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Thu, 13 Jun 24  

Members of Mission Bay Coast Guard Auxiliary turned out on Saturday, June 8, 2024 to help prepare the Mission Bay Boy Scouts of America facility for summer camp season. This is an annual activity for the flotilla, when our members perform safety checks on the camp’s fleet of sailboats, paddle craft and personal safety equipment.

Flotilla 1-5 with BSA Shelter Island

Photo Caption: Flotilla Commander Paul Connors (center) is flanked by (left to right) Ken Stammer, Rick Morrison, Chris Lunka (Program Director), Dan Ontiveros (Camping Director), Randy Seefeldt, Mark Holmes.
(Attendees not pictured Gisselle Parnell, Skip Thompson)

Randy Seefeldt coordinates this event for our flotilla and has done so for several years, which up until this year he did with the help of fellow auxiliarist Robert Johnson. Many of our members knew Robert well and were saddened by his recent passing. Rick Morrison, our chaplain, started proceeding by leading us in a moment of silence in remembrance of Robert.

After downing coffee and bagels kindly catered by Randy, the day’s tasks seemed undaunting and the team got started with enthusiasm.

Photo Caption: First task of the day was to inspect the lifejackets. The locker contained over 300 lifejackets and two black widow spiders, which were quickly relocated. Over 300 lifejackets were inspected, leaving 282 serviceable ones.

Camping Director, Dan Ontiveros, showed us boxes containing 102 brand new lifejackets the Boy Scouts just purchased with grant money from the USCG & the California Division of Boating & Waterways. These more than made up for the lifejackets that were retired during our inspection. USCG grants are key in allowing Dan to teach boating safety classes to over 1700 scouts throughout the year.


Photo Caption: 
Rick Morrison enthusiastically inspecting lifejackets of all sizes and colors

While some worked on lifejackets, vessel examiners got to work inspecting the large number of paddle boards, canoes and kayaks on site. 


Photo Caption: Ken Stammer examining kayaks

At the end of a busy morning, USCG auxiliary members had inspected 5 Hobie Cats, 28 standup paddleboards, 19 canoes, 43 kayaks, 195 paddles and approved 282 lifejackets. Dan Ontiveros made sure all members participating received BSA CFI 100th Anniversary badges before departing.

Flotilla Commander, Paul Connors, declared it a job well done and an opportunity to share in our recreational boating safety mission and fellowship. We plan to be back next year to repeat this Mission Bay flotilla marquee event.

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