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Information Services

Duties of Flotilla Staff Officer Information Services (IS)

Your duties and responsibilities, consistent with the provisions of the Auxiliary Manual, are as follows:

1. Prepare regular notices to the flotilla membership to keep everyone abreast of new developments in your program area. The frequency of such notices will be as needed to pass down all information received. A communication should be sent as an introduction prior to the start of the year, with any directions, procedures, and reminders that may be necessary to start off in the right direction.

2. Receive activity reports from flotilla members and check for errors and omissions and enter all member data into AUXDATAII.

3. You are not to act as gatekeeper to ascertain the veracity of reports submitted through you. Report any questionable activity report to the FC, thru the VFC.

4. Encourage and assist all Flotilla members to make full and timely reports of all Auxiliary activities. Establish sign-in sheets for all Flotilla workshops, meetings, and training sessions to improve reporting of these activities.

5. Review AUXDATAII summaries on a regular basis to track the input of the flotilla's activities. When a weakness is observed within the flotilla, correspond with the appropriate staff officer. Request advice on the nature of the problem and help. When appropriate, prepare correspondence for the FC or VFC to use in resolving perceived problems.

6. Be knowledgeable of the contents of AUXDATAII and the procedures for members to follow when submitting AUXDATA-related forms.

7. Provide timely feedback to SO-IS concerning member-caused errors to reduce processing and transaction error recovery time.

8. Coordinate appropriate flotilla IS/AUXDATA matters with the DIRAUX's office.

9. Establish a training program so that all members will be aware of the procedures required for real-time reporting, to the flotilla officers and staff, of flotilla performance toward flotilla objectives.

10. Periodically check members’ training records and certifications against your submittals. Ensure that all transactions are correctly entered in AUXDATA. Where possible, correct errors. Where correction is not possible, return the input with errors to the SO-IS for correction and resubmittal. Ensure that all errors are corrected, and credit is received for all member/flotilla activity. Resolve all discrepancies with the SO-IS or DIRAUX's office, in accordance with district policy.

11. Establish a system so you can provide current reporting of data to the flotilla. This includes preparing reports showing attainment in key areas.

12. If a workshop is required, establish a system so that you can provide to the appropriate FSO the names of those members who have not yet taken the workshop, at least one month prior to the deadline.

13. Establish a system so that on 1 July you may provide the appropriate FSO the names of those members who have not performed the requirements for currency maintenance.

14. Keep FSOs informed of pertinent data regarding their program areas and assist them in using AUXINFO to manage their activities.