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Flotilla Commanders Corner

Welcome to the Commander's Corner.

Communication is important for all of us in our various missions as Coast Guard Auxiliarists. The only thing more frustrating than not knowing something is not being able to find the answer. Two good ways to keep informed are to watch your email and to attend meetings as often as you can.  This Commander's Corner is a place that important or interesting items will be shared from time to time.  

September Update

Mon, 12 Sep 22  
The September 2022 River Currents is now available for your review.

August Information

Mon, 08 Aug 22  
The August River Currents is now available with information on our August meeting and on checking on Patrol Order Reimbursements.

Coast Guard Week on Lake Erie

Here is the information for those who are available to help with Coast Guard Week at the Marblehead Lighthouse on Lake Erie in Ohio.

July Meeting & PA Opportunities

Check out the latest River Currents for information on our July Flotilla meeting and some new Public Affairs opportunities.

Livonia Passport to Safety

Help us support the Livonia Passport to Safety on Saturday, June 11th!

Crossing the Bar - James Wasiloff and Jack Broadhurst

Auxiliarist James Wasiloff of 18-05 and DCAPT Jack Broadhurst have crossed the bar.

May Meeting

Here is the link for the May Meeting information.

April Meeting Wrap-Up

If you did not receive the email with the wrap-up of our April Meeting, you can click here, to read it in your browser.

Boat Crew Training How-to Document

The DCO sent out a training "how-to" document for Boat Crew. Please check it out.

Division 18 Boat Crew Training

Division 18 will be holding Boat Crew Training at the Livonia Senior Center starting on 26 Mar 2022.

Carolynn Mallia has crossed the bar.

Carolynn Mallia from Flotilla 18-01 has crossed the bar. Service details are available.