enter their own hours or email V. Ramsberger
FSO-MA, S. Burns, P, no requests
FSO-MS, M. Miceli, NP, no report
FSO-MT, V. Ramsberger, P, see above for the National Training Site, risk management and bloodborne pathogens, next week is First Aid Refresher
FSO-NS, P. MacWalters, P, no report
FSO-OP, P. Fiumara, P, 2 patrols including 11 September and 2 members certified/recertified, more patrols pending in October
FSO-PA, A. Iannacone, P, no report
FSO-PB, R. Hille, NP, no report
FSO-PE, K. Bosland, P, with P. Fiumara, the State Police Liaison has resigned, there have not been any Certificates issued from classes conducted in May or June, courses can be planned for Spring 2022
FSO-PV, S. Krok, P, K. Bosland has completed 10 plus visits for 2021
FSO-SRJoe Forish – NP, nothing to report
FSO-VE, Open
Committee Reports
Old Business
New Business
If you are interested in running for Flotilla Commander or Vice Commander, please read and learn the requirements and contact M. Miceli, V. Ramsberger will then run a report.
District Board Meeting was last weekend, D. Ferraro is DCAPT for Sector New York South
Upcoming Events
-Marathon 7 November
-Pending 14 December for Flotilla Fellowship
Good & Welfare - None
Remarks for the good of the Auxiliary -None
NEXT MEETING: 19 October, 2021 at 20:00 Hrs
Uniform: Tropical Blue Long or casual
NR - No Report, SE - Submitted electronically, VB – Verbal
P - Present, NP - Not Present, Excused----------------------------
20 July 2021
Meeting started at 803 with Bosland
,Blank Krok, V., Al Iannacone, Burns, Miceli, Freeman, Leban, Fiumara
,Macwalters ,Furman
No guests
Minutes from June meeting were accepted by
unanimous consent.
Division Notes: No Division meeting in August, September meeting live in Woodbridge.
Only one patrol from Division on the 4th of July.
Flotilla notes: New Members Marvin Leben and Shafi Munir are officially in the Flotilla.Please keep 7101 form current. Members ID's are mostly up to date.
Ken Bosland said his ID renewal was late and the FC wrote to DIRAUX office immediatly after the meeting requesting an update.
Next weeks training on line will be Diversity Training led by Marc.Pat Fiumara states that he has put in for a MOM patrol this Saturday on Sea Mist.
The Flotilla Commander thanks Val Ramsberger and Marc Miceli for submitting our flotilla for the NACO Three Star Award for Excellence in Diversity. I commend Marc for his hard work in submitting the long form to the Diversity Directorate for consideration. We all thank Marc.
The FC reports that Pat Fiumara has received his 40 year membership award.FC Peter Blank received a Challenge Coin in recognition of completing the Staff Officer College.
I would also like to thank Val and Steve Krok for making sure that I did receive the award coin.
We will be resuming live meetings starting in September.
Staff Reports..
Public Affairs - No Report
Public Education - Pat F retested from June ABS. Samantha did not order new books. New books ordered by Pat. Both classes entered and in hands of state police. Retests were taken. At a stand still until SP approves new course. Tom Botsolas trying to help.Marine Safety - No Report
Communciations - Steve performed 5 Aunet 20B missions. YTD total is 28.
Operations - Will start on Saturday, will try a MOM patrol 0800-1400. Pat M, Marty, Sam, Jim Crincoli plus a 4-4 trainee. Will start w/training. CGAUX looking for 5 day lead time from when putting in papers. Minimum of 3 crew. Names/numbers submitted when applying for orders. Members must reply to Pat F. ASAP.
Navigation Systems - No ReportHuman Resources - Met with another interested person. Distributed material. Will follow up.
Publications - No Report
Materials - Order put in for training books.
Program Visitor - No ReportFinance - Report submitted electronically
Info Systems - Report submitted electronically
Member Training - Training scheduled for Tuesday, 27 July
Diversity - NACO application submitted
Vessel Examinations - No Report
Secretary/Records - No Report
Additional notes - Maplewood DeHart Center approved for in person meeting.
Motion by Val K. to suspend August meeting second by Sam. Approoved.
Meeting adjourned at 2040
Tuesday, 15 June 2021
Pledge by P Blank
No guestsLive Meetings Will Start in September,
Please Submit your 7101
Thank you to all Staff Members for Submitting your Staff Reports
23 Participants for ABS Class
There are are limited resources for boating hours for the required re-qualificationMark Miceli, Peter Blank, Steve Krok, Valerie Krok, Pat Fuimara, Joseph Forish, Patrick MacWalters, Valerie Ramsberger, Al Iannacone, Marty Freeman, Robert Hillie, Jason Fermin, Kenn Bosland, Andrew Lane
Minutes were posted, no objections, 20:15 hoursAl Iannacone, VFC; Staff Officer Reports
PA, P, SE, nothing to report beyond the Boating Safety Course
PE, P, SE, makup classes are being offered for previous attendees that did not pass the first timeMS, P, SE, No Report,
CM, P, SE, 6 AUXNET Operations, YTD 23OP, P, SE, Pending Repairs for Inspection for Vessel Safety
NAV, P, no report
HR, P, no report
PB, P, Over the Bow was DistributedMA, NP, no report
PV, P, No report
IS, P, SE, 16 active members with 156 hours YTD, including ABS & RBS, there are complications with AUXLMS, Crew and Coxswains are complete with required courses
MT, P, SE, Training is ongoing, Continuing Core Courses, Leadership Training is a Priority from the Top of the Leadership, Please see your email for upcoming Passport to Sucess, and Indivual DevelopmentPlan for your career in the USCGAUX
DV, P, SE, MACO Diversity Award Application deadline is end of July
VE, No OfficerSR, P, SE
Peter, FC:
Old Business - No Old Business
New Business - No New Business
Awards - No Awards
Good & Welfare: Lady B will be in our thoughts
Flag Day, Every Day is Flag Day
Meeting Adjourned at 20:43
Flotilla 42 Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 18 May 2021Zoom Call·Call to Order by P. Blank at 20:04
•Opening Pledge – P. Blank
Flotilla Commander Note on the Pledge of Allegiance:“Republic”-Power is held by citizens, cooperation for the common good and not their own interests, not all Republics are a good form of government
•Introduction of Guests – None
•Attendance – P. Blank, S. Krok, V. Krok, V. Ramsberger, K. Bosland, P. MacWalters, M. Miceli, R. Hille, A. Iannacone, A. Lane, S. Burns. M. Freeman, J. Fermin, P. Fiumara
Flotilla Commanders Report
o Commander’s report: Division Highlights•If you are 2 weeks beyond your completion of vaccination for COVID-19, you do not have to wear a mask, if you are not finished your vaccination protocol you MUST wear a mask on Federal Facilities; please see the email from the FC regarding local regulations
•21 May is wear your lifejacket to work day•5 of 9 Personnel have had their operational PPE inspected
•District Director of Response position is open•Jones Beach Airshow is 28-30 May and is seeking volunteers
•On 29 May Flotilla 4-8 will be conducting a Boating Safety and Vessel Examination Event, any member interested in becoming a VE are encouraged to apply and participate, 0900 with ODU, contact P. Blank
•TCT is 26 May bye zoom, this is the last scheduled class for the Division, contact the FSO-MT
•Dates for Re-qualifications
•On 15 May we had 20 of 23 people pass our ABS class
O Minutes are accepted by unanimous decision at 20:12
Staff Officer Reports by A. Iannacone
1.Comms Services, P, Minutes are posted2.Public Affairs, P, nothing to report
3.Public Education, P, P. Fiumara reporting for K. Bosland, good performance for 20 of 23 students, there will be a registration verification, there is a zero-tolerance policy with the State of New Jersey for mistakes on applications for the State certificate, 12 June is the next class, evaluate obtaining a set of the new books to prepare for the next version of the class4.Marine Safety, SE, P, USCGAux members can participate in Beach Cleanup activities as long as it is conducted by the Auxiliary, must wear ODUs, 68 sea turtles have been rescued
5.Communications, SE via S. Krok, I have participated in 4 AuxNet 20B missions on the following dates for a new YTD total of 20: 4-27-21, 5-4-21, 5-11-21, 5-18-216.Operations, P, see the email about face masks and COVID precautions, Sea Mist should be in the water this week, there may be an opportunity to train immediately adjacent to the marina under orders
7.Navigation Systems, P, no report8.Human Resources, P, 2 applications were sent in
9.Publications, P, there is more stringent regulations for information published at the Flotilla level10.Materials, P, purchase gloves for the PE classes for students and instructors
11.Program Visitor, P, no report12.Finance, SE,
13.Info Systems, P, all hours that have been submitted have been entered, DSO-IS indicates AUXLMS is experiencing problems, please submit your hours in a timely manor to V. Ramsberger
14.Member Training, P, core courses due in 2020 are completed, 4 members were due to be completed and 1 member completed, do not take the Red Cross Blood Borne Pathogens Class, only the USCGAUX course is approved but if you are locked out of AUXLMS please be patient, please take the course if you do have access to AUXLMS as it is require, May member training is pending
15.Diversity, SE, P, Flotillas and District are encouraged to apply for the NACO 3 Star Award16.Vessel Examinations, Vacant, no report
17.Secretary/Records, SE, P, nothing to add•New Business-
•$10/student will be provided to Flotilla 4-4 for their assistance, per prior agreement we will collect the money and disperse this $10/student amount to their FSO-FN•P. Blank will send a Letter of Appreciation to the Instructor and Flotilla that assist or PE classes
•Motion to purchase 1 case of the “new” books for familiarization not to exceed $150 by S. Burns, 2nd by P. Fiumara, unanimous at 21:08•K. Bosland has the District Issued Inflatable Vests for the PE classes, he will contact the DSO-PE for replacement CO2 cartridges
•Old Business-
•Make sure you inspect and maintain the strobe light by removing the batteries at the end of the operational season and install new batteries at the beginning of the new operational season
•Awards-Some members are missing their Service Anniversary Awards
•Good and Welfare-
•Motion to Adjourn by P. MacWalters, 2nd by K. Bosland, no objections, adjourned @ 21:10Training is 27 April, 20:00 hours, Operations Workshop
Next Business Meeting is 15 June, 20:00 hours, via ZoomP = Present, NP = Not Present, EA = Excused Absence, SE = Report Submitted Electronically
Flotilla 42 Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 20 April 2021
Zoom Call·Call to Order by P. Blank at 20:00•Opening Pledge – J. Forish
•Flotilla Commander Note on the Pledge of Allegiance:“Flag”, in ancient Egypt the flag was similar to a Kite, by the Middle Ages it was a device to identify armies, and the affiliation of the Flag and the Coast Guard dates from the peak sailing days of the 1700’s when ships were required to fly a flag from their Nation
•Introduction of Guests – None
•Attendance – P. Fiumara, P. MacWalters, J. Forish, M. Freeman, P. Blank, S. Burns, K. Bosland, V. Ramsberger, A. Lane, V. Krok, S. Krok, J. Fermin, A. Iannacone
Flotilla Commanders Reporto Commander’s report: Division Highlights
•Emails from the Chain of Communication to all members
•There is PPE available for members participating on the water
•2 members have not submitted the 7101 form, it has to be completed before participating in an Auxiliary Activity
•Paragraph, Section B, Reference C, If vaccinated you will have to resubmit the form
•Depending on the activity and the participants, all members may have to be vaccinated
•M. Miceli was appointed to FSO-DV and SO-DV
•D-Train in Newport has been moved to Stanford, CT
•Please consult the Chain of Communications regarding Posting to Social Media
•21 May is Wear a Life Jacket to Work Day
•See below for additional announcements
o Flotilla Notes and Comments
•P. Blank is the new Safety Officer for PPE, pending vaccination and following all rules and regulations
•Tuesday’s training is the required Operations Workshop conducted by V. Ramsberger
•There are 6 members that will be requalified for Boat Crew
Staff Officer Reports by A. Iannacone1.Comms Services, P, website is updated, and minutes posted
2.Public Affairs, P, no report
3.Public Education, P, (P. Fiumara reporting with K. Bosland) 2 classes with 2 instructors, 15 May & 12 June, 25 people (23 students) allowed to be present, will require assistance including proctors, regulations may change but at this time the vaccine is required with a mask & gloves; 50 (10 + 40) books have been sold, existing books will expire 30 June; instructors will provide their own food & beverage, NOTE: all in person PE classes will be in compliance with all current State Guidance, AUX PE staff will wear masks and gloves at all time regardless of State Guidance
4.Marine Safety, NP, no report
5.Diversity, NP, no report
6.Communications, P, 5 AUXNET drills conducted, 16 YTD
7.Operations, P, “Green Light” for training and check rides, no other missions or patrols unless directed by OIA, PPE & social distancing requirements
8.Navigation Systems, P, no report
9.Human Resources, P, potential applicants are being contacted
11.Materials, P, see above for the expiring books, new books will be purchased when the course is approved by the State, any equipment required for operations or PE should be evaluated for safety; 20 Spanish books are remaining in inventory & will be distributed when they expire
12.Program Visitor, P, no activity13.Vessel Examinations, Vacant, no report
14.Finance, Report submitted. Financial data redacted.
15.Info Systems, P, SE, attending regular DSO-IS following changes for IS, please submit your time before the end of each month, verify that your submissions are going through, please practice submitting regularly, 13 members submitted in March for 109 hours, reviewing submission of order requests, AUXLMS (Blood Borne Pathogens) & other core course online may experience delays, contact V. Ramsberger with password problems
16.Member Training, P, focusing on Operations, Operations Workshop (all but 4 members attending) was conducted last week, some members need TCT or both, the Operations Workshop will be the training for 27 April & it is required this year, Boat Crew requiring requalification will be provided with the, TCT will be conducted on 26 May (this may be the last opportunity), check your email for link
17.Secretary/Records, P, nothing to add•Old Business- None
•New Business- None
•Awards- None
•Good and Welfare- K. Bosland will be working part time in Maryland
•Motion to accept the minutes with no objection at 21:05
•Motion to Adjourn, no objections, adjourned @ 21:05
Training is 27 April, 20:00 hours, Operations Workshop
Next Business Meeting is 18 May, 20:00 hours, via Zoom
Flotilla 42 Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order on Zoom at 1000 16 Mar 2021 by FC Peter Blank
Pledge of Allegiance. Reminder that pledge has only 31
words. We have discussed “pledge” a statement to a human, vs. a vow, as a
statement to a deity. “Indivisible, a rule, as in math, “cannot be divided.”
Today’s word is Allegiance. There are several definitions, an obligation to a
government and a promise of loyalty. Another is an expression of commitment to
a monarch or a flag. The etymology goes back to a serf and his allegiance to his owner.
Present at tonight’s meeting are: P. Blank, K. Bosland,
P.MacWalters, S. Krok. V.Krok,
M. Miceli, M. Freeman, A. Iannacone, J. Fermin, A. Lane,
S.Burns, A. Balaban Guests: Andrew Rosenberg
Minutes from February meeting: Approved
Notes from National, district and division meetings:
There are lots of notes to pass on. In no particular order
of importance, all communication is important so here we go.
Until further notice Auxiliary will not participate in any beach cleanups.
Please check the expiration date on your ID cars for expiration dates, if you are out of date or within a few months please let me know. The process is not too difficult to get a new card.
The District one website is up and running and is very easy to navigate. It will make your search life much shorter if you start here. “”
Aux Air is flying.
Social Media, such as face book and twitter, Instagram, tik tok and others have been used to violate the USCG AUX Social Media Policy. Specifically, pictures of members not in proper uniform. Children’s photos,using music in videos. ANY social media that is being posted by a Flotilla must get vetted Division Staff Office for Public Affairs. This is being taken very seriously so please; do not post any Flotilla 4-2 videos or pictures on any website without specific authorization from Bob Hille, our FSO-PB
As we get closer and closer to getting back on the water several areas we have not thought about are coming forward. If you have Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) the equipment MUST undergo annual
inspections. In preparation I suggest checking you PLB’s on your won, check you logs, change batteries in anything that needs changing, make sure you have all required equipment on your vest. There are 7 boat crew and one coxswain that will need inspections before going on the water!
From all appearances, in my opinion, the Coast Guard to heading to get us on the water as soon as possible. That being said, the 7 crew members and 1 coxswain should start reviewing all past training material and be prepared for your requalification as soon as possible, and that may mean in May. Only six weeks away.
We will talk about that process later on. Division Commander Tom Botsolas is recovering well from hisrecent surgery.
A continued reminder for all Auxiliary to follow all CDC suggestions for social distancing and mask ware and to get your vaccine as it becomes available to you.
Our Flotilla in need of a Diversity Officer and the Division
is in need of a Diversity officer, if anyone feels that they have an interest
in either or both positions both the Division and Flotilla would be happy to
have you fill this position.
This will be the last time I mention ABS in New Jersey until we hear that we are back in the ABS business from the NJ State Police.
TCT workshops are mandatory and everyone MUST take thisonline course. You will be notified of the date and time. The classes are limited to 14 members per class. The classes will be live instructors and given only 8 times. I have no idea how exceptions nor the exact process of assignment to a class be dealt with.
There is discussion about FSO’s have a virtual meeting with the DSO’s to get to know other individuals in the same officer positions. The FC’s are doing it monthly and we all learn quite a bit from the meetings. I hope everyone will have at least one meeting with your Division leader and counterparts in other Flotillas to see how your team works and if you want tomeet again to exchange ideas.
Before I turn the meeting over to Al, I would like to read a note to the Flotilla from Valerie and Steve Krok .To the Bridge, Officers and Members of Flotilla 04-02
Thank you for the most generous donation to the Alzheimer’s Association in Memory of my mother, Genevieve Rygiel. We also wish to thank those members who sent kind expressions of sympathy, cards or email messages. Their thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated during our time of sorrow.
Valerie and Steve Krok and Family
Thank you, Val and Steve for the note.
Moving on now to the VC and committee reports.Comms Services: website up to date. Minutes added, finances redacted
Public Affairs: no report
Public Education: $500 worth of ABS books sold.
Kenn will continue to try to sell books online. Serves as suitable backup to current edition. About 15 different flotillas contacted, no luck.
Marine Safety: no report
Diversity: no report
Communications: Steve Krok, Auxnet radio, 4 missions, 11 year to date
Operations: no report
Navigation Systems: no report
Human Resources: twomembers, one on, one in process; Jason, Andrew
Secretary/Records: no report
Publications: no report
Materials: Books sold as per PE report
Program Visitor: no report
Vessel Examinations: no report
Finance: Report submitted electronically
Info Systems: report submitted. 96 total activity hours for 4-2 54.8; Training
Member Training: entire flotilla complied with core training. Three members due in 2021. Not active members. 63% entered data successfully. Blood borne pathogens 100293 course required
for boat crew, vessel examiners. Course can be found online through National Training site.
Annual operations workshop in April. Crew, coxswains should make every effort to attend. No information on alternative workshop. Will NOT allow anyone to go out on water unless this course and risk management. New members need initial TCT. Can be taken online.
Old Business: No Old Business
New Business: Donated $350.00 to Coast Guard Mutual
Assistance FundDonated $100.00 to C.G. Foundation
Awards. None
Good and Welfare
Meeting ended at 9:00PM
Flotilla 42 Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 16 February 2021Zoom Call·Call to Order by P. Blank at 20:00
·Opening Pledge – P. Fiumara
·Flotilla Commander Note on the Pledge of Allegiance:
“Pledge” to promise honor to another Human Being
·Attendance – P. MacWalters, P. Blank, K. Bosland, A. Lane, S. Burns, P. Fiumara,
M. Miceli, M. Freeman, A. Balaban, A. Iannacone, J. Forish
Flotilla Commanders Report
o Commander’s report: Division Highlights
-Fleet week will be virtual for 2021
-District and Division websites have been updated
-Do not order any more ABS books for Public Education classes
-M. Rebeck will be running a TCT refresher for Operational personnel, the virtual class is limited to a certain number of participants and is required
-The Emergency Contact List is being updated
o Flotilla Notes and Comments
-There will be a Safety Officer requirement for the Flotilla for our PPE management
-There is no longer an age restriction for activities in the USCGAUX, only a health/pre-existing condition prohibition
-Volunteer is being requested for a Secretary for Meeting Minutes for March Meeting
-Zoom meeting for AUXDATA II training next week
-Check your membership card for expiration dates within the next 5 months
-We are seeking member suggestions for Member Training between now and June
·Previous Meeting Minutes are posted, there is one correction, approved at 20:10
·Staff Officer Reports
1-Comms Services,P, Flotilla website is up to date with meeting minutes.
2-Public Affairs, P, nothing to report.
3-Public Education, K. Bosland, P, P. Fiumara reporting there is no progress in either the State of New Jersey or Sector for conducting classes, there are students awaiting the next available class, the Flotilla has 200+ books to sell to other Flotillas that are able to use them, NY and DE are issuing certificates online.
4-Marine Safety, P, no report.
5-Diversity, Open, no report.6-Communciations, P, AUXNET 4 evolutions in February, 7 YTD.
7-Operations, P, no activity, NOTE: USCGAUX Cutter Lady B will no longer be a Facility.
8-Navigation Systems, P, NOTAM, beware of Right Whales, construction, and wind turbines.
9-Human Resources, P, (2) new perspective members have applied.
10-Secretary/Records, P, January meeting minutes have been revised.
11-Publications, NP, no report.
12-Materials, P, See above for the available ABS books.
13-Program Visitor, NP, SE, no activity.
14-Finance, NP, [Financial Data Redacted]
NOTE: 2021 annual National, District and Division dues check will be deposited into the Division bank on Wednesday, 17 February 2021.
15-Info Systems, NP, SE, submit your 7025 hours.
16-Member Training, NP, SE, core training may be due in 2021, January meeting was on AUXDATA II, new member completed NY ABS training and proceeding to BQ II course, members participated in online Leadership Academy, check upcoming AUXLMS courses, NOTE: there is lots of online training opportunities, including other District training & discussions.
17-Vessel Examinations, NP, SE, no activity.
·Old Business-None
·New Business-
V. Krok had a death in her family, please keep them in your thoughts, the Flotilla will be making a donation of $100 in their memory, motion passes 20:47
·Good and Welfare-Happy Presidents Day
·Motion to Adjourn, no objections, adjourned @ 20:48
Training is 23 February, 20:00 hours, subject is AUXDATA II, via Zoom
Next Business Meeting is 16 March, 20:00 hours, via Zoom
Flotilla 42 Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, 19 January 2021,
Zoom Call·Call to Order by P. Blank at 20:00
·Opening Pledge – Joseph Forish,·Flotilla Commander Note on the Pledge of Allegiance:
“Indivisible” or incapable of being divided.
·Introduction of Guests -None
·Attendance - P. Blank, A. Iannacone, P. MacWalters, V. Krok, S. Krok, J. Forish, M. Miceli, A. Lane (new member), R. Hillie, M. Freeman, S. Burns, A. Balaban·Flotilla Commanders Report
o Commander’s report: Division Highlightso If anyone interested in working with Sea Scouts, there is a new position of DSO-AS, AS stands for AUX SCOUTS, if you are interested please. The District is hoping to fir an AUXSCOUT “SHIP”, a ship will be a unit. If interested, please see me after the meeting.
o The UNIFORM of the day is what is prescribed, if it is TROPS and you show up in ODUs you will be turned away, there is only ONE uniform allowed at a function. The only exception is the AUX Uniform of the day and proper Civilian clothes
o George Reilly is THE ONLY PERSON permitted to contact with the Gold Side OR ANY Gold Contact.
o For any program visits, vessel examinations or contact with public please see meabout “an Assignment to Duty Orders”
o Pat Mac Walters will be happy to hear that fingerprints have been official “deepsixed” in auxiliary.
o Nav Systems training is again available for anyone interested in being an AIDS VERIFIER. The contact is “[email protected], please respond by 24 Januaryo There are still, NO ABS courses in New Jersey
o COW will be virtual; no other information is available at this timeo Division5SR is having 3 days of virtual training of from 5 to 7 February. A good place to look is Google Division5 southern region v train 2021. Samantha, Pat Mac and I have signed up for a course.
o There was another training directorate for member training, for leadership and management I was wait listed and some others have not heard their status.·Comments
o I would like to introduce our newest member, Andrew or Andy Lane, we are all happy to be the first to welcome you to our flotilla.o Please tell us about yourself. Andy!
o And Andy has been assigned Val Ramsberger to be his mentor.o We are still in COVID lockdown, staying virtual. PV visits and VE are still allowed with assignment to duty orders, available with authorization with 48 hours notice.
o Next week’s member training will be virtual at 8pm 26 Jan21. There will be a zoom class followed by an auxdata 2 class.
·Previous Meeting Minutes
·Staff Officers Reports
2-Public AffairsP, No report
3-Public EducationNP, R. Hille indicates no report.
4-Marine SafetyP, No report.
5-DiversityNo report.
6-CommunciationsNP, AUXNET is operational
7-OperationsNP, No winter operations
8-Navigation SystemsP, No report, no operation
9-Human ResourcesP, New member this evening, 2 more perspective members
10-PublicationsP, No report
11-MaterialsP, No report.
12-Program VisitorP, No activity to report.
13-FinanceP, SE, See below.
14-Info SystemsP, SE, New system is going through growing pains.
15-Member TrainingP, SE, All active members except 1 have completed Core Values Training, 3 members have 5 year certifications will come due in 2021
16-Vessel ExaminationsNo report.
17-Secretary/RecordsP, No report.Happy, healthy and safe New Year to the Bridge, Staff Officers, Members
and their families.·Uniforms / Appearance – See above
·Committee Reports
·Old Business <None>·New Business
o Training will be ongoing and new programs are in development
o Research assignments for new IS process, look for an email from V. Ramsberger for a link to the new website for AUXDATA2,, the preferred browser is Google Chrome (MS Internet Explorer does not work), Firefox will work, user name is your member number @uscg.aux“[email protected]”, click on “forgot your password” and follow the instructions to receive a verification code and provide a new password, if you are unable to get a new password, contact V. Ramsberger; keep track of your hours on a paper copy of the 7029 form and send it to V. Ramsberger with your “99” codes
·Awards <None>
·Good and Welfare
o Keep PF in your thoughts and prayers·Motion to Adjourn, No objections to Adjournment at 21:00
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting Minutes
15 September 2020
I. Call to order
The regular meeting of the Flotilla 4-2 was called to order at 2000 on Tuesday, 15 September (Virtual).
II. Roll Call was taken by Al Iannacone
Present: A. Iannacone, M. Freeman, S. Krok, V. Krok, V. Ramsberger, P. Fiumara, P. Blank, K. Bosland,
Pledge of Allegiance by All
Guests: None
III. Flotilla Commander and Division Reports
FROM: FC Iannacone
~Division Elections scheduled for 08 October.
USCG Leadership Development Course scheduled for January 2021. Will be held virtually.
COW scheduled for 13 February 2021. Division considering locations or holding virtually.
All IS issues now should be reported to Dave Ten Broek
IV. Meeting Minutes from October meeting Approved
V. Flotilla Staff Officer and Committee Reports by VFC P. Fiumara
· FSO-CM: present, AuxNet Missions: Year to Date 35.
· FSO-CS: Website reviewed, no content added.
· FSO-DV: Not Present NR.
· FSO-FN: Submitted by V. Krok Financial data redacted.
· FSO-IS: V. Ramsberger formally appointed as FSO-IS.
· FSO-Materials: N/R
· FSO-MT: N/R we still need a member tng officer
· FSO-NS: Nothing to report
· FSO-OP: No report as operations have been withheld due to Covid 19 restrictions
· FSO-PE: No activity due to Covid 19 restrictions
· FSO-HR: no present, no report
· FSO-PV: no activity due to Covid 19 restrictions
· FSO-SR: present, no report
· FSO-VE: no activity due to Covid 19 restrictions
VI. Uniforms and Appearance:
- Trop. Blue
VII. Committee Reports:
-M. Micelli chairman of election qualification committee.
IIX Old Business: No old business.
IX. New Business: Peter Blank made a motion for the Flotilla to pay $15 for each Flotilla member participating in the ABS course administration and instruction. The motion was not voted on as there are no ABS courses scheduled for 2020. Motion will be tabled until 2021 when ABS course planning resumes.
Pat Fiumara raised the question of the Flotilla paying member dues for next calendar year. USCG Auxiliary standing rules does not permit Flotillas to pay for member national, district nor division dues. The amount of annual dues for the Flotilla amounts to $9. Several members have already paid their $47 annual dues fee. Members decided it was not worth voting on and the suggestion was dropped.
X. Awards:
No awards.
XI. Good and Welfare:
next meeting will Tuesday, 15 September 2020 (Virtual) at 2000
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
Flotilla 4-2 Meeting Minutes
Meeting held virtually, 16 June 2020
Attendees: A. Iannacone, P. Fiumara, J. Forish, S. Krok, V. Krok, S., M. Miceli, M. Freeman, K. Bosland, P. MacWalters, R. Hille
Flotilla 42 Meeting Agenda
· Call to Order - 2000
o Thanks to Joe Forish for setting up Meeting software
· Opening Pledge – Conducted by A. Iannacone
· Introduction of Guests – no guests
· Flotilla Commanders Report
· Comments
· Previous Meeting Minutes
· Staff Officers Reports
o Communications – 24 Auxnet missions year to date
o Comms Services – Flotilla website reviewed, nothing added
o Diversity – no report
o Finance – Presented by V. Krok
o Info Systems – no report
o Marine Safety – no report
o Materials – no report
o Member Training - no report
o Navigation Systems - no report
o Operations - Sea Mist is in the water. George Reilly hopeful to have activity by late July.
o Public Affairs - no report
o Publications - no report
o Public Education – unlikely to be able to conduct ABS course the remainder of 2020
o Human Resources – no report
o Program Visitor – No activity
o Secretary/Records - no report
o Vessel Examinations – Virtual Vessel examinations are permitted under special circumstances.
· Uniforms / Appearance – nothing to report
· Committee Reports – no committee reports
New Business – Flotilla voted unanimously to approve $350 donation to Coast Guard Mutual Aid (CGMA)·
Awards - No awards·
· Motion to Adjourn – Virtual meeting adjourned at 2130.
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 4-2
Meeting Minutes
18Febuary 2020
I. Call to order
The regular meeting of the Flotilla 4-2 was called to order at 20:03 on Tuesday, 18
February, 2020 at 120 Burnett Ave, Maplewood, NJ.
II. Roll Call was taken by Peter H. Blank
Present: A. Iannacone, V. Krok, S. Krok, P. Mac Walters, P. Fiumara, S. Burns
and P.Blank
Pledge of Allegiance by V. Krok
Guests: none
III. Flotilla Commander and Division Reports
FROM: FC Iannacone
~From Division. There will be a four hour mandatory Ops Workshop
Thursday 27 Feb2020 for Coxswain and boat Crew at 1930hrs at Sewaren.
New Divison 4 Challenge Coins are in.
There will be mandatory 4 hour TCT class at 0800hrs on 22MAR2020 at American
Legion Post, Iselin, NJ
IV. Meeting Minutes from January meeting Approved.
-Motion to accept by P. MacWalters and 2
by V. Krok PASSED
V. Flotilla Staff Officer and Committee Reports by VFC P. Fiumara
a) FSO-CM: present, 4 AUXNET Missions in January. Year to Date 6. Our
Flotilla has no need for more radios offered by division.
b) FSO-CS: present, Website up to date. COW photos will be posted.
c) FSO-DV: Not Present NR.
d) FSO-FN: Submitted by V. Krok 18FEB2020
e) FSO-IS: Authorized Beach Cleanup only allowed as Aux effort
f) FSO-MS: Order to be sent in for Boat Safety Classes. 60 Books, 30 Certificate
packages and 2 sets of 5 each Spanish Language books
g) FSO-Materials: S. Burns is getting information on what materials are needed
and what FSO Materials are authorized to be purchased.
h) FSO-MT: Via Email. P.Fiumara, M. Greenstein and S. Krok are due for retest as
instructors. S. Krok does not care to renew instructor status. Suggestion that we
concentrate on Core Training.
j) FSO-OP: Reported on mandatory workshops/Operations workshops. 27Feb2020
in Sewaren. No Flotilla training meeting this month due to mandatory classes.
Sea Mist looks to be in water by 15March2020.
l) FSO-PB: N/R
m) FSO-PE Via Email. Suggestions to have participants self address envelopes,
buy hand sanitizers and that we pay guest instructors 1/3 of gross income from
class. In addition to pay for Sea Mist lost Datum. For PE classes we have
purchased a chair for the lead instructor. Suggested that we leave PE flyers as
part of Program Visits. Another suggestion to offer guest instructors $10.00 per
n) FSO-HR: present, No membership leads from Division
o) FSO-PV: present, Total 29 PV ytd.
p) FSO-SR: present, no report
q) FSO-VE: present no report
VI. Uniforms and Appearance:
Winter blues. Trops for all Safe Boating classes
VII. Committee Reports: n/a
IIX Old Business:
IX. New Business: P. Blank made motion to allow a $17.50 per person per Safe Boating
Class for lunch/refreshments. Tabled
X. Awards: P. Blank received Division Commanders Award.
XI. Good and Welfare: Jim Crincoli is recovering from a knee operation.
Motion to adjourn by P. S. Burns, 2
by S. Krok at 21:20 Passed
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting Minutes
21 January 2020
I. Call to order
The regular meeting of the Flotilla 4-2 was called to order at 20:01 on Tuesday, 21 January 2020 at 120 Burnett Ave, Maplewood, NJ
II. Roll Call was taken by Peter H. Blank
Present: A. Iannacone, V. Krok, S. Krok, P. Mac Walters, K. Bosland, P.
Fiumara, S. Burns and P. Blank
Pledge of Allegiance by P. Blank
Guests: none
III. Flotilla Commander and Division Reports
FROM: FC Iannacone
~Division sent emails about Edison Boat Show. Same weekend as COW.
Again reminding everyone to stay updated on posting hours on 7029 form. Sea
Scouts are aligning with USCGAUX. Frank Catena is contact from 4-8. D Train
will be held in Newport RI from 6 to 8 March2020. Link is on website. Division
1SR awards luncheon will be held on 4April2020. Our COW dinner is 15FEB2020.
A REMINDER THAT ANY Sea Scout activity must include 2 adults, NEVER 1 on 1.
IV. Meeting Minutes from November meeting Approved
-Motion to accept by P. MacWalters and 2nd by K. Bosland PASSED
V. Flotilla Staff Officer and Committee Reports by VFC P. Fiumara
a) FSO-CM: present, AuxNet looking for new volunteers. 2 AUXNET Missions in
January. Year to Date 2
b) FSO-CS: present, Our Flotilla webpage was displayed for our members to see
memorial for Leon Zois.
c) FSO-DV: Not Present NR.
d) FSO-FN: Submitted by V. Krok
e) FSO-IS: Suggestion from leaders that Flotillas get involved with info systems.
f) FSO-MS: N/R
g) FSO-Materials: S. Burns is getting information on what materials are needed
and what FSO Materials are authorized to be purchased.
h) FSO-MT: N/R we still need a member tng officer
i) FSO-NS: Working on KillVanKill towers and working on Notice to Mariners
j) FSO-OP: Reported on mandatory workshops/Operations workshops. LadyB is
making winter patrols. Inspected SAR and PFD required to participate. Reminder to remover batteries from signal light during winter. Sea Mist now has two sets of SAR and PFD for trainees.
k) FSO-PA Edison Boat Show is 14,15,16 February. Contact Division if you would like to volunteer
l) FSO-PB: N/R
m) FSO-PE Following are tentative dates for MotorCycle Mall safe boating classes for 2020. 21Mar2020, 25Apr2020, 16May2020, 13June2020, 11July2020, and 8AUG2020. Also we are purchasing 200 flyers for distribution at Edison Boat Show
n) FSO-HR: present, Jim Dry is new Division HR officer. Procedures for recording
leads thru Districts are being implemented
o) FSO-PV: present, Total 17 PV ytd.
p) FSO-SR: present, no report
q) FSO-VE: present, New 2020 decals have been received.
VI. Uniforms and Appearance:
Winter blues. Note, no boards on sweaters if rank on collar visible.
VII. Committee Reports: n/a
IIX Old Business: n/a
IX. New Business: n/a
X. Awards: N/A this meeting
XI. Good and Welfare: FC Iannacone regretted he could not attend annual fellowship
dinner due to accident involving his son. Joe Forish reported his mother has entered in
a hospice program in Florida, members are encouraged to keep her in our thoughts.
Marty Freeman had moved to new home in shore area and unable to attend tonights
Family of Deceased member Leon Zois expressed their thanks to our Flotilla for assisting
at the funeral for Leon. The Zois family will donate the floral center piece for the Division
COW. Member Steve Krok returned to the cemetery the day after the funeral and placed
an American Flag on the grave.
Motion to adjourn by P. Mac Walters, 2nd by V. Krok at 21:05 Passed
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting Minutes
19 November 2019
I. Call to order
The regular meeting of the Flotilla 4-2 was called to order at 20:01 on Tuesday, 19 November, 2019 at 120 Burnett Ave, Maplewood, NJ
II. Roll Call was taken by Al Iannacone
Present: A. Iannacone, P. Fiumara, S. Krok, P. MacWalters, K. Bosland, M. Miceli, M. Freeman, S. Burns
Pledge of Allegiance by M. Miceli
Guests: Tom Botsolas
III. Flotilla Commander and Division Reports
FROM: FC Iannacone
~Division stressed posting of 7029 hours. COW date set for February 2020 at Raritan Yacht Club.
Flotilla Elections presided by Vice Division Commander Tom Botsolas Al Iannacone and Pat Fiumara elected as Flotilla Commander and Vice Flotilla Commander respectively.
IV. Meeting Minutes from October meeting Approved
Flotilla Staff Officer and Committee Reports by VFC P. Fiumaraa) FSO-CM: present, AuxNet
4 ECHO Missions: Year to Date 35b) FSO-CS: present,ictures of fellowship posted. Status quo
FSO-DV: Not Present NR.d)
FSO-FN: Submitted by V. Krok Financial data redacted.e)
FSO-MS: DVCDR and DCDR completed MSAM oral board program.g) FSO-Materials:
N/R we still need a member tng officeri)
FSO-NS: Nothing to reportj)
FSO-OP: Season complete.
FSO-PB: N/Rm) FSO-PE: No further classes this year.
FSO-HR: N/Ro) FSO-PV: present, Total 139 PV ytd.
FSO-SR: present, no reportp)
FSO-VE: present, 59 VSC year to dateVI. Uniforms and Appearance:
- Winter Dress Blue
VII. Committee Reports:
-M. Micelli chairman of election qualification committee.
IIX Old Business: Annual holiday fellowship will be held in December of 2019.
IX. New Business: No new business
X. Awards:
Samantha Burns presented with Boat Crew ribbonXI. Good and Welfare:
Member Leon Zois passed over the Bar on 11 November.
next meeting will be the Flotilla holiday fellowship gathering on Tuesday, 17 December 2019
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting Minutes
15 October 2019
I. Call to order
The regular meeting of the Flotilla 4-2 was called to order at 20:01 on Tuesday, 15 October, 2019 at 120 Burnett Ave, Maplewood, NJ
II. Roll Call was taken by Al Iannacone
Present: A. Iannacone, V. Krok, S. Krok, M. Freeman, K. Bosland, P. Fiumara, M. Miceli,
Pledge of Allegiance by M. Miceli
Guests: none
III. Flotilla Commander and Division Reports
FROM: FC Iannacone
~Division stressed posting of 7029 hours. No further action on possibility of changing Division meeting dates. COW date set for February 2020 at Raritan Yacht Club.
Time TBA.
IV. Meeting Minutes from September meeting Approved
Flotilla Staff Officer and Committee Reports by VFC P. Fiumaraa) FSO-CM: present, AuxNet
4 ECHO Missions: Year to Date 35b) FSO-CS: present,
Pictures of fellowship posted. Status quoc)
FSO-DV: Not Present NR.d)
FSO-FN: Submitted by V. Krok Financial data redacted.e)
FSO-MS: DVCDR and DCDR completed MSAM oral board program.g) FSO-Materials:
N/R we still need a member tng officeri)
FSO-NS: Nothing to reportj) FSO-OP: Season drawing to a close.
Samantha Burns passed boat crew. Pat Fiurmara passed Coxswain.k)
FSO-PB: N/Rm) FSO-PE: No further classes this year.
July, August results not back yet.n)
FSO-HR: N/Ro) FSO-PV: present, Total 139 PV ytd.
FSO-SR: present, no reportp)
FSO-VE: present, 59 VSC year to dateVI. Uniforms and Appearance:
VII. Committee Reports:
-M. Micelli chairman of election qualification committee.
IIX Old Business: Annual holiday fellowship will be held in December of 2019. Motion raised by Pat Fiumara to have Flotilla pay tab for holiday fellowship meeting. Second by Marty Freeman.
Vote passed unanimously.IX. New Business: Motion by Marty Freeman to reimburse Pat MacWalters for the cost of prescription eyeglasses lost as result of fall in water during a mission was seconded by Kenn Bosland.
Vote to approve was unanimouX. Awards:
Kenn Bosland presented with Program Visitor ribbon XI. Good and Welfare:
Motion to adjourn by M. Miceli, 2
nd by M. Freeman at 20:50 Passednext business meeting will take place on Tuesday, 19 November, 2019
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting Minutes
17 September 2019
I. Call to order
The regular meeting of the Flotilla 4-2 was called to order at 20:00 on Tuesday, 17 September, 2019 at 120 Burnett Ave, Maplewood, NJ
II. Roll Call was taken by Peter H. Blank
Present: A. Iannacone, V. Krok, S. Krok, P. Mac Walters, M. Freeman, K. Bosland, P. Fiumara, S. Burns and Peter Blank
Pledge of Allegiance by K. Bosland
Guests: none
III. Flotilla Commander and Division Reports
FROM: FC Iannacone
~Division stressed posting of 7029 hours. No further action on possibility of changing Division meeting dates. COW date set for February 2020 at Raritan Yacht Club. Time TBA.
IV. Meeting Minutes from July meeting Approved
-Motion to accept by S. Krok and and 2nd by M. Freeman, PASSED
V. Flotilla Staff Officer and Committee Reports by VFC P. Fiumara
a) FSO-CM: present, AuxNet 6 ECHO Missions: Year to Date 30
b) FSO-CS: present, Pictures of fellowship posted.
c) FSO-DV: Not Present NR.
FSO-FN: Submitted by V. Krok
e) FSO-IS: N/R
f) FSO-MS: N/R
g) FSO-Materials: N/R
h) FSO-MT: N/R we still need a member tng officer
i) FSO-NS: K. Redden stated all assigned PATON’s completed
j) FSO-OP: Sea Mist is again operational. P. Fiumara has coxswain check ride this month.
k) FSO-PA Successful National Night out in Union Twp with S. Krok , V. Krok and P. Fiumara giving out hundreds of coloring books, snacks and crayons
l) FSO-PB: N/R
m) FSO-PE August PE Safe Boating class had 18 students only one fail. For year we had 159 passing and 12 fails. S. Krok posted hours of safe boating staff.
n) FSO-HR: present, No response from on possible visitor attending a meeting and S. Burns will attempt to bring 2 guests to next regular meeting
o) FSO-PV: present, Total 107 PV ytd. K.Bosland reported display at Dicks Sporting goods missing.
p) FSO-SR: present, no report
q) FSO-VE: present, 48 VSC year to date
VI. Uniforms and Appearance:
VII. Committee Reports:
-M. Micelli chairman of election qualification committee.
IIX Old Business: August fellowship gathering moved indoors due to extreme heat. Discussion of a change of date for next summer. Annual holiday fellowship will be held in December of 2019.
IX. New Business: Motion to Donate $300.00 to CGMA by P. Fiumara and 2nd by M. Freeman. PASSED All active members as of June 23,2019 will receive CG unit Commendation ribbon.
X. Awards: N/A this meeting
XI. Good and Welfare: V. Ramsberger would like to remain a member of 4-2
Suggestions were made as to spending some of our treasury
Motion to adjourn by M. Freeman, 2nd by P. Blank at 21:09 Passed
next business meeting will take place on Tuesday October 15,2019 United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting Minutes
I. Call to order
The regular meeting of the Flotilla 4-2 was called to order by FC Iannacone at 20:00
Tuesday, 16July 2019 at 120 Burnett Ave, Maplewood, NJ.
II. Roll Call was taken by Peter H. Blank
Present: A. Iannacone, V. Krok, S. Krok, P. Mac Walters, M. Freeman, P. Fiumara, K. Bosland and P. Blank
Pledge of Allegiance by M. Freeman
Guests: None
III. Flotilla Commander and Division Reports
FROM: FC Iannacone
~Division Meeting notes:
There was discussion at end of meeting about changing Division Monthly meetings to quarterly meetings. 2020 Change of Watch will take place on 15Feb2020. No Division meeting scheduled in August. Glen Mason discussed policy and procedures for PE instructor qualifications and recommended renewal procedures that should begin at least 90 days out from expiration date of current certification. Information is available on line. Confusion regarding TCT tng was clarified. USCG Cutter Eagle will be at Intrepid Museum on 17-18 August. Volunteers are needed for tours and PR.
Flotilla Notes: Sea Mist under intensive repair. Hoping for relaunch in August.
IV. Meeting Minutes from June approved. Motions to accept by M. Freeman and 2nd by S.Krok. Passed.
V. Flotilla Staff Officer and Committee Reports by VFC P. Fiumara
a) FSO-CM: present. Auxnet 4E, 6 Missions Year to date 24.
b) FSO-CS: present, Website up to date. All minutes are posted and pictures will be posted
c) FSO-DV: Not Present NR.
d) FSO-FN: Present: Submitted
e) FSO-PE Appx 30 students signed for class on 20July. Jim Crincoli guest instructor.
f) FSO-IS: N/R
g) FSO-MS: N/R
h) FSO-Materials: N/R need someone to take this post.
i) FSO-MT: We need an MT officer. Next tng meeting will be about filling out electronic forms
j) FSO-NS: Present, N/R
k) FSO-OP: No flotilla ops until Sea Mist back in service.
l) FSO-PA: Present. National Night Out Against Crime is 6August 20 at the Union, NJ Main Police Station at Caldwell Ave from 5p to 9P.
m) FSO-PB: not present, no report
n) FSO-PV. Program Visits year to date 84.
o) FSO-HR: present . One positive response, no one has come.
p) FSO-PV: present, Total 71 year to date (copy to Div PV)
q) FSO-SR: present, NR
r) FSO-VE: Present 48 VE complete and one facility inspection( Copy to Div VE)
VI. Uniforms and Appearance:
-Trops are the preferred uniform.
VII. Committee Reports: Formed election screening committee for Flotilla elections in November. M. Miceli, Chairman, M. Freeman, Ken Bosland and P. MacWalters members, S. Krok, Advisor.
IX. Old Business: N/A
IX. New Business: Summer Picnic at home Al Iannacone on 18Aug19. Motion to suspend Aug meeting was passed and noted that in case of emergency a meeting will be held.
X. Awards:
CHDIRAUX announced 80th Anniversary of USCG on 23June19 and all members will receive Unit Commendation Ribbon they will be distributed soon.
XI. Good and Welfare:
Motion to adjourn by M.Freeman, 2nd by V. Krok @ 21:00 Passed
next business meeting will take place on Tuesday 17Sept 2019
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting minutes 16July19 taken by FSO-SR Peter H. Blank
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting Minutes
I. Call to order
The regular meeting of the Flotilla 4-2 was called to order at by FC Iannacone at 20:08 Tuesday, 18June 2019 at 120 Burnett Ave, Maplewood, NJ.
II. Roll Call was taken by Peter H. Blank
Present: A. Iannacone, V. Krok, S. Krok, P. Mac Walters, M. Freeman, P. Fiumara, M. Miceli, S. Burns, K. Bosland and P. Blank
Pledge of Allegiance by M. Miceli.
Guests: None
III. Flotilla Commander and Division Reports
FROM: FC Iannacone
~Division Meeting notes: Division researching partnering with Sea Scouts to help with future recruiting for Auxiliary. There is a new Food Service Staff Officer, Jean Oudino Only four members of Division have not completed mandated TCT training. Fleet week activity from Auxiliary was a great success.
Combined “active shooter drill” was complicated and completed with great success. There has been an increase in non 99 hours. DTrain 2020 will be held 6,7,8 March2020 in Newport, RI. Pat Fiumara is no longer on Change of Watch committee. 2020 Change of Watch may be held in January or February at Raritan Yacht Club.
Flotilla Notes: S. Burns changed status to AP. Coast Guard day is 4Aug2020 at Sector, NY.
IV. Meeting Minutes from May approved. Motions to accept by M. Freeman and 2nd by M. Miceli. Passed.
V. Flotilla Staff Officer and Committee Reports by VFC P. Fiumara
a) FSO-CM: present. Auxnet 4E, 1 Mission Year to date 18
b) FSO-CS: present, Website up to date. All minutes are posted and pictures will be posted
c) FSO-DV: Not Present NR.
d) FSO-FN: Present: Report Submitted
e) Noted that check for boat safety books in amount of $1,287 has been cashed.
f) FSO-IS: N/R
g) FSO-MS: Emails sent to all Flotilla members about MS and noted increase in Marine Safety activity. MS Qualifications, Pollution and Safety
h) FSO-Materials: N/R
i) FSO-MT: We need an MT officer. Discussion to bring in Mike Ayers to teach First Aid next week. NEW TCT must be taken by end of 2019.
j) FSO-NS: Present, N/R
k) FSO-OP: Present: One patrol went well for Fleet Week. Within that mission we were diverted to a SAR near Keyport from Buttermilk Channel. We are hoping to do some midweek patrols starting in late June .S. Burns taking Crew course at 4-4. Also we are getting one set of required safety vest and PFD with PLB for training.
l) FSO-PA: Present. National Night Out Against Crime is 6August 20 at the Union Main Police Station at Caldwell Ave from 5p to 9P. Request Flotilla support with buying crayons candy etc. FC is ordering 288 crayons. Uniform is Trops.
m) FSO-PB: not present, no report
n) FSO-PE: present. 8June19 Safe Boating class had 32 students. 31 of 32 passed. Next class 20July19. 3 Retests. 2 passed one failed. Student who failed invited back to take class again at no cost. New audio system worked very well
o) FSO-HR: present . Contacted two potential members, 1 of two responded but no one came
p) FSO-PV: present, Total 71 year to date (copy to Div PV)
q) FSO-SR: present, NR
r) FSO-VE: Present 36 VE complete and one facility inspection( Copy to Div VE)
VI. Uniforms and Appearance:
-Trops are the preferred uniform.
VII. Committee Reports: N/A
IIX. Old Business: N/A
IX. New Business: Summer Picnic at home Al Iannacone on 18Aug19.
X. Awards:
Presented to P. Blank, P.MacWalters and K. Bosland for participation in 2018 Fleet Week
XI. Good and Welfare: Remembering active member Leon Zois who participated on D Day landing and past member Joseph “Bud” Introcaso, a DDay veteran
Motion to adjourn by M. Miceli , 2nd by P.MacWalters at 21:35 Passed
next business meeting will take place on Tuesday July 16, 2019
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting minutes 18June19 taken by FSO-SR Peter H. Blank
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting Minutes
I. Call to order
The regular meeting of the Flotilla 4-2 was called to order at by FC Iannacone at 20:00 on Tuesday, 21May 2019 at 120 Burnett Ave, Maplewood, NJ
II. Roll Call was taken by Peter H. Blank
Present: A. Iannacone, V. Krok, S. Krok, P. Mac Walters, M. Freeman, P. Fiumara, M. Miceli, S. Burns and P. Blank
Pledge of Allegiance by P. Mac Walters
Guests: None
III. Flotilla Commander and Division Reports
FROM: FC Iannacone
~There was no Division Meeting this month.
IV. Meeting Minutes from April approved. Motions to accept by S.Krok and 2nd by P. MacWalters. Passed.
V. Flotilla Staff Officer and Committee Reports by VFC P. Fiumara
a) FSO-CM: present. Bring radios for Fleet week.
b) FSO-CS: present, Website up to date.
c) FSO-DV: Not Present NR.
d) FSO-FN: Present: Report submitted.
e) FSO-IS: N/R
f) FSO-MS: Present. N/R
g) FSO-Materials: N/R
h) FSO-MT: Not Pres N/R.
i) FSO-NS: Present, N/R
j) FSO-OP: Present: We are going out on fleet week for escort service and using GAR 2.0. Division 4 has had a slow start for ops, only two on water so far this year. Discussion began regarding crew trainee going on water without PLB.
k) FSO-PA: Present. Proclamation at Union Town Hall for Safe Boating Week on14May19 . Attending from 4-2 were S. Krok, V. Krok, M. Freeman, A. Iannacone and P. Fiumara. Proclimation given to 4-2 by Mayor Michelle Delisfort.
l) FSO-PB: not present, no report
m) FSO-PE: not present. 18May19 Safe Boating class had 37 students. 34 of 37 passed. 3 Failed. Next class 8June19. 3 students who failed were invited back to take class again at no cost.
n) FSO-HR: present . N/R
o) FSO-PV: present, Total 59 year to date
p) FSO-SR: present, NR
q) FSO-VE: Present 11 VE complete and one facility inspection
VI. Uniforms and Appearance:
-Trops are the preferred uniform.
VII. Committee Reports: N/A
IIX. Old Business: N/A
IX. New Business: We are to be on station for Parade Of Ships on Sea Mist on Wednesday 23 May19
X. Awards:
XI. Good and Welfare: S. Krok presented S. Burns with a gift from V. Ramsberger. FC Iannacone reminded members to remember the true meaning of Memorial Day and wished all a safe holiday.
Motion to adjourn by M. Freeman , 2nd by M. Miceli at 20:59 Passed
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting minutes 21May19 taken by FSO-SR Peter H. Blank
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting Minutes
16 April 2019
I. Call to order
The regular meeting of the Flotilla 4-2 was called to order at by FC Iannacone at 20:00 on Tuesday, 16 April, 2019 at 120 Burnett Ave, Maplewood, NJ
II. Roll Call was taken by Peter H. Blank
Present: A. Iannacone, V. Krok, S. Krok, P. Mac Walters, M. Freeman, K. Bosland, V. Ramsberger, P. Fiumara, and P. Blank
Pledge of Allegiance by P.Blank
Guests: Shafiq Munir
III. Flotilla Commander and Division Reports
FROM: FC Iannacone
~Only two members in 4-2 have not completed required Risk Management
-There was discussion about location of District training location.
- Reminder for all Flotilla Staff Officers to send reports to counterpart staff
officer at Division. This includes “no report.”
-Commandant of USCG letter read to members thanking all for superior support during government shutdown.
-D-Captain Ramsberger said all members were very generous.
She added that Risk Management training is high priority. The next
District Board meeting will be held 1June19 at Sector NY Chapel.
IV. Meeting Minutes from February and March not yet approved
V. Flotilla Staff Officer and Committee Reports by VFC P. Fiumara
a) FSO-CM: present. Still doing AUXNET and suggests using AUXNET radios on patrols
b) FSO-CS: present, Website up to date. Motorcycle Mall appreciated Award Placqe.
c) FSO-DV: Not Present NR.
d) FSO-FN: Presented by V. Krok
e) FSO-IS: N/R
f) FSO-MS: Not Present. N/R (Continued emphasis on Sea Turtle Pogram)
g) FSO-Materials: N/R
h) FSO-MT: S. Burns interested in Boat Crew Class.
i) FSO-NS: Present, N/R
j) FSO-OP: Present: April 27, 2019, 0815 ops workshop at Sector NY, in Galley.
k) FSO-PA: Present. Proclamation in Union for Safe Boating Week on14May19 between 1700 and 1730 Hrs. Uniform will be Trops. S. Krok showed picture from last years ceremony. FC Iannacone will give acceptance speech at ceremony. Fleet week is 23-27 May 2019
l) FSO-PB: not present, no report
m) FSO-PE: present. 13April19 Safe Boating class had 19 students. 16 of 19 passed. Next class 18May19, 3 students who failed were invited back to take class again at no cost. Tom Borsalas has 4 aux members who want to take our class. Still waiting for NJ State Police to provide 10 questions in Spanish for State portion of test.
n) FSO-HR: present . One guest in attendance, a former Aux Member. Discussion pertaining to our recruiting “rejects” from recruiting office and letting recruit parents know of Aux activities
o) FSO-PV: present, Since last meeting V. Krok, 14, S. Krok 28, Total 42 Visits
p) FSO-SR: present, no report
q) FSO-VE: present, N/R
VI. Uniforms and Appearance:
-Trops are the preferred uniform.
VII. Committee Reports: N/A
IIX. Old Business: N/A
IX. New Business: FC Iannacone proposed a fellowship meeting at his home in August.
A motion to send Leon Zois a 99th birthday card was made by M. Freeman and 2nd by P. MacWalters was passed.
X. Awards:
We, that is 4-2, was awarded from Sector NY: “Flotilla if the Year.”
V. Ramsberger and K. Bosland received awards for participation in Security of New York Marathon.
P. MacWalters, S. Krok, and P. Blank, received Auxiliary Performance Service Award.
XI. Good and Welfare: FC Iannacone bid V. Ramsberger best wishes and a sincere thank you for her many years of service to 4-2 and the Auxiliary
Motion to adjourn by M. Freeman , 2nd by K. Bosland at 21:02: Passed
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting minutes 16April19 taken by Peter H. Blank
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting Minutes
19 March 2019
I. Call to order
The regular meeting of the Flotilla 4-2 was called to order at 20:02 on Tuesday, 19 March, 2019 at 120 Burnett Ave, Maplewood, NJ
II. Roll Call was taken by Marty Freeman
Present: A. Iannacone, V. Krok, S. Krok, P. Mac Walters, M. Freeman, K. Bosland, V. Ramsberger, P. Fiumara, S. Burns and M. Miceli
Pledge of Allegiance by S. Burns
Guests: none
III. Flotilla Commander and Division Reports
FROM: FC Iannacone
~Division stressed always applying appropriate email protocol.
-Winter uniforms appropriate until end of March: After April 1, Trops.
-PE classes resume at Motorcycle Mall this weekend. Uniform:Trops.
- Reminder to post all 7029 hours upon completion.
IV. Meeting Minutes from February Approved
-Motion to accept by K. Bosland and 2nd by P. MacWalters, PASSED
V. Flotilla Staff Officer and Committee Reports by VFC P. Fiumara
a) FSO-CM: present, N/R
b) FSO-CS: present, Website up to date with pictures of award presentations. Aux net 10 missions completed by Mobile 4ECHO
c) FSO-DV: Not Present NR.
d) FSO-FN: Submitted by V. Krok
e) FSO-IS:Info Systems: FSO-IS is making copies of 7029 that he is receiving from D. Tenbrock.
f) FSO-MS: present; Discussed material on sea turtle recovery project. V. Ramsberger added reporting to her for processing of whale sightings
g) FSO-Materials: N/R
h) FSO-MT: Everyone is encouraged to take leadership courses. Link is on left side of Member Training Directorate page. Next TNG meeting will be RM 3.0. Discussed Regional Training in lieu of D-Train, possibly in spring or early fall.
i) FSO-NS: K. Redden sent email stating that NS will start when ops are started
j) FSO-OP: April 27, 2019 ops workshop at Sector NY, in Galley.
k) FSO-PA: Posted photos of awards on Website
l) FSO-PB: not present, no report
m) FSO-PE: P. Fiumara sent out syllabus for PE sessions. Plaque will be presented to John Resciniti of Motorcycle Mall. 132 Books for Safe Boating class are available. Estimate class size of 20 for 13March19 class. Still waiting for authorized English to Spanish translation for State portion of SB test.
n) FSO-HR: present, will reach out to invite possible new member to 3/26/19 training meeting.
o) FSO-PV: present, Since last meeting V. Krok, 10, S. Krok 17, Total 27 PV
p) FSO-SR: present, no report
q) FSO-VE: present, year N/R
VI. Uniforms and Appearance:
-Winter Dress Blues is the preferred uniform until 1April.
VII. Committee Reports:
-Change-of-Watch was successful and turned out in black by $800.00. Discussed returning to Raritan Yacht Club in future.
IIX Old Business: N/A
IX. New Business: N/A
X. Awards:
P. MacWalters, Sustained Service Award
S. Krok, Auxillary Performance Service Award
P. Fiumara, Auxillary Performance Award
M. Greenstein, Auxillary Annual Service Award and Coast Guard Sustained Service Award
V. Krok, Aid to the Commodore Award
XI. Good and Welfare:
Motion to adjourn by K. Bosland, 2nd byS. Brown, at 21:26 Passed
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting minutes 19March19 taken by Marty Freeman for Peter Blank
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting Minutes
19 February 2019
I. Call to order
The regular meeting of the Flotilla 4-2 was called to order at 20:04 on Tuesday, 19 February, 2019 at 120 Burnett Ave, Maplewood, NJ
II. Roll Call was taken by FSO-SR Peter Blank
Present: A. Iannacone, V. Krok, S. Krok, P. Mac Walters, M. Freeman, K. Bosland, V. Ramsberger, P. Blank, P. Fiumara, S. Burns, M. Miceli
Pledge of Allegiance by K. Bosland
Guests: none
IV. Flotilla Commander and Division Reports
Change of Watch dinner was enjoyed by all.
Division meeting notes continued emphasis on uniforms and maintaining
a military bearing.
Reminding all to keep submitting hours on line to emphasize importance of
auxiliary .
Division is seeking a volunteer for Secretary position.
There has been an approximate 70% cut in funding for C schools.
D train for 2019 has been cancelled.
All “TCT” training has been put on hold.
V. Meeting Minutes from January 2019
-Minutes from November 2018 meeting to be accepted
Minutes from January accepted with one correction.
“Adding to Member Training: that there was discussion about
pending training topics for next year.”
Motion to accept minutes by M. Freeman and 2nd by V. Ramsberger
VI. Flotilla Staff Officer and Committee Reports by VFC, P. Fiumara
a) FSO-CM: present, phone call lists updated
b) FSO-CS: present, web site updated.
c) FSO-FN: present, report for Month of January 2019 submitted.
d) FSO-IS: not present, no report
e) FSO-MS: present, no report;
f) FSO-MA: not present, no report Position open
g) FSO-MT: TCT is being replaced in near future by a 4 hour Risk Management program under development. LMS website 10022 is to be used for current RM training. Sector training is being planned for either a half or full day. Next member training will be customs and courtesies and proper wear of uniforms Flotilla 4-4 in Sewaren will hold crew training starting in June of 2019
h) FSO-NS: present, no report
i) FSO-OP: Please send sizes for rain gear for on water ops to Pat Fiumara
j) FSO-PA: V. Ramsberger has pictures from Raritan Boat Show. There was a positive response to business cards distributed with boat safety course info.
k) FSO-PB: not present, no report
l) FSO-PE: Plaque to be presented to John Resciniti, Jr.and staff of Motorcycle Mall. Suggestion to have a group of members in uniform present award. A digital copy of State Boat Safety manual is being made available to students at Motorcycle Mall. Ten State questions on boat test are being translated to Spanish by qualified translators.
m) FSO-DV Not present, no report
n) FSO-HR: present, spoke with two possible members, no response
o) FSO-PV: present, Since last meeting, Val Krok 6, Steve Krok 10. Program Visits in 2019 is 16.
p) FSO-SR: present, no report
q) FSO-VE: present, we have new decals for 2019.
r) FSO-SR Present, January minutes submitted
VII. Uniforms and Appearance:
-Reminder no shoulder boards with winter dress woolly pully, just collar insignia.
Woolly pully with trops use shoulder boards
IX. Old Business: n/a
X. New Business:
-We have extra program ad books from COW to distribute to ad-takers
P.Mac Walters reported he visited Coast Guard Cutter Walker with accepted Cadet at CG Academy for a tour of ship with the Captain.
-V. Ramsberger noted next District Board and Staff meeting will be 9Mar19, uniform is ODU.
It was clarified that Auxiliarists can participate in Auxiliary functions in government shutdowns as long as there are no government funds involved. Division received a verbal accolade from USCG Admiral for help to active duty Coast Guard during shutdown.
-P. Fiumara added that new BS&S (Basic Skills and Seamanship) and ABS (About Boating Safety) books are being rewritten and revised to be ready by 2020.
XI. Awards:
Peter Blank received Division award for most boat Crew hours
XII. Good and Welfare:
Ken Bosland reported eye surgery had a slight problem, hopefully to resolve itself.
Motion to adjourn by M. Freeman, 2nd by Pat Mac Walters, at 21:10
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting minutes 19Feb19
Peter H. Blank
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting Minutes
22 January 2019
I. Call to order
The regular meeting of the Flotilla 4-2 was called to order at 20:10 on Tuesday, 22 January, 2019 at 120 Burnett Ave, Maplewood, NJ
II. Roll Call was taken by FSO-SR Peter Blank
Present: A. Iannacone, V. Krok, S. Krok, P. Mac Walters, M. Freeman, K. Bosland, V. Ramsberger, P. Blank, P. Fiumara
Pledge of Allegiance by P. Blank
Guests: none
III. Flotilla Commander and Division Reports (provided by V. Ramsberger)
- Emphasis on Paddle Craft Safety
-Recruiting efforts
-GAR Forms
- Recapitulation of Commandant of Coast Guard notes on activities
during shutdown of government
IV. Meeting Minutes from December 2018
-Minutes from December will be reviewed at a future meeting
V. Flotilla Staff Officer and Committee Reports by VFC P. Fiumara
a) FSO-CM: present, no report
b) FSO-CS: present, no report
c) FSO-FN: present, report submitted.
d) FSO-IS: not present, no report
e) FSO-MS: present, no report;
f) FSO-MA: not present, no report
g) FSO-MT: present, no report
h) FSO-NS: present, no report
i) FSO-OP: Discussion about purchase of rain gear for on waters ops
j) FSO-PA: Edison Boast Show 14-17 February/possible conflict with tentative reschedule of COW
k) FSO-PB: not present, no report
l) FSO-PE: present, planning for summer boat instruction and encourage members to get to be qualified as instructors. Agreed to purchase 100 English and 40 Spanish books. Discussed plaque for Motorcycle Mall and efforts to translate test from English to Spanish
m) FSO-DV Not present, no report
n) FSO-HR: present, 3 inquiries and 3 non response
o) FSO-PV: present, Since last meeting 0. 167 total Program Visits in 2018
p) FSO-SR: present, no report
q) FSO-VE: present, year end 45 VE’s
VII. Uniforms and Appearance:
-Winter Dress Blues is the preferred uniform until the spring
VIII. Committee Reports:
-Change-of-Watch, the ad forms and booster forms have been issued
• Raritan Yacht Club, 16 February 1800-2200 hours, Dinner Buffet.
• NOT FIRMED date as of today.
IX. Old Business: n/a
X. New Business:
-Reminder US postal rate goes to .55 cents first class
XI. Awards:
Marty Freeman awarded Boat Crew
XII. Good and Welfare:
-Thank you to all of our Veterans for their Service
Wishing Ken Bosland good luck in his upcoming eye surgery.
Keep thinking about ideas for training.
Motion to adjourn by P.Blank, 2nd by M. Freeman, at 21:15
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting Minutes
22 January 2019
United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
District 1SR, Division 4, Flotilla 2
Meeting Minutes
20 November, 2018
I. Call to order
The regular meeting of the Flotilla 4-2 was called to order at 20:02 on Tuesday, 20 November, 2018 at 120 Burnett Ave, Maplewood, NJ
Elections, V. Ramsberger asked for petitions for nominations for Flotilla Commander &
Vice Flotilla Commander, hearing none, meeting proceeded at 20:04
II. Roll Call was taken by VFC A. Iannacone
Present: A. Iannacone, V. Krok, S. Krok, P. Mac Walters, J. Forish, M. Freeman, K. Bosland, M. Miceli, V. Ramsberger, P. Blank
Pledge of Allegiance by S. Krok
Guests: none
III. Flotilla Commander and Division Reports (provided by V. Ramsberger)
-New member application procedure has been revised to shorten the length of time for applicants to complete their mandatory training within a year
-AUXNETs have dropped off
-6 members in Division 4 at the Marathon with Radio Facilities
-CS webmasters should make sure their hours are appearing
-Division did receive the 3 Star Award for Diversity
-Significant improvement in the members recording hours, please keep up the good work
-100% of ATONs were inspected for Division 4
-Normal operations will be coming to a close, please remove your batteries from your strobes and have your PPE inspected for the winter
-District has recognized the increase in PE classes and hours, especially from Flotilla 4-2, thank you for your hard work
-There will be an increase emphasis on Paddlesports, there is a new AUXPAD contact
-There were some very special awards presented by the Gold Side to Division 4 members
IV. Elections
-M. Miceli read the Screening Committee Report for 2018
A. Iannacone for Vice Flotilla Commander
P. Fiumara for Flotilla Vice Commander
-V. Ramsbergers
No nominations from the Floor for the office for Vice Flotilla Commander
FSO-SR J. Forish casts one vote for P. Fiumara for Vice Flotilla Commander
No nominations from the Floor for the office of Flotilla Commander
FSO-SR J. Forish casts one vote for A. Iannacone for Flotilla Commander
Elections complete at 20:16
V. Meeting Minutes from January 2018
-Minutes from October will be reviewed at a future meeting
VI. Flotilla Staff Officer and Committee Reports by VFC A. Iannacone
a) FSO-CM: not present, no report
b) FSO-CS: present, no report
c) FSO-DV: not present, no report.
d) FSO-FN: presented
NOTES: 1 member voluntarily disenrolled, 1 being administratively disenrolled
e) FSO-IS: no officer, no report
f) FSO-MS: present, no report; discussion V. Ramsberger indicates Sector Delaware Bay in supporting members seeking Marine Safety starting at D5 D-Train in 2019
g) FSO-MA: not present, no report
h) FSO-MT: present, request for training topics should be submitted, last month was marlinspike seamanship, please complete the new Risk Management training module if you are in Operations (N-Train is in January), contact P. Fiumara if you will attend 2000 hours on 11/27
i) FSO-NS: present, see above, ATON’s complete
j) FSO-OP: not present, no report
k) FSO-PA: no report
l) FSO-PB: not present, no report
m) FSO-PE: present, we will present an award to Motorcycle Mall for their support
n) FSO-HR: present, there is one perspective member who was previously interested, one perspective member from the last meeting has not responded
o) FSO-PV: present, Since last meeting 6 + 10 = 16, with YTD 153 total Program Visits
p) FSO-SR: present, thank you for your support
q) FSO-VE: present, no activity, no report
VII. Uniforms and Appearance:
-Winter Dress Blues is the preferred uniform until the spring
VIII. Committee Reports:
-Change-of-Watch, the ad forms and booster forms have been issued
• Raritan Yacht Club, 19 January, 1800-2200 hours, Dinner Buffet, Price should be $40 pending the reservation form to be issued
-The Screening Committee is dismissed with Thanks
IX. Old Business:
-Holiday Fellowship, 18 December, 1900 hours in place our Business meeting, to be held at St. James Gate, individual members will be expected to contribute and your own cash bar, to be confirmed, appropriate civilian attire
X. New Business:
XI. Awards:
- S. Krok received the Century Club Awards for both Program Visits and Vessel Examinations
XII. Good and Welfare:
-Thank you to all of our Veterans for their Service
-Please keep the Fiumara family in your thoughts, the Flotilla will send Flowers
-Happy Thanksgiving to all members
Motion to adjourn by M. Miceli, 2nd by M. Freeman, at 21:01