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Vessel Examinations

Free Vessel Safety Checks

 One of the primary programs of the U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (USCGA) to assist the Coast Guard in its mission of promoting recreational boating and paddlecraft safety, our new enhanced Vessel Safety Check program.The concept behind the VSC program is to promote the interest and gain the support of recreational boaters and paddlers, to voluntarily conform to Federal and State vessel safety requirements and to provide all boaters with additional information regarding the benefits of boating safety education and safe, enjoyable boating practices.The tremendous growth in recreational boating and paddlecraft activity has resulted in a proportional increase in boating related accidents that has generated serious concerns about the lack of boating safety education and lack of operator proficiency in today’s recreational vessel owner/operator.

The VSC program is expected to more clearly illustrate to the recreational boater and paddler the importance of properly equipping their boats and paddlecrafts with the minimum amount of basic vessel safety equipment as well as to enhance their understanding of basic boating and paddlecraft safety practices and procedure.


Flotilla 7-11 has a long and recognized history by the Coast Guard of successful participation in the VSC program. Specifically qualified Auxiliary vessel examiners are available to conduct this free examination and award an annual VSC decal to boats and paddlecrafts that are found in compliance with federal and state legal safety requirements. MAKE YOUR VESSEL A SAFE VESSEL. It’s free and the check is only between you and the Vessel Examiner - deficiencies are NEVER reported to any law enforcement agency.

For a free Vessel Safety check, please contact our Flotilla Vessel Examination Officer, Paul Duarte at 401-624-4092 or email [email protected].