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Congratulations on Confirmation of Watch:
Best wishes to Joanne Moore and Charlie Reul who were re-elected to Flotilla leadership positions as FC and VFC, respectively, at our November meeting.  Joanne came to the Auxiliary in 2014 and has extended the organization's reach via our Partner Visitation Program (enlisting prominent outdoor equipment outfitter Big Bear Gear LLC as a CGAux supporter); she is also a qualified Fingerprint Technician and Vessel Examiner (VE).  Charlie joined up in 2005 and is a qualified telecommunications operator and VE who maintains a regular radio 'watchstander' presence to assist active duty Coast Guard personnel with incoming calls from boaters, including those requesting emergency response.


Coming Aboard:
We look forward to Peter Sklannik and Tom Smith joining in the future missions of 04-08.  A move of residence has Pete transferring in from Lake Hopatcong's active FLT 15-10 where he served as VFC and successfully oversaw construction of a communications tower to facilitate USCGAux messaging from Northwest NJ to Western PA; Pete otherwise is an infrastructure consultant to the US Dept. of Transportation.  Tom is a new enrollee who has been active for decades in community service organizations, pursues an interest in general aviation, and has completed the boat safety course requirement in anticipation of 04-08 membership.  We welcome them both.


Safe Boating Mission Accomplished:
Jim Dry conducted the latest in a series of successful "Boat America" safety classes on November 13, with assistance from District 014 HR officer Doug Janelle (an 04-08 alumnus) and FLT 04-05 colleague Ken Dupuis.  A large student turnout was facilitated with the help of Stockton (NJ) Fire Co. personnel who contributed classroom space at their Delaware River facility, and of the Sergeantsville (NJ) Fire Dept. which provided complimentary amenities.  Both EMS organizations maintain designated marine/river rescue units and we look forward to their ongoing partnership in recreational boat safety missions.  (This particular class also prompted online promotional support from The New Jersey Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs, NJ State Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs | An Organization of Individual Sportsmen/Women and Sportsmen's Clubs and Big Bear Gear LLC, Big Bear Gear - Outdoor Gear, Apparel and Rentals given the timeliness of Jim's instruction on water safety for river sports, including fishing and hunting).  


New Issue of USCGAux "Navigator" Available:
Following a pandemic hiatus, the USCGAux annual magazine "Navigator" has been issued electronically, with articles of interest to Auxiliarists.  It can be accessed via a link appearing on the homepage of our national organization's website Welcome to the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Official Web Portal 


"Alternative Work Uniform" Test Run Authorized for District 1 South:
For those of you considering an update to your uniform kits, our District has been selected to offer a new Alternative Work Uniform in place of the traditional ODU outfit, which you may want to consider.  Further information on this preliminary roll out may be found at  


Scuttlebutt Welcomed:
If you have news of interest to Auxiliary colleagues re: enrollment anniversaries, boating trips/purchases, participation in active duty USCG missions, etc. please feel free to send good word along to FLT Public Affairs, [email protected], to be considered for our next website update.



Many thanks to Immediate Past FC Frank Catena for sending along archived images taken just before the pandemic shutdown.  They memorialize events surrounding our Flotilla's 50th anniversary of providing community service, an honor a half-century in the making, and well worth noting.



The national organization's Certificate of Achievement to 04-08; and

Those in attendance at the late 2019 award ceremony:  Standing l. to r.: Doug Janelle (now District HR officer), Ken Stanley, Jim Dry, Andy Furlong (retired); Seated l. to r.: Joanne Moore (now FLT FC) and John Reilly  (And we cannot forget Frank, behind the camera)