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Flotilla 12-5 General Information

12-05 Teaches Boating Safety to Boy Scouts

On February 7, 2014 FSO Walter Bier and FSO Lucy Chiarovano held a Boating Safety Course for Boy Scout Troop 427 of Greater NYC Council at Sacred Heart Parish in Glendale Queens. The Scouts were presented with Waypoints-A Guide to Boating Safety that is geared toward younger students but includes many of the main points of the adult Boating Safety Course. The course was offered to the Scouts in preparation for their up-coming voyage aboard the Jolly Rover II.
The Scouts enjoyed the course particularly: fitting themselves for Personal Flotation Devices, asking questions about safety and hearing Walter Bier recount stories of his experiences at sea. Even the adults in the room benefitted from the experience. As they would be accompanying the scouts, they had many questions and even beat the scouts to some answers from the workbook.
After their exciting experience aboard the Jolly Rover II, Walter Rastetter reported to us that the scouts, “…spent 5 nights and 6 days on the 80 foot Schooner…sailing out of Key West. We cooked on board, learned how to put up sails, raise an anchor and saw many dolphins and sea turtles.” Rastetter and his scouts enjoyed the course saying, “it was just what we were looking for as a lead in to the trip.”
As this is an event that has been held yearly for the past few years, we are hoping to repeat the course next February for a new group of Scouts!

12-05 Participates in Marina Clean-up Day

On Saturday, May 10th 2014, In conjunction with 12-01 we were able to have a table at the World's Fair Marina where a Flushing Bay Cleanup was taking place.

It was a beautiful Spring Day at the World's Fair Marina, where the Flushing Bay Clean-up was organized by the "Jennifer's Annual Flushing Bay Cleanup Group" for the 10th year in a row. They support breast cancer awareness and research. Part of the day's activities was the demonstration racing by the Empire Dragon Boat Team NYC. Visitors stopped by the CG Aux tent to ask about Boating Safety, membership and to help themselves to the printed materials available.