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Christmas Tree Ship 2021

An annual tradition, the Christmas Tree Ship transports Christmas trees from Traverse City to Chicago to be given away.  Flotilla 31-7 participated this year.

We ended the 2021 Christmas Tree Ship event providing cutter tours to the general public. Even after a long day, district auxiliarists spent the few remaining hours directing foot traffic and manning the cutter's pop up store. We were honored to have COO Tom Mullally, DNACO, Tim Darrey, DCAPT and Rob Kumpf, DCAPT stand alongside our shipmates!

Photos by Matt Thompson, USCG AUX

 Christmas Tree Ship 2021 more photos

Wonderful Day Friends of MACKINAW!
This morning CGC MACKINAW received her annual shipment of Christmas Trees as part of the support for Chicago’s Christmas Ship event!
MACKINAW and the US Coast Guard are in the 22nd year of carrying on the tradition of the schooner ROUSE SIMMONS which sank in Lake Michigan in 1912 with a cargo hold full of Christmas Trees for the citizens of Chicago.
Donated by the Dutchman Tree Farm and transported to us by Gotta-Go-Trucking, it was an ALL HANDS event to secure almost 1,200 trees to the fantail of MACKINAW.
MACKINAW will arrive in Chicago around the 2nd of December, and will participate in the tree offload and ceremony at NAVY PIER, Chicago on Saturday 4 December!
Thank you for your support! Please enjoy your holiday!
Very Respectfully,
Patrick J. Buell, LTJG
Asst. Operations Officer