Sign up/in with USCG AUX


Record Your Activity

You can use form 7029 to personally keep track of your monthly hours,
but you must enter them in AUXDATA II at the end of the month.


Old 7029 form: 

Associated information:

  • using the old form is optional (as in personal reference only)
  • credit will only be calculated via AUXDATA II submissions 
  • use this form to personally track your monthly hours on paper or electronically
  • at the end of the month, tally up the hours by category and enter them into AUXDATA II


New AUXDATA-II portal:

Associated information: 

  • for UNIT: use North Solano County (regardless if you hold positions outside of FL53)
  • for MISSION CODE: all mission code 99 entries for the month can be one entry on the last day of the month; for program visits use Code 11 (RBS program visits)
  • for MEMBER ASSIGNMENT: you must be listed as the LEAD even when listing a Flotilla meeting led by the FC