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A. Auxiliary Radio Net Time Reporting Tuesday and Wednesday night nets)

Form 7030h Section I - Type of Resource ~ member checks box for Radio

Form 7030h Section III - Activity Log Details ~

1) Location and OpCon (11-37250) should be left blank

2) Facility Registration Number must be entered. e.g. NM114xx or NF114xx

3) is left blank

Form 7030h Section IV - Crew Assignments ~ only one number may be listed per radio

Mission Code 20B should be used. Member should make a notation in the Remarks section of the 7030h form stating the mission is for the Auxiliary Radio Net.

Coding for travel and/or prep should be entered on form 7029h 99B - RBS Support

B. Auxiliary Radio Watchstanding Time Reporting (Station Gracie - Oceanside and Laurel Street [when up and running - San Diego]:

Form 7030h Section I - Type Resource ~ member checks box for Radio

Form 7030h Section III - Activity Log Detail ~

1) Location and OpCon (11-37250) entered

2) Facility Registration Number must be entered. e.g. NF114xx

3) Order number entered

Form 7030h Section IV - Crew Assignments ~ only one member may be listed per radio

Mission Code 20B should be used. Member should make a notation in the Remarks section of the 7030h form as to the watch standing mission. This will facilitate the coding of the sub-mission in AuxData

Coding for travel and/or prep should be entered on form 7029h 99E - logistical Support

C. Auxiliary Land Patrol Time Reporting (Sector San Diego only):

Form 7030h Section I - Type Resource ~ member checks box for Radio

Form 7030h Section III - Activity Log Detail ~

1) Location and OpCon (11-37250) entered

2) Facility Registration Number must be entered. e.g. N114Fxx

3) Order number entered

Form 7030h Section IV - Crew Assignments ~ only one member may be listed per radio

Mission Code 01A should be used for Maritime Observation patrols. Member should make a notation in the Remarks section fo the 7030h form as to the mission. This will facilitate the coding of the sub-mission in AuxData if needed.

Mission Code 02 should be used for Regatta/Safety Zone patrols. Member should make a notation in the Remarks section of the 7030h form as to the mission. This will facilitate the coding of the sub-mission in AuxData if needed.

Team Leader - Coding for Prep time only should be entered on form 7029h 99C - Marine Safety Support (Travel time is coded on CG132 - Patrol Order for Team Leader)

Team Member - Coding for travel and prep time should be entered on form 7029h 99C - Marine Safety Support