Flotilla Meeting Information
Flotilla meetings are on the fourth Monday of the month beginning at 1900.
Our meetings are held at the Hamlin Fireman's Exempt. It is located at 1382 Lake Road in Hamlin, just south of the East and West fork.
Guests are always welcome.
Boating Class
If interested in a boating class, please contact our FSO-PE, Betty Benoit with the subject I Am Interested in a PE Class.
Free Vessel Exams
If interested in a free vessel exam, please contact Betty Benoit with the subject: I am interested in a Vessel Exam.
Public Affairs
Our flotilla has been involved in several public affairs events. We have participated in the Spencerport, Hamlin, and Hilton parades as well as in a booth at Monroe Community College where we promoted paddlesport safety.
Flotilla 48 Public Affairs Events
Public Affairs presentation at Monroe Community College in June 2019.
Flotilla 48 Public Affairs Booth at the Rochester International Air Show
Members of Flotilla 48 and 42 at Public Affairs Booth at the Rochester International Air Show