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Our Members Join in A Wide Variety of Activities
A Coast Guard  Boat next to a small recreational boat. The Coast Guard Boat  is rescuing several  people off the small boat
Award Winning Picture
Taken by Member
Richard Borth
Two Men in Green Flight suits  standing next to a white plane with green stripes
Members of our Aviation Unit at
 the hanger
Several Men in Auxiliary Uniforms working together on two boats
 Members on the water work  together on a   training  exercise
Two Coast Guard Helicopters on the ice
Working with Coast Guard Helicopters
A small Auxiliary Patrol Boat going out to the water  past a red and black lighthouse    Members going out on Patrol in Manistique

Several people at a safety booth. Children surrounding a blue and white robot which looks like a Coast Guard Boat    Children love to interact with Coastie

Several People in Coast Guard Uniforms at a banquet table. Standing next to the table is a man in a Coast Guard Officers Uniform.  All of them are laughing
The Coast Guard and it's officers support us in our Fellowship time

Picture of a large Bridge (Mackinac Bridge) taken from the Air. The lake underneath is ice covered     Our Favorite Bridge taken from  one of our aviation Ice patrols

three men in Auxiliary uniforms and Orange Orange float coats on a boat    Members out on an early spring training mission
A man and a white dog in front of an elaborate radio station  
Our Members also support  the Coast Guard in its radio work

The Hessel, Michigan marina at the time of a festival. There seems to be hundreds of people thers     Our members support  many events in our Communities 

A man in a Coast Guard Auxiliary Life Vest looks on as a white sheriff's boat assists people our of a small recreational Boat    Our members also support the life saving work of other law enforcement agencies





Please look at our activities and the information on all the pages in this website. If you are  interested in joining us is these interesting life-saving, public service activities please contact the web master  by e- mail by clicking here.

You can also find out about the activities in your area by contacting the  Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla in your area.  These can be found on the Flotilla Finder Page
You can learn more about joining the Coast Guard Auxiliary