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Welcome to the District 8CR Web Site

The U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Eighth District Coastal Region, from Florida to New Mexico, we are Semper Paratus. "Always Ready"

David Young (081-02-04) won 1st place for videography in the National PA Contest. Congratulations from all of us at D8CR!

George W. Tate
District 8CR Commodore

Doug Ritchie
District 8CR Chief of Staff

All "Guardians of the Gulf" welcome youto U. S. Coast Guard  Auxiliary Eighth District Coastal


The Coast Guard Auxiliary is the uniformed trained volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard, established by the US Congress in 1939. Our membership totals over 19,000 trained volunteers from all walks of life across the nation. The Auxiliary's mission is to work with the Active-Duty and the promotion of Recreational Boating Safety with the public. Our many missions are on land, at sea and in the air with Honor, Respect and Devotion to Duty.

The 8th District Coastal Region encompasses over 543,000 square miles for the Gulf of America coastal and far inland areas in the panhandle of Florida, Western Georgia and the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and New Mexico.  We are the "Guardians of the Gulf" and inland, home to over 1,100 Coast Guard Auxiliarists. 

We work shoulder to shoulder in Team Coast Guard on the water, in the air and on land, conducting Surface (Boat) missions, Air missions, examining Recreational vessels, examining Commercial vessels, educating in Boating Safety, augmenting Marine Security and Environmental Protection efforts and more.  We directly educate the boating public in the classroom, on the internet, at public events and during dock-walks. We also work behind the scenes in many ways for our citizens, communities and nation.  It is an honor to volunteer our time and talents in Team Coast Guard.

Proud Traditions, Worthy Missions. Our varied mission sets offer rewarding and meaningful volunteer opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds. Training is provided to become certified for Boat (surface) Coxswains and Crew, Air Pilots and Crew, Boating Safety Education Instructors, Vessel Examiners, Watchstanders, Pollution Investigation, Port Security, Emergency Management, Cybersecurity, Culinary, Healthcare, Chaplain Corps and many other specialties within the U S Coast Guard.

If you are interested in working for the safety and security of our citizens and our nation, have a true desire to apply yourself to specialty training and then volunteer your time to the world's most unique volunteer organization, then the U S Coast Guard Auxiliary is for you. Membership is open to U S citizens 17 years of age or older. There are no age limits to membership. You will develop lifelong colleagues and friendships through your efforts with us.  And you will enjoy the benefits of serving, direct and indirect, in so many ways.

For membership and opportunities in the USCGAux, please go to the Join the Auxiliary link at the upper left column of this homepage.  Or directly contact your local Flotilla by clicking on the Divisions and Flotillas link, upper left column of this homepage. 

We are Semper Paratus "Always Ready" and we are Born Ready as the USCG Auxiliary

Enjoy Our Video of the USCGAux in Action!  Click: Born Ready, The USCG Auxiliary 

New Page 1

The 8th Coastal Region from the EXCOM.

District Commodore - George Tate

Chief of Staff - Doug Ritchie

District Captain - West - Jeff Hughes

District Captain - Central - Jeff Evans

District Captain - East - Bill Lauber

Immediate Past District Commodore - Pete Scamardo

We stand ready to serve the members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary.



District 8 map

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