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They are designed to assist the instructor/mentor in conducting formal classes and hands-on training for members qualifying in the Auxiliary Boat Crew Qualification Program. The SABOT (Standardized Auxiliary Boat Operations Training) material should be useful in assisting qualified members to improve their operational proficiency. The ppts follow the standards in the SABOT program, which are the same as used by the active duty. |
![]() Operations Training |
![]() COMO Robert District Staff Officer |
SABOT JOB AID (PDF): The Job Aid is designed to enhance overall Auxiliary operational proficiency by providing Auxiliary boat crews, boat crew mentors and qualification examiners (QEs) an easy to follow step-by-step guide for execution of all tasks contained in the Coxswain Currency Maintenance Check Ride, Enclosure (2), of the Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual (ABCTM), COMDTINST M16794.51(series). The Job Aid does not take the place of Enclosures (1) or (2) of the ABCTM. Rather, it is to be used to supplement the check sheet and to provide a comprehensive assessment of the task being undertaken during training or a check ride. The Job Aid provides an area for evaluation (SAT/UNSAT) and space for remarks for each task. The Job Aid should be used by operational members to assist them with training and for evaluating performance. It should also assist boat crew members with understanding the standards required for each task.
(lower res): This SABOT Training Guide is a compilation of information contained in the Boat Crew Seamanship Manual, COMDTINST M16114.5(series), The SABOT Job Aid, Navigation Rules, COMDTINST M16672.2(series), USCG Addendum (CGADD) to the National Search and Rescue Supplement (NSS), COMDTINST M16130.2(series), The Auxiliary Operations policy Manual, COMDTINST M16798.3(series), the old Auxiliary Towing Guide, (CG-484) and other information gathered from operational members. This guide was designed to place in one location the information from these various sources. It is not an official Coast Guard document but a collection of information from several documents and the experience gathered from many members.
CGD9 SABOT Unit 1 Outline (Doc): A brief review of Boat Handling with two underway exercises. This should be the first SABOT lesson taught. This outline is used in the “SABOT Boat Handling” power point presentation.
CGD9 SABOT Unit 2 Outline (Doc): A review of astern and alongside towing with four underway exercises. Heavy weather techniques are taught. Lesson 1 should be taught first. This lesson may be combined with lessons 3 and 4. This outline is used in the “SABOT Astern Towing” and “SABOT Alongside Towing” power point presentations.
CGD9 SABOT Unit 3 Outline (Doc): A review of piloting and navigation procedures with an exercise using a SAR Action Plan and a SAROPS printout. Lesson 1 should be taught first. This lesson may be combined with lesson 4 (Search and Rescue). This outline is followed in the “SABOT Piloting and Navigation” power point presentation.
CGD9 SABOT Unit 4 Outline (Doc): Covers the use of a SAROPS print-out and includes an underway exercise. All classroom chart work should be done before getting underway for the exercise. The objective is to complete all chart work, load the GPS and get underway in under 30 minutes. This outline is used in the “SABOT Search Patterns” power point presentation.
CGD9 SABOT Unit 5 Outline (Doc): Reviews heavy weather techniques for a “Man-overboard, Person-in-the-Water” recovery. The guidelines call for a MOB to be recovered (Stabilized alongside and under direct control of the crew) in under 3 minutes from the time of the MOB alarm. This outline is followed in the “SABOT MOB-PIW” power point presentation.
(Avoid using Chrome browser to download the PowerPoints)
MENTORING (40 ppt slides): Provides a thorough review of the Mentoring Guide published by the National Response Team in January of 2013. It describes the mentoring process as it should be conducted by all Auxiliary Mentors. It is recommended that all mentors and potential mentors review the information contained in this document.
CURRENCY (12 ppt slides): A review of the Boat Crew Program Currency requirements. The requirements for underway hours, NAV Rules exams, TCT training and check rides are reviewed for both crew and coxswains.
ANSC-7003 (20 ppt slides): Describes the “Vessel Facility Inspection and Offer for Use” form. It explains the requirements for each section and the information that must be provided by the owner-member.
EQUIPPING YOUR FACILITY (42 ppt slides): This is intended to guide a member when equipping their boat as a facility. It describes all required equipment on a facility and lists alternatives for many of them. This is especially helpful to a member that is equipping a vessel for the first time as a facility.
CG-4612 AUXILIARY SAR SUMMARY (22 ppt slides): Provides the process of completing the CG-4612 Auxiliary SAR Summary. It explains the information required for each block.
UNIFORMS (10 ppt slides): Reviews the uniform requirements for Auxiliary patrols. Our uniforms identify us as Coast Guard Auxiliary. Our public appearance is stressed. Often the public mistakes us as active duty Coast Guard.
PPE (44 ppt slides): A Coast Guard review of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required to be carried on all underway members of the Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary. It covers the required items, their inspection and maintenance.
RISK MANAGEMENT (4 hour annual) (102 Slides): This is the PowerPoint for the 4-hour Risk Management course that is required annually for all members qualifying or re-qualifying in the Auxiliary Boat Crew Program. The facilitator must be certified and use an appropriate case study for the exercises. It is suggested that an Auxiliary mishap would be the most appropriate.
STANDARD COMMANDS (10 ppt slides): Reviews “Standard Commands” that are used through-out the Coast Guard for: Line Handling, Anchoring, Helm, and General Commands. These commands and their responses should become the standard operating procedure throughout the Auxiliary.
RADIOTELEPHONE (22 ppt slides): Covers the standard operating procedures that all Auxiliary members should follow while operating under orders on a patrol. There is a review of “Pro-words” and the phonetic alphabet.
MARLINSPIKE (25 ppt slides): Lists the common types of lines and compares their strength, durability, elasticity and cost. It reviews considerations for selecting towlines, anchor lines, dock lines, etc. There is a brief discussion on line maintenance and a comparison of various knots and splices. Line storage emphasizes keeping the lines ready for quick access and use in an emergency.
OPERATIONS POLICY (79 ppt slides): Reviews the Coast Guard’s operational policy for Auxiliary Surface Operations. This information is taken from the Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual (COMDTINST M16798.3(series), the Coast Guard addendum to the National Search and Rescue Supplement (NSS) to the International Air and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual (IAMSAR) (COMDTINST M16130.2(series)), and Ninth District policies and directives. Included is information that all Auxiliary coxswains must know and that all crew qualified members should be familiar with. It is an excellent review for those members studying to take the “On-Line Operations Policy exam.
U.S. MARKING SYSTEM (39 ppt slides): This is a Coast Guard presentation that reviews the marking systems used on U.S. waterways. It covers the various Aids to Navigation (ATON) and their meanings.
SEARCH PATTERNS (73 ppt slides): This is a Coast Guard classroom presentation from the “Boat Forces Center C School”. It gives a complete discussion on the various search patterns used by the Coast Guard and their applications.
NAV RULES, GENERAL & SAILING (54 ppt slides): Contains 27 questions and answers on the General and Sailing rules taken from Rules 1-19 of the “Rules of the Road (International – Inland), COMDTINST M16672.2(series). It should be helpful to those studying to take the NAV RULES exam. There are two slides for each question. The first slide gives the question and possible answers while the second slide gives the question and possible answers with the correct answer in bold type.
NAV RULES, LIGHTS AND SHAPES (103 ppt slides): Contains 51 questions and answers on the Lights and Shapes rules taken from Rules 20-31 of the “Rules of the Road (International – Inland), COMDTINST M16672.2(series). It should be helpful to those studying to take the NAV RULES exam. There are two slides for each question. The first slide gives the question and possible answers while the second slide gives the question and possible answers with the correct answer in bold type.
NAV RULES, SOUND AND LIGHT SIGNALS (42 ppt slides): Contains 21 questions and answers on the Sound and Light Signal rules taken from Rules 32-38 of the “Rules of the Road (International – Inland), COMDTINST M16672.2(series). It should be helpful to those studying to take the NAV RULES exam. There are two slides for each question. The first slide gives the question and possible answers while the second slide gives the question and possible answers with the correct answer in bold type.
NAV RULES MADE EASY (99 slides): How to survive the NavRules exam.
PRE-UNDERWAY FACILITY CHECK (18 ppt slides): A classroom review of the procedures and the process that an Auxiliary Boat Crew is required to make of the facility and crew before getting underway. It is based on the NINTH DISTRICT SABOT JOB AID, Section “A”.
GENERAL TOWING (96 ppt slides): An all classroom presentation describing all aspects of Auxiliary towing. It should be helpful for teaching members qualifying in the Auxiliary Boat Crew Program. It is also serves as a good review of towing procedures after a winter lay-up.
SABOT BOAT HANDLING (39 ppt slides): A classroom review with an underway exercise on boat handling. An exercise is presented at the end of the presentation. This presentation should be first of the SABOT lessons as all others SABOT lessons are based on this one. It is based on the NINTH DISTRICT SABOT JOB AID, Section “B”. This power point presentation follows “SABOT Boat Handling” outline.
SABOT ASTERN TOWING (14 ppt slides): Includes a classroom review of astern towing procedures with an underway exercise. The lesson on Boat Handling should be taught first. This could be combined with the presentation on Alongside Towing. It is based on the NINTH DISTRICT SABOT JOB AID, Section “H”. This power point presentation follows the astern towing portion of the “SABOT Towing” outline.
SABOT ALONGSIDE TOWING (31 ppt slides): A classroom review with an underway exercise on alongside towing. The presentation on Boat Handling should be done first. This could be combined with the presentation on Astern Towing. It is based on the NINTH DISTRICT SABOT JOB AID, Section “H”. This power point presentation follows alongside towing portion of the “SABOT Towing” outline.
SABOT PILOTING AND NAVIGATION (13 ppt slides): A classroom review with an underway exercise on “PILOTING AND NAVIGATION”. The exercise could easily be combined with the exercise on search patterns. This presentation is based on the NINTH DISTRICT SABOT JOB AID, Section “E”. This power point presentation follows the “SABOT Piloting and Navigation” outline.
SABOT SEARCH PATTERNS (29 ppt slides): A classroom review of drifting Search Patterns with an underway exercise. The exercise could easily be combined with the exercise on Piloting and Navigation. It is based on the NINTH DISTRICT SABOT JOB AID, Section “G”. This power point presentation follows the “SABOT Search Patterns” outline.
SABOT MOB-PIW (13 ppt slides): A classroom review with an underway exercise of “Man Overboard” procedures (which includes “Person-In-the-Water” recovery) using heavy weather techniques. If you can do this in heavy weather, you can do it in any weather. Attention is given to operating into the prevailing conditions effecting the vessel and the PIW. The exercise may be combined with the presentation on Boat Handing. This presentation is based on the NINTH DISTRICT SABOT JOB AID, Section “C”. This power point presentation follows the “SABOT MOB-PIW” outline.
SABOT ANCHORING (21 ppt slides): A classroom review with an underway exercise on anchoring. The exercise may be combined with any of the SABOT exercises on boat handling. This presentation follows the NINTH DISTRICT SABOT JOB AID, Section “D”.
SABOT LOCKING (14 ppt slides): A classroom presentation on locking procedures. This presentation follows the NINTH DISTRICT SABOT JOB AID, Section “F”.
NIGHT OPERATIONS (25 ppt slides): A review of precautions and procedures for operating at night.