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OPFAC # 38333
- Phone: 907-723-3038
- Owner: Richard Rogers
- Registration Number: AK-2285-AV
- OPFAC#: 383333
- Vessel Location: Security Bay
- Vessel Name: Sundance
- Latitude: 56 50.5 N
- Longitude: 134 18.9 W
- Status: (CHARLIE) RED
- Time To Make Ready: 30 min
- Manufacturer: Bayliner
- Length: 38.2
- Horse Power: 420
- Fuel Capacity: 300
- Facility Availability: ALL
- Options: 2-Head, Heater, Range, Overnight 5 person, Two portable 2 inch gas dewatering pumps, 6 man Canister life raft
- Comments: Range 300 miles There are 400 additional Gallons of fuel on location
- Updated: 02/15/2025
OPFAC# 252309
- Phone: 907 321 4417
- Owner: Jean M. Butler
- Registration Number: AK 8054 AG
- OPFAC#: 252309
- Vessel Name:
- Vessel Location: Statter Harbor, Juneau
- Latitude: 52-24N
- Longitude: 13533.8W: 134-45W
- Status:GREEN (BROVO)
Time To Make Ready: Over 6 Hours
- Manufacturer: Parker
- Length: 25'
- Horse Power: 230
- Fuel Capacity: 122 gallons diesel
- Facility Availability: ALL
- Options: Trailerable
- Comments:
- Updated: 07/31/2024