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E.6. About the Auxiliary - Flotilla 84 Leadership

The leadership of each flotilla consists of elected and appointed officers.  The elected officers are the Flotilla Commander and the Vice Flotilla Commander.  

FC - Flotilla Commander:Provides primary leadership and supervision to the flotilla. The FC is responsible to assure that the overall flotilla program conforms to the Coast Guard and Auxiliary policies and procedures, as well as provide the communications link with Division elected officers.

VFC - Vice Flotilla Commander:Has the primary responsibility for administration and coordination of the flotilla staff. The VFC is essentially the Chief of Staff for the Flotilla.
Immediate Past FC:Indicates an elected office held by an Auxiliarist who was the last to hold that office for a full term. Elected leaders must have been succeeded in office as a result of a regular election, and must not have been removed from office. An immediate past officer shall retain designation until another immediate past officer is generated by a regular election. If an immediate past officer leaves the office for any reason, the immediate past office remains vacant until the next regular scheduled election.


Overview of Flotilla Staff Officers 

The Flotilla Staff Officers (FSO) oversee the various speciality functions within our flotilla's area of responsibility (AOR), in accordance with guidelines (best practices) of the USCG Auxiliary.  These positions are assigned by the Flotilla Commander (FC) and the Vice Flotilla Commander (VFC), and report to the VFC.  Members that are willing to serve are assigned based on their commitment, capability, and experience of the functional area they are overseeing.  All these officers work together to form a cohesive team.

Each role requires ongoing assessment of current processes and continuous process improvements based on the concept of Management By Objectives (MBO).  MBO involves establishing maintenance and improvement objectives for each function based upon the broader Mission, Vision, and Objectives of the Flotilla as defined by the FC and VFC.  Each FSO's objectives should include tactical as well as strategic aspects.  The tactical aspects involve ongoing process improvements aimed at the efficiency and effectiveness of that particular function.  The strategic aspects involve longer range objectives aimed at enhancing the overall coverage of that function.