Coast Guard Auxiliary "C" Schools
Ref: (a) Auxiliary Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1G, Chapter 8.B.15
(b) Welcome to the Auxiliary C-Schools Web Site (
(c) ANSC-7059 Short Term Training Request (Rev. 06-24)
In accordance with Reference (a) Short Term Training Requests (STTR) will be submitted via email to your Flotilla Commander (FC) as the approving official and the FC should then forward it to Lynn Mott, C-School Coordinator for Auxiliarists assigned to D8 Coastal Region (CR) at [email protected]. The approving official is responsible for ensuring the member is eligible for the class and is appropriately suited for the specific training. In the event the FC is requesting training it can be forwarded to your respective Division CDR. Division CDR should route their STTR’s through their District Captain prior to it being submitted to Lynn Mott.
Ref: (a) Auxiliary Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1G, Chapter 8.B.15
(b) Welcome to the Auxiliary C-Schools Web Site (
(c) ANSC-7059 Short Term Training Request (Rev. 06-24)
In accordance with Reference (a) Short Term Training Requests (STTR) will be submitted via email to your Flotilla Commander (FC) as the approving official and the FC should then forward it to Lynn Mott, C-School Coordinator for Auxiliarists assigned to D8 Coastal Region (CR) at [email protected]. The approving official is responsible for ensuring the member is eligible for the class and is appropriately suited for the specific training. In the event the FC is requesting training it can be forwarded to your respective Division CDR. Division CDR should route their STTR’s through their District Captain prior to it being submitted to Lynn Mott.
- The body of the email or form will include member’s name and member Employee ID (EMPLID), address, and phone number. Also included will be all the dates the member is available to take the class or if any of the available dates would be acceptable. The latest “C” School Catalog with dates and locations can be found using Reference (b). The member will fill out the STTR requested information. It is suggested that the members provide amplifying information in block #19 to ensure their training request is processed in a timely manner. This information will help in the selection of school dates and which members are selected for each class. All signees should print their names below their signature to ensure that the STTR is being vetted properly.
- The member and FC will receive an email notifying them that the training request has been received. Additionally, the member will receive a notification email when the training has been formally submitted through Direct Access. The notification email will include the Direct Access acceptance of request.
- The goal for receipt of orders is 6 weeks out from the desired training date. Travel arrangements (flight/driving POV) by the D8 CR Auxiliary Affairs Specialist will be coordinated with the member after receipt of orders. Members are asked not to make any travel arrangements via E2 or directly with CWSATO until they are notified by the D8 CR Auxiliary Affairs Specialist as the orders need to be funds approved first through E2. It is important to understand the orders are not generated from your DIRAUX office, they are issued by Training Quota Management Center (TQC) after BSX approves the class roster and then sent to the DIRAUX office for further dissemination.
- At no time should a member need to go outside of their Chain of Leadership or the Director's Office for information on training. The course POC will be reaching out to members in receipt of orders with their training information, lodging, and course requirements.
- The Auxiliary Manual allows one C-School per 12 months. Submission deadline of STTRs to the DIRAUX office is 15 June. BSX will not accept submissions of STTRs after the 15 June deadline unless there are extenuating circumstances. If a member needs to cancel their orders prior to them being cut, they will need to contact the D8 CR Auxiliary Affairs Specialist via their FC. If a member needs to cancel their orders after they are cut by Training Quota Management Center (TQC), they will have to wait 12 months to submit another STTR.