Level 2 Leadership Competency Course - BC, FC, VFC, FSO
Leadership Competencies are the knowledge, skills, and expertise the Coast Guard and Auxiliary expect of their leaders. While there is some overlap in these competencies, they generally fall within four broad categories: Leading self, Leading others, Leading performance and change, and Leading the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Together, these four leadership categories and their elements are instrumental to career success. Developing them in all members of the Coast Guard team will result in the continuous improvement necessary for us to remain Semper Paratus.
A study guide has been provided at the link below. The study guide can be used to prepare for and take the various assessments. There are five assessments one for each level of Auxiliary leadership: Level One (Member); Level Two (FC, VFC, FSO); Level Three (DVC, DCDR, VCDR, SO); Level Four (DIR, DCOS, DCAPT, DSO); and, Level Five (NEXCOM, ANACOs, DCO, DCOS).
The important overview of the leadership competencies begins on page 1. The study guide is then divided into sections that review the five levels of leadership performance expectations that correspond to the assessment levels. Level 1 starts on page 4, level 2 starts on page 10, level 3 starts on page 15, level 4 starts on page 19, and level 5 starts on page 24.
Studying the material and having the guide in hand while taking the open-book assessments should insure success with each assessment. Members are encouraged to take all five assessments regardless of position in the Auxiliary so that the Coast Guard and Auxiliary language of leadership is better understood by all. You can access the Leadership competency study guide here. Additional study material is available using the Auxiliary Leadership Competencies Framework document. Click here for the additional study resources.
The associated competency assessments may be accessed at the National Testing Center. Please click on the link to navigate to the NTC. You will need to log in and find the appropriate assessments.
Click on the image below to navigate to the Leadership Competency training module and resources available within the Auxiliary Classroom.