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New Member Introduction

Welcome aboard the USCG Auxiliary. The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is a volunteer service organization, open to both men and women who are citizens of the United States, its territories and possessions, and who are age seventeen or older.  The purpose of the Coast Guard Auxiliary is to assist the Coast Guard in any of its missions except where prohibited by statute, such as in direct law enforcement and military actions.

Auxiliarists are proud of their membership and training.  When you wear the uniform or fly the Auxiliary Ensign, you are a member of Team Coast Guard.  Your actions as a member of this organization will reflect directly on the United States Coast Guard.  In many areas, you will be the Coast Guard’s only link with the public. This recognition is a PRIVILEGE as well as a RESPONSIBILITY.

As the volunteer arm of the Coast Guard, we volunteer time, talents, boats, radios, and aircraft.  We are given special training in order to work effectively with the Coast Guard. The fellowship and satisfaction accompanying our activities are also a benefit from our service.

To aid you in your understanding of the Coast Guard Auxiliary and its missions, you will be referred to the Auxiliary Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1 (series) for additional information and help you answer many of the questions you will have.  It will answer virtually all questions that you might have about the Auxiliary and how it functions.  

As with the other arms of the Coast Guard, there is certain knowledge needed by every member. To help gain this knowledge, the Basic Qualification Course (BQC II) has been developed.

Auxiliary members who are familiar with the customs, traditions, and history of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, understand our Missions and Programs, the organizational structure, the policies and regulations that guide us, and understand the protocols and uniform wear will be far better prepared to serve the Coast Guard than less knowledgeable members. In addition, Auxiliary members need to have the same Department of Homeland Security training as the Coast Guard with regard to ethics, civil rights, privacy, and security (specifically addressed in our Mandated Training).

While there are a number of online tools to complete the required training, it is scattered and much of it requires a member ID to access. While we hope that you will be able to access it shortly, we want you to be as ready to go as you can be. This page was compiled to assist you in your initial training.

It contains folders for the BQC II and the DHS mandated training. It also has a reference guide, an acronym and term sheet, Passport to Success, and a requirements flow-chart. The national member training compendium is a guide to future qualifications that you can earn as well as how to earn them. There is also a form 7029.

Because our Congressional funding is highly dependent on the amount of hours that we put in, this timekeeping form is very important. Please write down all of the time you spend working on coast guard activities. You can then return the 7029 form to your Flotilla Commander (FC) or Flotilla Staff Officer – Information Services (FSO-IS). We hope that this will help you start your Coast Guard Auxiliary Career.

Core Training (AUXCT)

Auxiliary Core Training (AUXCT) prepares United States Coast Guard Auxiliarists to effectively serve as members of a volunteer organization that is in frequent contact with the American public and which augments and supports the US Coast Guard. This training provides a basic understanding of critical human relations policies, personal safety and organizational security topics, and the National Incident Management System.

Completion of AUXCT requirements places Auxiliarists on the same footing as other members of the Coast Guard workforce and allows seamless integration with their active duty, reserve and civilian employee counterparts. It also ensures that all members of the Coast Guard workforce stand ready to provide Service to Nation, fulfill our commitment to Duty to People, and reflects our Commitment to Excellence. To be considered ready to serve and in good standing with one of our nation's premiere volunteer organizations, members must conform to these training requirements. All Auxiliarists are strongly encouraged to embrace these training requirements and assist their Auxiliary shipmates to successfully complete them whenever needed.

It is important that all members of the Auxiliary complete core training.

AUXCT is now comprised of the following repeatable and one-time courses:

a. Repeatable Courses: To be successfully completed by the end of the first full year of enrollment and then once every five years thereafter:
    (1) Workforce Resilience Training (502379)
    (2) Security Fundamentals (810030)
    (3) Privacy at DHS: Protecting Personal Information (810015)
    (4) Sexual Harassment Prevention (810000)
    (5) Civil Rights Awareness (502319)

b. One-time Courses: To be successfully completed only once (new enrollees must complete them by the end of the first full year of enrollment):

    (6) Ethics 1 / Personal Gifts (502306).  

And the recently added:

    (7) Basic Qualification Course II (BQC II)**

 ** This AUXCT requirement only applies to Auxiliarists enrolled after of February 1, 2018.

Here is how to complete your Core Training:

1. Complete courses 1-6 with AUXLMS access: Click here 


2. Complete courses 1-6 without AUXLMS access by watching the Mandated Training videos or  powerpoint Click Here

Then, fill out the Mandated Training Attestation. Click Here

Send the filled out Mandated Training Attestation to the FSO-IS or bring it to the monthly meeting

3. Follow the BQCII instructions below.

The Basic Qualification Course II

The Importance of the Basic Qualification Course.
Auxiliary members who are familiar with the customs, traditions, and history of the Coast Guard Auxiliary, understand our Missions and Programs, the organizational structure, the policies and regulations that guide us, and understand the protocols and uniform wear will be far better prepared to serve the Coast Guard than less knowledgeable members.

You can access this course through theAuxiliary Classroom. The Auxiliary Classroom is where you will find a significant amount of advanced online training. It also tracks your training activities so you can better document your accomplishments.

Follow this link to access the Basic Qualification Course within the Auxiliary Classroom, Click here

New Member Resources

There are a numerous ways for you to participate in the Coast Guard Auxiliary! To get you prepared to do what you want to do in the Auxiliary there are a number of things you need to know. These include, how to look up information, where to find things, what qualification you need, and how to get them. Here are some links to resources that can help you out:

Passport to Success (Activity Planning and Tracking), Click here
Commonly Used Acronyms, Click here
Member Involvement Plan (how to achieve your Auxiliary goals) , Click here
National Member Training Compendium (Qualifications and how to get them), Click here
New Member Reference Guide, Click here