As part of our Recreational Boating Safety program, the Auxiliary trains and certifies Auxiliary members as Vessel Examiners or VE's. VE's are authorized to examine, at no cost, all recreational boats, including Personal Water Craft (PWC's) in accordance with a standardized checklist. If a boat or PWC complies with all the applicable rules and regulations, such as registration, sufficient life jackets and required fire extinguishers, the VE will issue a decal good for the calendar year.
In addition to providing you with the assurance that your boat provides a safe boating platform for you and your family, the decal will alert the Coast Guard and other boaters that your boat passed inspection and may preclude the need for boarding if you are the subject of a routine underway stop by a patrol boat.
You can also contact FSO-VE Anthony Leonardi by phone: (209) 983-1330 for more info and to make arrangements for a Vessel Safety Check.
In addition to providing you with the assurance that your boat provides a safe boating platform for you and your family, the decal will alert the Coast Guard and other boaters that your boat passed inspection and may preclude the need for boarding if you are the subject of a routine underway stop by a patrol boat.
To schedule an inspection by a VE in your area, please go to the
This is an On-Line Database: enter your zip code for a list of examiners, either Auxiliary or US Power Squadron, within a set distance from your location.
You can also contact FSO-VE Anthony Leonardi by phone: (209) 983-1330 for more info and to make arrangements for a Vessel Safety Check.