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Flotilla 22-01 is growing:

Below is the swearing in of some new members who are taking the Coast Guard Auxiliary oath.
Swearing in new members













Photos provided by Dick Rothamel

 National Photo of the month

The following photo taken from 22-01 Flotilla Staff Officer Robert Kothe’s video camera and converted to a still frame was recognized as the photo of the month by the Coast Guard Auxiliary.

Flotilla 22-7 is the original Coast Guard Auxiliary band out of Long Island New York who serves the community and many branches of the United States Military.

USCG Auxiary 22-07 Marching Band 










More Archived Photos

 Member recignition



USCG Eagle

Posted by: Robert Kothe





Huntington Lighthouse

Huntington Lighthouse Above

Huntington NY Lighthouse Concert 2023 Below 


Huntington Lighthouse concert 2023 

Huntington Lighthouse concert 2023 

 Huntington Lighthouse concert 2023

 Huntington Lighthouse concert 2023


 Huntington Lighthouse concert 2023


 Huntington Lighthouse concert 2023


Northport NY Blessing of the Fleet 2023

 US Coast Guard Auxillary on Patrol Blessing of the fleet

 2023 Blessing of the fleet


 2023 Blessing of the fleet

 2023 Blessing of the fleet


 2023 Blessing of the fleet


USCG AUC 22-01 Training