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Operational Dress Uniform (ODU)

Generally, this type of uniform is worn during operational missions (.e.g, patrols, watchstands, annual outdoor events such as Harbor Clean-Up, Boat Shows, Tall Ships Festivals, and other non-Public Affairs events.The Flotilla Commander will always indicate the uniform-of-the-day when members are assigned to duty.

The ODU may be worn in any situation where any form of dress uniform is not required or more appropriate and while commuting, including brief stops for gas and drive-through business. Though there is no weight standard in the Auxiliary, the ODU shall only be worn in Coast Guard standard sizes from Coast Guard standard stock from a Coast Guard exchange or the UDC. ODU substitution look-alikes are not authorized. Like other Coast Guard uniforms, the ODU must fit properly.


Operational Dress Uniform (ODU) Components

Item Description
Occasion A principal General Purpose every day uniform.  May be work year-round primarily as a field utility and watch standing uniform  Intended for wear in any situation that does not require a dress uniform.
Cover Auxiliary unit baseball cap with metal collar devices or black knit watch cap may be worn with this uniform.
Shirt ODU shirt
Undershirt Dark blue crew t-shirt with "USCG Auxiliary" across the front.
Trousers ODU trouser with cargo pockets
Socks/Stockings Black, undecorated
Shoes Well blackened 8" or 10" safety boots
Insignia Sew-on collar devices are worn. Direct embroidery on shirt is not authorized.
Ribbons/Medals No
Qualification Badges Yes
Breast Devices Sewn above left pocket. - Direct embroidery on shirt is not authorized.
Nametag Cloth nametape with "USCG AUXILIARY" - Direct embroidery on shirt is not authorized.
Belt Black web belt 1 1/4" ODU or basic nylon riggers 1 1/3" belt
Outerwear All weather parka or enhanced Liner.