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Division 21 Calendar


The purpose of this Calendar is to let all members of the division know what the other flotillas are doing. The goal is to promote; 1) Communication between the Flotillas , and 2) Cooperation in manning events across the Division.

The following is a list of up coming events in Division 21. If you are able to help with any of them please contact the person listed with each event.

Feb 21-23 - Oaks Fishing Show Contact; [email protected]

Feb 26-Mar 1 Atlantic City Boat Show Contact; [email protected]

Feb 27-29 - Highway Marine in house pre-show event Contact; [email protected]

Mar 06-08 - Oaks Boat Show Contact; [email protected]

March 7, 1300 hrs. COW  Stokesay Castle  Contact; [email protected]

March 7, 0800-1200 hrs. ABS class, Ranger Lake R&G Club  Contact; [email protected]

March 21, 0800-1200 hrs. ABS class, Ranger Lake R&G Club Contact; [email protected]

Mar 20-22 - Highway Marine In-House Boat Show and Boat Giveaway Contact; [email protected]

June 4,5,6,7 WWII weekend Reading airport contact; [email protected]

June 13 Patriot Days Encampment contact; [email protected]