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Monthly meetings - 7:00PM on the last Wednesday of the month (except December) at the Fond du Lac Yacht Club.

Member Education - focused on advanced boating education and Auxiliary training, usually conducted after Flotilla meetings throughout the year

Public Boating Safety Classes - held in the spring of each year at the Fond du Lac Yacht Club.

Vessel Safety Checks - a weekend blitz kicks off in May at the start of National Safe Boating Week and continues with several more during the summer.

EAA - various levels of support is provided where/when capable for the Experimental Aircraft Association annual air show held late July in Oshkosh.

Change of Watch - Celebrating the annual induction of leadership at the Division and Flotilla level Change of Watch is a fellowship opportunity to meet Auxiliarists from all around the District.

Summer Picnic - Typically held in August / September, the Flotilla organizes a day just for us.  A cookout with good eats, a few drinks, and a little planned activity just so we can enjoy each other's company. 

1979 Picnic Summer Picnic 1980Summer Picnic 1981

Summer Picnic 1987 Summer Picnic 2007Summer Picnic 2008 - FDL Spirit Cruise