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United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
Seventh District Flotilla 15-1 Crystal River, FL
Dear Prospective USCG Auxiliarist Member,
Thank you for your interest in joining the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary (USCGAUX), the largest volunteer marine safety organization in the world. It is our hope that this Guide, will help you become familiar with who we are and what we do. Please take the time to read this information and consider what the “commitment of membership” means to you. If you feel that the Auxiliary is an organization that you want to be a part of, we will assist you in becoming an active and productive member.Please understand however, we are NOT a Yacht Club. We are a service organization composed of volunteers with an emphasis on active duty and support to the many and varied U.S. Coast Guard missions in which we participate. Keep in mind that although we want you to become a dedicated member, we understand that you will need to juggle your personal commitments to family, friends, home, work, and community; therefore, we allow you to proceed at your own pace and will work with you according to your availability.
The packet I will provide you has all the information, forms, and study materials you will need to prepare your application and take the New Member examination; if you have any questions or need assistance, please contact me. At the end of this document you will find a list of USCG and USCG Auxiliary web sites that you will find useful in providing information you will need when you become a member of the Auxiliary.
The basic steps for membership are as follows:
- Learn about the Auxiliary, what we offer, and what you want to contribute.
- Complete the new member application, forms, and indoctrination process (including a personal security investigation, i.e., background check).
- Study, take, and pass the Auxiliary New Member Course/Exam (via online, self-study, mentored, or in an instructor-led class).
- Provide documentation that you have passed a boating safety class or attend, study, and pass a safety boating class/exam (online or via an instructor-led class).
Costs associated with Auxiliary membership: Member’s dues are $60 annually. Uniforms will cost you approximately $150-$250. Out of pocket costs and mileage associated with your work with the Auxiliary are tax deductible.
If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel free to contact me at the numbers/email shown below. Thank you again for considering membership in the USCG Auxiliary. I look forward to hearing from you again.
Semper Paratus,
Melissa Frank
Human Resource Officer (FSO-HR)
Seventh District, Division 15, Flotilla 01 (15-1)
Crystal River, FL
Email: [email protected]
Flotilla 15-1 Meeting Times and Location
Flotilla 15-1 meetings are every first Monday of the month. Meetings start at 6:30 PM (1830 military time), but someone is usually there by 1800.
Our flotilla usually meets at DAV #158 Building, Jim LeGrone Memorial Park, Crystal River, FL; see image below. Email the Flotilla Human Resources Officer, Melissa Frank, [email protected] to let us know to expect you.

Requirements for Membership
There are two basic requirements for membership; (1) You must be a US citizen, and (2) you must be at least 17 years old. In addition to meeting the basic requirements for membership, there are other steps that you will need to complete on your way to becoming a full and active member.
First, learn what you can about the Auxiliary.- Check out the visitors and members pages at
- Check out the USCG Auxiliary History page at
- New Member Information: DEPT&category=new-members
- Check out Flotilla 15-1 Website :
Second, you must pass an entrance exam (not difficult) that covers the basics of the Auxiliary and how we function as an organization. The FSO-HR will go over each of these with you and you can take a look at each by clicking on the links provided below.
A good source to prepare for the exam is the New Member Study Guide:, complete the Enrollment Application. The FSO-HR will assist you with this form; you can go to the PDF Forms site (, scroll down to the 7001-Enrollment Application form and click on the Adobe Acrobat symbol on the right side of the screen; print the form out and you can hand write the information required. We will type this information on the form and submit it with your application packet.
Finally, you will need to pass a background investigation. All members of the Auxiliary must undergo a Personal Security Investigation (PSI). Your enrollment application is an agreement to undergo a Personal Security Investigation. An unfavorable PSI determination may result in your disenrollment despite any training, duties, and activities you may have already performed, or any investments of time, effort, and resources you may have expended while awaiting your PSI determination.
New Member Training (AFTER receiving your ID #):
- The Basic Qualification Course (BQII) introduces the member to the Auxiliary Manual (AUXMAN) in 7 student study guide modules. Each module covers one or two chapters of the AUXMAN but with a major reduction in the reading required. The modules are stand alone and can be taken in any order. At the conclusion of each Module, the member takes an exam located on the National Testing Center (NTC) website. Passing the open book exam with at least 90% is recorded in AUXDATA for your permanent record. The BQII Course link can be found on the Training Directorate website. Go to the National Website at, then go to the Directorate pull down menu and select “Training”. In the left hand column, you will see the link to “Basic Qual II Course”. The BQC II material is also available by direct link at:
- Core Training (AUXCT) consists of five courses (available on-line or in the classroom setting). More details may be found at DEPT&category=core-training
What is the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary?
The Auxiliary is a volunteer organization. Membership is open to any citizen of the United States and its territories and possessions who is 17 years of age or older. A Personnel Security Investigation (PSI) will be processed as part of enrollment and must have a favorable determination to complete one’s membership in the Auxiliary. Facility (radio station, boat, or aircraft) ownership and special skills are desirable but not mandatory. Auxiliary membership is also available to all current active duty now serving and to former members of any uniformed services and their Reserve components, to include the Coast Guard.
What the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is not!
The USCG Auxiliary is not part of the military. The USCG Auxiliary is not a law-enforcement organization. You cannot be “called up” or “required to serve” in any manner. We are strictly an organization of volunteers and as such you cannot be compelled to do anything you do not desire to do. The various programs and missions are described in this guide.
As volunteers, our personal lives can change overnight affecting our commitments and participation in Auxiliary programs. That’s OK. You can always take up where you left off later or begin on another path. You have the rest of your life to achieve your Auxiliary goals.
Should I Join the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary?
People join the Auxiliary for many reasons and they do not all involve boats. You do not need to own a boat to be a member and you do not need to serve on boats to participate fully. As you will discover, the Auxiliary programs and missions are broad and varied. We want you to stay with us for a long time (some members have served 50 years in the Auxiliary). The secret to longevity in the Auxiliary is to do what you love to do, commit only the time that your schedule and current situation will comfortably allow, and don’t try to accomplish everything at once. Remember this: ALL of the Auxiliary program opportunities and mission alternatives will still be available to you in the future.
How Do I Become a Member of the Auxiliary?
Email the Flotilla Human Resources Officer, Melissa Frank,[email protected]. She will explain the application process and arrange a time to meet with you. At this meeting Melissa will provide you with an application packet and walk you through the entire application process; she will also assist you with filling out the forms. Melissa serves as your initial Sponsor until you are approved for enrollment at which time you will be assigned a Flotilla “Buddy” to assist with your orientation and integration into our Flotilla.
What Happens When I Join the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary?
Membership begins with the New Member training program. This program explains the Auxiliary and its functions and assists you in getting started. You will be assigned both a Sponsor and a Mentor during your initial six months of membership; they are fully qualified and experienced and will assist you to integrate into our Flotilla and in achieving your goals. Your Sponsor will familiarize you with the Auxiliary in general and with Flotilla 15-1 programs specifically. Your Mentor will assist you with understanding the roles, functions and missions of the USCG Auxiliary and will help you get the training and qualifications desired through workshops, scheduled classes or self-study of any of the courses offered by the Auxiliary and the Coast Guard.
Once enrolled as a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, you will be entitled to participate in many training opportunities to gain qualification as in:
A. Boat Crew Qualification Program: In the Boat Crew Qualification Program, trainees work with assigned mentors and other qualified boat crew members to learn all required tasks and work toward qualification.
- Auxiliary Boat Crew: Once qualified at this level, you may serve as a crewmember on an Auxiliary vessel facility while on official Coast Guard orders.
- Auxiliary Coxswain: Requires a higher degree of knowledge, skill, and experience. Once qualified, you will be able to command an Auxiliary vessel facility while on official Coast Guard orders.
B. Vessel Examination Program:
- Vessel Examiner: Once qualified, you may conduct Vessel Safety Checks on recreational vessels. This is a primary Search and Rescue prevention program of the Coast Guard and Auxiliary.
- Recreational Boating Safety Visitor Program: Once qualified, you will be able to visit marine dealers to educate them on boating safety and gain their support for our boating safety program.
C. Instructor: Once qualified, you will be allowed to teach in the Auxiliary’s public education and member training programs. This program teaches you how to teach, not what to teach.
D. Radio Watchstander: Once qualified, you will be able to stand radio watches at Coast Guard and Auxiliary operated installations.
E. Aids to Navigation Verifiers: Once qualified you will be able to verify the operation, condition, and location of Aids used for navigation.
F. Advanced Training. Provides in-depth training that will improve your seamanship and boating skills and may lead to the AUXOP qualification. The six specialty courses are:
- Communications: This is a course on Auxiliary radio communications.
- Advanced Coastal Navigation: This is an in-depth course in coastal navigation that teaches much hands-on chart work as well as navigational theory.
- Patrols: This course teaches management, supervision, and participation in the Auxiliary Operational Patrol program.
- Seamanship: This course teaches all phases of recreational boating seamanship.
- Auxiliary Search Coordination and Execution specialty course: This course teaches how the Coast Guard runs its Search and Rescue program as well as techniques on how to perform search missions.
- Weather: This course teaches the basics on types of weather, how to forecast weather, and how to stay out of trouble due to changing weather conditions.
What can you expect from the Auxiliary?
Training! Many courses are available at no cost to you. These courses prepare members to actively support Auxiliary programs and initiatives. You will have the opportunity for personal growth by learning new skills and participating in many activities to support and assist the Coast Guard. The operations and educational activities that Auxiliarists perform will give you a sense of pride and accomplishment all while helping others.
As an Auxiliarist, you enjoy certain honors and privileges. Among them are the wearing of the Coast Guard Auxiliary uniform and proudly flying the Auxiliary’s “Blue Ensign”.
What the Auxiliary expects from you?
As a member, you are expected to contribute your time and talents in furthering our programs and initiatives. You individual service can be in one (or more) of several areas that assist the Coast Guard in their many mission areas. An extensive (but not necessarily complete) listing is shown on page 10. Let us know about your specific strengths and goals and together we will figure out how you may best contribute.
You will be expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner while participating in public service aimed at assisting the recreational boating public and the Coast Guard. Of course, fellowship is an important Auxiliary function and your participation is encouraged.Because we often interface with Coast Guard personnel, we are required to complete many of the same Mandated Training Courses that they have to complete. This training is available from a number of sources, including internet-based, self-study.
You are a member in AP Status. What can you do?
First understand everything we do is governed by Federal law and the Commandant’s Instructions for the Auxiliary. Auxiliarists in Approval Pending (AP) status still have huge opportunities to train and qualify in virtually any program in the Auxiliary.
While we understand that you may be frustrated by AP status, you should know that there are still a great many opportunities open to you – far, far more than those that may be closed or difficult.New members:
- Are issued Member Numbers and interim ID cards
- Vote
- Pay dues
- Serve on committees
- Take any and all Auxiliary courses
- Take any and all end-of-course exams associated with these courses New Members in AP Status:
- May train and qualify in any program of the Auxiliary just as other Auxiliarists in IQ, BQ, or AUXOP status EXCEPT FOR for coxswain, aviation certification, citizenship verifier or fingerprint technician.
- Until a new member receives a favorable security determination, aviation and boat coxswain certification will be limited to interim certifications, which may be granted by their DIRAUX
- Until a new member receives a favorable security determination, elected and staff officer positions will require an interim waiver granted by their DIRAUX
It is easy to take on too much at first; focus on being proficient in one program at a time. When your favorable security determination comes through you will no longer be required to team up with a fellow member who is already IQ, BQ or AX. You will be able to represent the Coast Guard and Auxiliary on your own at boat ramps, public affairs events and so much more. You will also be able to help mentor others in the wide variety of Auxiliary activities.
Further details and information are available in the on-line Auxiliary Manual at: 17-07-02-093004-213. and in the Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQ)
Every member is expected to participate in at least program area.
The Auxiliary’s primary function is to assist the Coast Guard in its mission of serving the public. As an Auxiliarist, you are expected to aid your flotilla in one (or more) of these programs, such as:
| Fellowship