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AP |
Application Pending During this time period the member is awaiting the results of the PSI (Personnel Security Investigation) form submitted. |
IQ |
Initially Qualified The PSI (Personnel Security Investigation) has been completed with no questions or issues. |
BQ |
Basically Qualified Issued when the member completes the safe boating classes and passes the boating class test. |
- Most positions in the auxiliary are called OS or operational support for the Coast Guard and once the PSI is completed nothing more needs to be done for security purposes.
- Some positions in the auxiliary require a DO or Direct Operational Support and require that the member fill out and submit the Standard Form 86 for a higher security clearance, such as for aircraft pilots, radio watchstanders, etc.
Instructors may teach any auxiliary Public Education course or Member Training Course.
- Must have BQ status
- Must complete Risk Management Course
- Must complete instructor course and achieve test score of at least 90
- Teach a minimum of two classes, one 10 minute class and one 30 minute class under supervision
- The above requirements may be waived if the individual holds or held a recent teaching certificate or has taught at an academic center or in military a setting. (All waives must go to the Director's Office with documentation)
- Members of the United States Power Squadron will be certified by the Auxiliary if they have successfully completed the IT Development Course.
- Individual must teach a minimum of one 2 hour class per year, or 4 hours per year as an assistant instructor.
Qualification enables you to participate in valuable safety outreach and education program. You will become a resource for your local recreational boating community by establishing "community partners" and to visit them on a regular basis. You will share information and documentation on boating, boating safety and other information like environmental alerts, federal and state requirements.
- Must have BQ status
- Must complete Risk Management Course
- Must pass the RBS-VP open book test with a minimum of 90
- Complete two practice visits under supervision
- Must perform a minimum of 4 visits per year
Auxiliary VE's are trained and qualified to perform safety examinations of different vessels. The safety examination will also evaluate if the vessel meets minimal federal and state rules and regulation compliance.
- Must have BQ status
- Must complete Risk Management Course
- Must pass written test within 3 hours and score a minimum of 90
- Must perform 5 vessel examines under supervision
- Must perform a minimum of 5 vessel examinations per year
The world of Surface Operations is exciting, fast paced and demanding. When operating under orders, qualified Auxiliary Coxswains and Crew members, are considered to be Coast Guard Coxswains and Crew. In addition, Auxiliary Boats, while assigned to authorized duty, are deemed to be Coast Guard boats. This means that, to be a member of a boat crew it is not enough just to know how to run a boat; Coxswains and Crew members must be able to operate the Coast Guard way.
- Coxswain
- Personal Watercraft Craft
- Boat Crew
- Must have BQ status
- Must complete ICS (Incident Command System) courses 100 and 700 (plus 200, 210, and 800 for coxswain)
- Must complete TCT (Team Coordination Training) Course
- Must complete Risk Management Course
- Must be physically capable to perform the duties
- All classes
- All on the water tasks
- All checks (proof of knowledge) & written tests
- Check off ride with QE (Qualification Examiner)
- Must participate in at least 12 hours per year in authorized operations
- Recheck every three years with on the water task and ride check offs
Communication watchstanders are an extremely important element in the Coast Guard’s Command/Control System. In addition, they represent the Coast Guard to the marine public and serve an important public relations function.
- Must have BQ status
- Must complete ICS (Incident Command System) courses 100, 200, 210, 700 and 800
- Must complete TCT (Team Coordination Training) Course
- Must complete Risk Management Course
- Must have DO (Direct Operational Support) security clearance.
- Must successfully complete the Auxiliary Communications Course
- Must have all tasks in the radio watchstanders guide completed successfully and checked off by station personnel, while working at the station communication center
- Must complete all written and oral examinations by the local Coast Guard Station and be certified by the station commanding officer or officer in charge
Aircraft Commander, First pilot, Second Pilot, Air Crew, Air Observer
- Must have BQ status
- Must complete ICS (Incident Command System) courses 100, 200, 210, 700 and 800
- Must complete TCT (Team Coordination Training) Course
- Must complete Risk Management Course
- For all Pilots
- Must have FAA license
- Current on physical
- Have a check ride with Coast Guard Auxiliary
- Have plane inspected by Coast Guard
- Be physically fit for yearly water dunk
- Be able to climb into life raft from water
- Must meet yearly qualifications
- Must have BQ status
- Must complete ICS (Incident Command System) courses 100 and 700
- Must study "Finger Print Technician Guide" and pass online examination through the National Testing Center
- Must complete 3 satisfactory sample fingerprints under supervision
1. Introduction to Risk Management Course ONLY
Auxiliary Food Service Specialist
Auxiliary Public Affairs Specialist (All Levels)
Certified CPR Provider
Certified EMT
Certified First Aid Provider
Certified Paramedic
Auxiliary Build (AUXBUILD) Program
Vessel Examiner
2. TCT Initial and TCT Refresher
Boat Crew Coxswain
Boat Crew Crewmember
Personal Watercraft Operator
Personal Watercraft Operator (In Training)
AUXPAD Operator
AUXPAD Sit on Top Operator
Qualification Examiner
AUXPAD Qualification Examiner
Aid to Navigation Technician
Aid to Navigation Verifier –PQS
Telecommunications Operator
Assistant Container Inspector
Assistant Facilities Inspector
Assistant Life Raft Inspector
Assistant Pollution Investigator
Assistant Pollution Response Specialist
Assistant Port State Control Examiner
Aux Assistant Barge Inspector
Aux Assistant Foreign Freight Vessel Examiner
Aux Assistant Foreign Passenger Vessel Examiner
Aux Assistant Hull Inspector
Aux Assistant Machinery Inspector (Steam)
Aux Assistant Marine Casualty Investigator
Aux Assistant Maritime Enforcement Investigator
Aux Assistant T-Boat Inspector
Uninspected Passenger Vessel Examiner
Commercial Fishing Vessel Examiner
Uninspected Towing Vessel Examiner
1. All Elected Positions
2. Following Appointed Positions – Flotilla, Division, and District:
Aviation (AV)Operations (OP)
Communications (CM)
Member Training (MT)
Flight Safety Officer (DFSO)
Navigation Systems (NS)
Marine Safety and Environmental Protection(MS)
Marketing and Public Affairs (PA)
District Directors of Response
District Directors of Prevention
District Directors of Logistics
Auxiliary Sector Coordinators
Auxiliary Unit Coordinators