Sign up/in with USCG AUX


Sector New Orleans

Thank you for using our on-line request form. The AuxFS Program provides support to Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary entities around Division 4 and the Eighth Costal Region. 

Please fill out the form below, completing every field. 

We can assist with District, Division, and Flotilla level projects as time, resources and skills permit. 

In order to process your job smoothly and in a timely manner, please complete this entire form. This is essential information. If you do not have the information, or don't know the information, please contact someone in area of responsibility (for Active Duty: Contact Sector, for Auxiliary: Contact flotilla, division, or district leadership). You will be contacted by one of our AuxFS members.

ADSO-FS-New Orleans

Cheryl Castle


 Utilizing this form does not guarantee AuxFS assignment for your needs. All requests are filled based on availability of regional AuxFS members and are filled according to a first come first served basis. If there are no AuxFS members within the sector to accommodate the request, we will solicit help from outside of the sector.

Request AuxFS Assistance

Date of Request: 

Point of Contact Name (POC): 

POC Phone Number: 

POC E-mail Address: 

Person Requesting Assistance: 

Requestors Phone Number: 

Requestors E-mail Address: 

Location of Galley: 

Date(s) & Time(s) Assistance is Needed: 

Reporting time: 

Number of AuxFS Members Needed: 

Galley Type: 

Work Type: 

Uniform of the Day: 

Orders Type: 

Berthing Required?: Yes     No

Gender of AuxFS (for berthing purposes): Female

Will there be a Menu Provided?: 
Yes     No

Specialty Items Needed? (Cookware, Chef Knives, ect): 
Yes  No

Additional Information: 

 AuxFS here (anti-SPAM):  

If you need specialty cakes, please contact Thea Narkiewicz directly.