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Speaker Request

Thank you for using our on-line request form. The Speakers Bureau Program provides support to Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary entities around the Eighth Coastal Region including Texas, Louisiana, Southern Mississippi, Southern Alabama, the panhandle of Florida and a select portion of Georgia. 

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Please fill out the form below, completing every field. 

We can assist with District, Division, and Flotilla level projects as time, resources and skills permit. 

In order to process your job smoothly and in a timely manner, please complete this entire form. This is essential information.  You will be contacted by one of our Public Affairs members.

District Staff Officer - Public Affairs

Gregory Bone
[email protected]

Alvin Urless Dillard Jr

 Utilizing this form does not guarantee a Public Affairs Speaker assignment for your needs. All requests are filled based on availability of regional AUXPA members and are filled according to a first come first served basis. 

Request Speaker Assistance

Date of Request: 

Person Requesting Assistance: 

Requestor's Phone Number: 

Requestor's E-mail Address: 

Location of Event: 

Date(s) & Time(s) Assistance is Needed: 

Reporting time: 

Number of Members Needed: 

Additional Information: 

 AuxSpeaker here (anti-SPAM):