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Flotilla 52 Awards

Flotilla of the Year 2022


Flotilla 5-2 Guidon and streamers

      District Awards:


   Flotilla of the Year

   Public Affairs

   CG Operations Communications




Division Awards:


   Public Affairs

   CG Operations Communications




District Awards: 

Operations Communications

Operations Patrols

Public Affairs

 A Flotilla guidon (seen above left) and streamers are a symbol of the hard work and effort by all members who have been and currently are committed to all missions of the USCG and Auxiliary. Each streamer tells a story of our Flotilla and membership so new members can understand our past and carry on in the future.

USCG Flotilla 52 Awarded the NACO Three Star Award for Excellence in Diversity



This week in February, 2021, Flotilla 52 received the good news that it had been awarded the prestigious ‘NACO Three Star Award for Excellence in Diversity’.  This  annual award  recognizes Flotillas and Divisions for distinction in managing and valuing diversity. Practicing diversity and inclusion, Flotilla 52 is focused on giving voice to varying skill sets and points of view that make up the Auxiliary’s volunteer force. 

Many thanks go to FSO-DV Samano for his involvement and tireless dedication to promoting tolerance and respect in the USCG Auxiliary.

The award will be presented to Flotilla 52 by the District Commodore at a future date.





Flotilla Meritorious Achievement Award for 2016 Performance. Awarded in September 2017. Second award for 2017 Performance. Awarded in September 2018.

Presidential Unit Citation-Service Period Aug 29 to Sept 13, 2005


Secretary of Transportation Outstanding Unit Commendation-Service Period 1 Oct 1993-30 Sep 1994


 Unit Commendation Award-Service Periods

Oct 1991-Nov 1992

23Jun3 1939-23Jun 1999, 60th anniversary of the Auxiliary


24Jun1999-23 Jun2009, 70thanniversary of the Auxiliary

 Coast Guard Bicentennial Commendation-service Period Mar 1989-Oct 1989



Unit Commendation awarded for Fifth time since 1991

Are you eligible to wear more than one of these awards?

Norm Hoffman, PA, Flotilla 52

Effective June 23rd, the Coast Guard presented the Unit Commendation ribbon to the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Coast Guard Commandant, Admiral Paul Zukunft recognized "outstanding and unparalleled achievements of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary at the time of its 75th anniversary."

The commendation is awarded: "For exceptionally meritorious service from June 24, 2009 to June 23, 2014, while providing unprecedented levels of dedicated public service and operational support to the U.S. Coast Guard's missions."

The citation’s narrative notes the many hours and acts of service performed by Auxiliarists. They cluster around our organizational mission and among the most significant of these is this: Auxiliarists logged over 19.8 million hours of support and patrol missions, saved over one thousand lives, assisted over 20 thousand boaters in distress and prevented the loss of more than 185 million dollars in property.

If you wear an Auxiliary uniform, you can be justly proud of what has been accomplished over the last five years. Take the time to locate the award citation and read it. It’s about you. And it’s about crews and teams, flotillas and divisions, working together with the active Coast Guard to accomplish more than either could do on its own.

Retired Admiral Thad Allen, former Coast Guard Commandant, may have said it best when he presented this same award on the Coast Guard Auxiliary's 70th anniversary. He stated that,

"The Coast Guard Auxiliary is the finest all-volunteer organization in our nation. It is an integral part of our Coast Guard. We simply could not meet the challenges we face or conduct the missions we do on a day-to-day basis without their selfless devotion to duty."

Auxiliarists are eligible to receive the Coast Guard Unit Commendation ribbon among other awards.. The award itself is "ribbon only" with no mini medal to accompany it. The operational "O" ribbon device can al-so be awarded. Members wear multiple awards on their uniforms by adding 5/16" gold or silver stars.

If you have been in the Auxiliary for an extended period of time, you are probably eligible for more than one award of this ribbon.

The Coast Guard Commendation has been awarded to the Auxiliary five times and for the following periods of Auxiliary Service:

Service between Oct 1991 and Nov 1992.

Service between 23 June 1939 and 23 June 1999, the 60th anniversary of the Auxiliary.

Service between 11 September 2001 and 11 September 2002, with the O or operational device.

Service between 24 June 1999 and 23 June 2009, the 70th anniversary of the Auxiliary.

And finally, service between June 2009 and June 2014, the 75th anniversary of the Auxiliary.

As we celebrate our 75th year of Coast Guard Auxiliary service together, it is an honor to be recognized for our efforts. It is truly significant to be acknowledged by the "Gold Side" for attaining high standards and for making noteworthy contributions to the Coast Guard’s mission.

On the 10th of August 1999, former Commandant James M. Lay said it this way: "The professionalism and devotion to duty of the Auxiliary members are in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Coast Guard. Bravo Zulu Coast Guard Auxiliary!

*Source: The U.S. Coast Guard Office of Auxiliary and Boating Safety (CG-BSX) web site.




1. This morning, in recognition of the outstanding and unparalleled achievements of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary at the time of its 75th anniversary, the Commandant of the Coast Guard awarded the Coast Guard Unit Commendation to all Auxiliarists who have served during the past five years. The citation follows:

The Commandant of the Coast Guard takes pleasure in presenting the COAST GUARD UNIT COMMENDATION to:
for service as set forth in the following
"For exceptionally meritorious service from June 24, 2009 to June 23, 2014, while providing unprecedented levels of dedicated public service and operational support to the U. S. Coast Guard's missions. Demonstrating remarkable professionalism and boating safety expertise, the Auxiliary performed over 1.1 million vessel safety checks and marine dealer visits, delivered over 540 thousand hours of boating safety course instruction and conducted over 809 thousand hours of public outreach. Displaying superior underway and airborne operational proficiency, Auxiliarists logged over 19.8 million hours of support and patrol missions, saved over one thousand lives, assisted over 20 thousand boaters in distress and prevented the loss of more than 185 million dollars in property. The Auxiliary always answered the call, remaining in lockstep with the Coast Guard's response to every major incident. In 2010, unique Auxiliary talents were brought to bear in the international response to the Haitian earthquake, blazing new trails in the application of social media to locate and save dozens of trapped victims. Also during that year, well-qualified Auxiliarists filled essential incident command post watch positions and augmented active duty units to support the Deepwater Horizon response. Similarly in 2012, Auxiliary commitment following Super Storm SANDY and Hurricane IRENE was instrumental to effective Coast Guard response and recovery operations. The Auxiliary consistently found innovative ways to support the Coast Guard, including establishment of the Auxiliary Food Services program which trained Auxiliarists to augment Coast Guard galleys, afloat and ashore. Auxiliarists involved with Public Affairs, Interpreter Corps, America's Waterway Watch, and many other programs further contributed to Coast Guard success by volunteering their professional talents, mastery of trade, and disciplined initiative wherever and whenever needed. The Auxiliary's unwavering efforts directly contributed to unprecedented national boating safety achievements, highlighted in 2013 with the fewest boating fatalities in 50 years. Despite incredible challenges amid keen competition for America's volunteers, the Auxiliary grew its membership, provided over 22 million hours of inspirational support to the Coast Guard, and kept our Nation's coasts, lakes, and waterways safe and secure. The professionalism, pride,
and devotion to duty displayed by the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary are in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Coast Guard."
P. F. ZUKUNFT Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard Commandant
2. Appropriate AUXDATA entries for all awardees will be made through the Office of the Chief Director of Auxiliary (CG-BSX). Appropriate ribbons and stars will be distributed to District Director of Auxiliary offices by the end of July.
3. When Admiral Zukunft presented this award to COMO Mallison, the Commandant stressed the sincere appreciation of a grateful active duty Coast Guard for our volunteer servant leader force, and Admiral Zukunft lead all active duty members in a standing ovation for the Auxiliarists who were present. Congratulations to the men and women of our U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, and thank you for your continued service!


106th Annual Rhododendron Parade - Florence Oregon 


2013 Flotilla 52 Growth Award                                 2013 1st Place Marine Patrol

2013 1st Place Operational Support to Coast Guard