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Member Involvement Plan

Welcome to the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary

The Member Involvement Plan is to help members to become familiar with opportunities available in the Auxiliary, to see the steps leading to their interests and goals, and, over all, to assist in planning their future years in the Auxiliary. To that end, we ask you to look through this material, fill in the appropriate sections, then, with the help of the Member Training Officer, plot your course.

The Member Involvement Plan lists some of the many activities available. It also illustrates the steps required for the various positions. The New Member Reference Guide and the Member Handbook provide in-depth explanations. Lastly there is a page that provides a place to pencil-in initial goals. It’s best to use pencil since as you become more familiar with the workings of the Auxiliary, your goals will probably expand.

Again—WELCOME—your Flotilla looks forward to helping you become an integral part of our continuing mission of serving our nation and the boating public.

Download the Member Involvement Plan here.