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The new member typically starts strong – eager, interested and open. They are polite, a bit reserved and sometimes shy. The flotilla rallies around; introducing themselves and making small talk. As the current members start to resume their customary friendships and activities, thoughts about the new member recede. And the new member loses interest, stops attending functions and “fades away”.

This material will focus on what we, as existing flotilla members can do differently. 

After studying this material, the flotilla member will be able to:

1. Identify why new members feel uncomfortable and awkward for an extended period of time.
2. Explain the difference between integration and orientation.
3. Describe the concerns of a new member.
4. Review the group dynamic model.
5. List the three elements of a good integration process.
6. Explain the role of advisors.
7. Define the role of the Flotilla Commander in integrating a new member.
8. Generate a list of integration activities.
9. Develop a six month integration plan for a new member.

