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U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Enrollment Kit

I Want You, Uncle Sam PosterThe membership process for the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary consists of the following steps:

First, contact the Flotilla 1-5 Human Resources Officer (FSO-HR) to express your interest, and to receive an invitation to a flotilla meeting.

Second, complete the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Enrollment Application, including proof of citizenship. Fingerprinting is no longer required. See additional comments below.

Third, carefully study the New Member Reference Guide.

Finally, schedule taking the New Member Examination (multiple choice) in front of a designated proctor from your prospective flotilla.


The Enrollment Application includes a simple security questionnaire for the normal, or "Operational Security" (OS) clearance level, which all Auxiliarists have completed. Applicants may complete the entire application in advance. Proof of citizenship (passport or Certificate of Nationalization) will be required. Membership is open to all US citizens over 17 years of age, including those holding dual citizenship.

After studying the New Member Reference Guide, applicants should arrange to take the multiple-choice New Member Examination in the presence of a Flotilla officer, as arranged through the Flotilla Commander. As an additional study aid, the New Member Exam Study Guide, may also be downloaded below.

The FSO-HR will then submit the entire package, consisting of Application, Fingerprint Card, and Exam Score Sheet to the Director of Auxiliary (DIRAUX) for processing. All applicants will ultimately receive a confirming letter from the DIRAUX, and when appropriate, a membership number and additional information.

All of the resources necessary for this process may be found below. If you have any questions, contact any Flotilla Commander or the Flotilla Staff Officer - Human Resources (FSO-HR).