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A Vessel Safety Check is a courtesy examination of your boat by a trained specialist who is a member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. The Vessel Examiner will verify the presence and condition of safety equipment required by Federal and State regulations, and may also make recommendations and discuss safety issues that will help you to be a safer boater.

A Vessel Safety Check is neither a boarding nor a law enforcement activity, and no citations will be given for identified discrepancies. We will, however, provide you with a copy of the evaluation so that you may implement its suggestions.

VSC Sticker
Vessels which pass the Vessel Safety Check receive a VSC decal similar to the above example. While displaying the decal does not exempt a vessel from a law enforcement boarding, it may lessen the likelihood that it will be stopped for an on-water check and may increase the likelihood that it will pass that inspection if stopped.
Vessel Safety Checks are provided upon request and are valid for one year. To schedule your annual VSC, please us via email at or submit your request online. For more information about the Coast Guard Auxiliary's Vessel Safety Check program, please refer to the national website.